Back At It Again


Well-Known Member
guy at the worm farm sold me the bed load of soil for $100 flat! its their special blend.
View attachment 1648246

My boxes are 3parts this and 1part native soil
The guy at the Feed Store sold me a half yard of their "potting soil" for $40. Fuckers ripped me off.
I like buying their forest humus and mushroom compost and mixing up my own blend, but hell that's $75 bucks for 2 scoops, then all the other goodies I need to add, expensive.
Great deal Medi!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Total costs so far...
$100 for soil
$100 clones
$60 seeds
$100 Maxsea 16-16-16 20lbs
$50 1x2x8 wood strips
=$460 total into my grow so far... this will go up a little more because i am going to get the auto water system soon...
damn. solid deal. my setup ran me near $2k.


Yea that a great deal, I took the cheaper route this year with soil because i decided that after a month or so the nutrients wash out anyways. I then feed them my guano tea which also has worm castings in it and they love it!!

Worm castings=gold:lol:


Well-Known Member
My little 12 grow is cheapy, and I'm already paying for it! I used horse manure(cause it's free) and I know the dangers of using it goin' in, but my landlord said it was 3 years old, but some wasn't. I burned the hell out of about 5 plants, and had to restart.haha rookie mistake trying to go cheap.
Your deal there looks solid for sure, I have waaay more than that in my big 6 cause I spared no expence on those. The horse shit grow will really take off once I get it down to not burning,they will take off like a bat outta hell.


Active Member



Well-Known Member
uggh i hate that part lol! i wish it grew perfectly manicured! lol
You breed that strain, you're set for wish it did too, and I'm seriously thinking about making a DIY trimmer this year, but something that actually'm thinking I'm gonna cannabalize a 5 HP ShopVac and an electric string trimmer(weed whacker), find some way to mount the head of the trimmer in a box, put a screen over it, and get some suction going on with the vaccuum. Add a lil mesh bag to catch the trim and PRESTO! At least the idea feels good inside my


Active Member
Whats up guys. sorry Ive been out for a few days. I went camping for my birthday up at Lewiston Reservoir. Beautiful place in Trinity county. Anyways got back last night and tended to the garden this morning! this was the beautiful sight I saw today! I gave them their first bite of maxsea! things should be getting even better!



Active Member
o ya success with the referendum!!! Last i heard they had 13,700 signatures and still counting. All they need to do is have 60% be valid, which we all know will happen!!! We get to keep all our girls!!! Im stoked!!!


Well-Known Member
You breed that strain, you're set for wish it did too, and I'm seriously thinking about making a DIY trimmer this year, but something that actually'm thinking I'm gonna cannabalize a 5 HP ShopVac and an electric string trimmer(weed whacker), find some way to mount the head of the trimmer in a box, put a screen over it, and get some suction going on with the vaccuum. Add a lil mesh bag to catch the trim and PRESTO! At least the idea feels good inside my
I was gonna turn my elect lawn mower upside down, take the wheels off & put my webber bbq grill over it. I measured it, it would fit. Even has a catch bag!



Well-Known Member
yea well, I tried a couple different trimmers and nothin beats a room full of young hippy girls with short pants and fast hands!!


Well-Known Member
jesus christ nevilles haze is fucking tall.
im guessing that mofos gonna be at least 12-13ft when its done

when did you start that monster. looking great bro.


Active Member
jesus christ nevilles haze is fucking tall.
im guessing that mofos gonna be at least 12-13ft when its done

when did you start that monster. looking great bro.
all the seeds i got were germinated in the first couple weeks of march, i also got the clones around the same time but the seed girls are MUCH bigger than the clones! and today was the first day with the maxsea!