6 wks flower. pics. how am i doin? looks like a problem startin....


ok, so monday started 6 weeks into flower. noticed the yellowing tuesday. its gotten worse since then. i understand that leaves yellow and die during the last weeks of flower but im still giving nutes. (advanced nutes grow, micro, bloom., 400w hps, hydro).
i have had no problems up until a couple days ago. is this normal? deficiency? am i just buggin out?
thanks for the help peeps!!


Active Member
looks like it could even be just some natural sluffing off of fan leaves ... this late in the game - unless it gets much worse I wouldn't build up too many nutes . Looks like you should be starting flushing soon anyway . I dunno .. imo I would just ride it out ... they look basically healthy to me . Good luck - hope it gives you good dank .........


looks like it could even be just some natural sluffing off of fan leaves ... this late in the game - unless it gets much worse I wouldn't build up too many nutes . Looks like you should be starting flushing soon anyway . I dunno .. imo I would just ride it out ... they look basically healthy to me . Good luck - hope it gives you good dank .........
yeah, im thinkin they're fine. im about a week away from flush. sound right?


Active Member
With all the white hairs I see I'm thinking you'll have a 10+ week flower, so maybe in another 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I've had white hairs at 8 weeks I went to 10 weeks and they were still white:lol:So now their all done at 8 weeks or to bad:lol:


Well-Known Member
They are a very deep green and clawed so it looks like close to over fert, back the nutes off by 10-20%. They look good otherwise.


Yeah, according to the nute schedule I drop em starting this week. Next week less and then flush. Think I'm pretty good on schedule. Ima harvest twice to get as much from the lower growth. Which is actually further along then the tops....strange...
Check out my journal. This is my first "successful" grow so all help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I can 99% accurately say that it's heat stress, increase your airflow if you can. I wouldn't flush for another 3 weeks as they are only half way done. The later you get into flower the more heat and humidity problems you will run into so you really have to address this issue or mold and bud rot will be your next problem. Heat issues will also end up yielding you airy fluffy buds instead of beautiful dense nugs. For the love of Mary Jane please heed my words, I hate seeing depressed plants.


Yeah heats always been a problem. I don't have enough vent to stop the heat from the light. I tried the fan directly on the bulb and its worked so far but know its always hot in there...have no way to fix it either....


Right now they've been awake for about 45 min. And the temp is.....a little over 90 with humidity at 30. I noticed that when I open the door in the "morning" the humidity is way up near 60-70. Had a bowl of water in there to raise the humidity and taking it out seemed to help the prob.
I think my biggest problem is at night. When I close up for lights out there's only a small opening in the closet to allow for vent.(I have a fan there to pull out air.) I pretty much seal the whole thing up so as not to get any light in. It's a catch22; leave the plastic off the door for nighttime vent, or close it and get high temps and humidity, but no worry about light....
I'm gonna keep on the way I have. But I am definitely fighting with the heat. At least its hot outside and now I have to use the ac! Hopefully it helps some.