Spider Mites?


Active Member
Just got a clone of some blockhead.
The leaves have me a little worried. Does this look like spider mites or some sort of nute def?

A friend got the clone from a cafe, when he got it he thought the same so he says he sprayed and a few other things. If this plant DOES have mites or did I dont want it in my garden. Let me know what you think. Dots are more yellow than white if that helps




Well-Known Member
Only way to be sure is look under the leaves with a magnifier, if you see little crab like things you got them. They are very hard to kill off, can be done.


Active Member
Only way to be sure is look under the leaves with a magnifier, if you see little crab like things you got them. They are very hard to kill off, can be done.
If there were crab like things under the leaves my friend would have washed them off when he was treating it for mites. He said when he got the cutting and looked he didnt see any mites under the leaves but the look of the tops of the leaves made him take precautionary measures and treat this clone for mites.
Looks very likely. Do you have anything else growing at the moment?
I haven't put them into my garden yet. It's just sitting in an open room at the moment

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
If there were crab like things under the leaves my friend would have washed them off when he was treating it for mites. He said when he got the cutting and looked he didnt see any mites under the leaves but the look of the tops of the leaves made him take precautionary measures and treat this clone for mites.

I haven't put them into my garden yet. It's just sitting in an open room at the moment
My first experience with mites I got some clones. I saw the spots but were more like tiny scratches and didn't appear to be affecting any new growth. I figured they had been treated alrady and I grew the out. I never saw the bugs (I should have looked harder but eve since lasik eye surgery i ccannot see thing close up well like I used to), my plants were lush and green I put it into flowering and within days it was covered in them and webs. Just cuz you don't see them doesn't mean they are not there, and they can lay dormant just waiting for the right environment to start a breeding frenzy. They aren't invincible though there are ways to kill them if you wanted to grow the clones.


Active Member
My first experience with mites I got some clones. I saw the spots but were more like tiny scratches and didn't appear to be affecting any new growth. I figured they had been treated alrady and I grew the out. I never saw the bugs (I should have looked harder but eve since lasik eye surgery i ccannot see thing close up well like I used to), my plants were lush and green I put it into flowering and within days it was covered in them and webs. Just cuz you don't see them doesn't mean they are not there, and they can lay dormant just waiting for the right environment to start a breeding frenzy. They aren't invincible though there are ways to kill them if you wanted to grow the clones.
yes, I think I will politely give them back. I dont need the added headach grrr


Active Member
Thats spider mites, no deficiency looks like that. Just like woods says, look under the leaves and in the nodes of the plant, you should see tiny opaque eggs and baby mites and brownish little guys crawling around. If you dont want to pony up for some aza max, mix this; canola oil 1/2 tsp, dish soap 1/4 tsp and a 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water in a quart sized spray bottle, all of this can be bought at the freaking dollar store. The alcohol kills the guys, the oil keeps new ones off and the soap makes it all stick.


Active Member
Don't spider mites come with WHITE spots on the top of the leaves, or do they also come with yellow spots on the top of the leaves?


Active Member
White, yellow it doesnt matter, spots that small and all over like that are mites. Give the plant back or destroy it, clones are easy to come by, no sense in bringing in possible pests in your grow sanctuary.


Active Member
Well, hang on, first things first. What kind of light source and how close to the plant is it? What kind of soil are you using and have you used nutes?
A couple of your pics have me sold on mites; yet a couple have me sold on nute burn.
I had mites last year. They looked like what some of your leaves show. As another poster pointed out, cough up some dough for Aza Max. The stuff is wonderful and saved last years crop for me.
Even if it is NOT insects, the Aza will be a nice guard against during the entire grow.


Active Member
Well the tip on one looks brown and crispy, either over watering or nute burn, since none of the others show signs of burn it was probably an overzealous water boy at the helm.
In my experience there is no reason trying to save crappy clones, because they will give you crappy results. If you're crop is at stake then bust out the aza max, it aint cheap at $20 for 4 oz's, new clones are cheaper.


Well-Known Member
It's a good idea if you really don't need the clone. Spider mites have a 5 to 7 day cycle so you need to treat every 5 to 7 days for 3 weeks to end the cycle with natural remedies of go with Avid or azamax. If sm think they are under attack they start laying eggs, incredible little bastards.
Definitely mites! and a little nute burn... I never post but i'm intent on saving you the destruction this will cause, throw it away now and bleach anywhere it's been. This may seem like an over reaction but anyone else who has had them will agree

good luck!