Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt I would leave em in solo cups till they are ready for there final pot.. the less transplants the better.. less chances to stress em :) O when i said training I meant .... topping.. supercropping .. lst ect.. just ways to get more yield .. manage height and increase the amount of big cola's .. Specially with a 400 watter.. they only penetrate a foot or 2 into the canopy .. so the more of the plant you can expose the better .. because the little lower stuff just ends up being airy popcorn buds.


Well-Known Member
I looked up a lot about topping and super cropping and lsting and fiming and what not, but don't exactly know what they mean because all the videos and pictures or whatever never really explains in full detail.. it just shows your how they do it you know?


Well-Known Member
That was perfect, know exactly what to do now haha nice! thanks man..

and yea, it seems you're the only one who likes me :/


Well-Known Member
I checked out that video, it seems to make sense.. but their plants look completely different than mine, it's almost like all of their plants look perfect for topping, where mine are kindof hard to judge where I should cut.

Also, upon further examination of the desert dream, i saw 2 leaves that have some brown-ness forming.. didn't notice this three hours ago... maybe it's stress from the trasnfer? I also topped this plant earlier at the point where I thought it should be topped.. could that be it aswell?



Well-Known Member
Did you get water on the leaves with your lights on .. it can burn em.. kinda like a magnifying glass effect .


Well-Known Member
Once again you are most likely right my fine sir.

Thank you for the ongoing and ever lasting knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Haha god damn, Lights off at 3, but I stayed up for a bit with the old lady.

Lights on at 9, woke up and checked temp/humidity.. perfect.
Opened up some more vents to just make sure the temp stays low while I sleep :P
but now I finally woke up, and wow do my girlies look good.

Desert dream is now almost hitting 11 inches! and since I cut that part of the plant last night I thought was the 'top' it caused the two lower branches to fucking spring off and race.

But all my girls look lovely, no accel on that spidermite/thrip problem i thought I had yesterday, everything looks the same and under control. I also read up on neem oil and how to use it and whatnot, so if anything starts looking iffy, another trip to the hydrostore lol.

One thing though, my northern lights clone looks like it was already topped o_O.. pictures below.



Well-Known Member
Looks awesome and your NL should turn into a little bush... I would try a little lst too .. should help with the penetration of the 400 watter. Neem can be used as a preventive.... for just about everything so if you can afford it .. it wont hurt to use it before you get any bug problems... Where you live mites are abundant just like here because of all the heat. Try to take your shoes off before you get near the plants.. and change your clothes if you been outside alot....


Well-Known Member
Nice start to a 1st grow, nice to see somebody do some studying prior to starting.

Speaking of bugs. I was trying to look real close to your recent photos of your new clones, and in photo # 2 it kinda looks like there are little yellow spots on the leaves of the clone at the bottom of the photo, could be wrong , old eyes, small photo etc. but if there are little yellow spots on the top of the leaf then most likely you have mites.

I don't know your life style, but with a tent in the bdrm you're going to have to deal with bugs, it you have pets, that go in and out, you will get bugs, if you go out in the world and touch nature, you will get bugs.

You can deal with them once you know you have them, which means they are already thick in most circumstances. Or you can do maintenance and keep them from ever showing their evil heads.

Treatment is the same either way with any toxin you use (toxin to bug that is). The most friendly method is with "Neem Oil", or "Rosemary Oil" or many other natural oils. Then there are the Azmax series of products, which I personally haven't used.

I would personally recommend Neem or my current favorite "freti-loom - Fruit Tree Spray" this is an miticide, insecticide, and fungicide. No matter the product if you get bugs you have to spray once a wk for at least 3 wks. I do maintenance and spray every week till week 5 of flower and I don't have bugs period.

A lot of talk about your ventilation, but if you are going to add a 2nd fan, make them both exhaust. 1st the light, set it up the way you started with an intake duct from outside the tent, and extent it outside the house, as was mentioned earlier. Then the 2nd fan is for the tent ventilation only, carbon filter in the tent, sucking out and vent it outside also if possible if not vent this one in the bdrm. Inlet to tent, again as mentioned before, use a piece of flex duct from a bottom inlet, put a couple of curves in it, to keep the light out and keep the end off the floor to minimize bug intrusion. Keep the tent closed as much as possible.

Nutes- The FFOF soil will do for the youngin's. For the plant that's already in the 5gal pot (not a good idea,,, again as mentioned) you are going to have to use some liquid ferts, and there are 100's. I would say keep it simple in the 1st grow and go with something like Botanticare or a basic General Hydro product. You'll need a grow (veg) and bloom (flower) product. I have many ideas for the future growing of the clones fert schedule, but you should stick to one program for all plants during your 1st grow. (Use the Botanticare I've never seen or heard of anyone kill with these ferts)

Rule of thumb - More MJ plants have been killed from over care than from neglect.

I wish you the best of luck on your 1st grow, be patient and good things will come.


Well-Known Member
Wow me and you aren't alone alotaball!!!

haha, thank you for your LARGE and well thought out reply.
I can't thank you enough.

And yes, you are right about the little yellow dots on the one of the clones, it seems like it hasn't really spread but i'm going to take a closer look, any idea what to look for when it comes to spider mites cause I have looked at EVERY single leaf on all of my plants and can't find a damn bug to kill lol. It hasn't spread to any other plants aswell, and i'm going to officially keep my dog + cats out of my bedroom and vacuum the carpet every day. I really don't go outside much just cause i'm a homebody and live in the desert.. so i think i'm fine.

BUT, you'll probably hate me for this, I do smoke cigarettes but i'm cutting back and soon quitting for my new babies. I was wondering, is it true nicotine really is my plants arch nemesis? Cause I could really go without washing my hands w/ soap and alcohol everytime I want to touch them lol.

The other clone I have is actually in a 1Gal pot, i'm waiting till the other clones catch up to it in the solo cups before I trasnfer them all into 5GAL pots, hopefully within the next 2 weeks.

Any ideas on when I should start flower? I'm hoping to yield ATLEAST 2 oz off each plant, but patience isn't out of the question.. i wouldn't mind waiting for the best results.

I'm also going to probably go with general hydro, and i've read it usually comes with a Grow, Bloom, and Micro, i've also went to the hydro store and looked at them myself.
But i'm going to need a PH Meter, and also the nutrients, so roughly i'm looking at another 100$.. so I have to wait atleast 2 weeks before I pick them up, you think i'll be fine till then?

Thank you, thank you thank you. And i'm trying to give them less care but it's hard with all the new found excitement... But today I just left them alone and kept an eye on their temp/humidity and made sure their tent is below 80, even though i'm friggin freezing in my apartment. I've noticed, 74 in my apartment AC wise = 80 and below in my tent.


Well-Known Member
Nutes- The FFOF soil will do for the youngin's. For the plant that's already in the 5gal pot (not a good idea,,, again as mentioned) you are going to have to use some liquid ferts, and there are 100's. I would say keep it simple in the 1st grow and go with something like Botanticare or a basic General Hydro product. You'll need a grow (veg) and bloom (flower) product. I have many ideas for the future growing of the clones fert schedule, but you should stick to one program for all plants during your 1st grow. (Use the Botanticare I've never seen or heard of anyone kill with these ferts)
Are you saying that people actually buy and use completely different nutes for different plants at the same time?!!??!
wow.... I got it in for me.
God, I keep telling my two friends that know i'm growing that I really don't know shit, and I only know probably .01% of the knowledge that comes with this, but they think im a genius and im nuts for knowing so much.
But then again they think i'm crazy for spending 5+ hours a day reading through this forums lol.


Well-Known Member
You wont need to use nutes for a few weeks when using the ffof soil.. basically you will be using exactly what I am.. nutes and soil .. I use grow bloom and micro from GH.. Ill pm you a feed chart because those nutes designed for hydro but work very well for soil as well as long as you use the right amounts..I found the soil feed chart from another site I dont remember where during my hours of reading while baked.. and it worked well never burnt any of my plants and they stayed very nice dark green. I would try to get them to atleast 18 inches maybe closer to 2ft since yours all mostly indica and are not gonna stretch much with the exception of the blue dream. Your nutes shouldnt be that much .. you will use very very little so buy the smallest bottles for now.. also you can buy a cheaper ph meter.. just make sure it has a warranty and buy the calibration liquid... I can explain in more detail later.. but with the cheaper meters they just seem to loose calibration often.. my first meter was like 15 bucks.. but I calibrated it like once a week.. but it was still LEAPS AND BOUNDS better then strips or drops for checking ph.. You can always upgrade to a nice one later and you will have a back up :)
I use rasta bobs death mite for preventive maintance for mites.. I dont have em but just do a weekly spraying just incase.. because I go to 3 other people's grows on a weekly basis.. the rasta bobs works good as a preventive .. but wont kill a infestation.. most of the organics are good preventives but once they set in .. it takes chemicals to get rid of em. I like the rasta bobs also cus it smells like vicks vapor rub and doesnt smell bad like alot of other sprays.. Its made from rosemary oil all organic. Neem is also very good and is a great preventive.. Talk to ya soon buddy!


Well-Known Member
CHECK this out bro.. shows you at what ph your water has to be for the plants to access certain nutes .. comes in handy..



Well-Known Member
But then again they think i'm crazy for spending 5+ hours a day reading through this forums lol.

They wont when your first grow is better chronic then they can buy for 20 bucks a gram at the clinic.. your doing exactly what I did before I started my first grow.. and my plants look nicer then anyone elses at the collective now.. and they have been growing for a few years.. now they ask me .. what I think about things.. lol .. knowledge is a tool.. you can never have too many tools.. you got a good start already bro.. im sure you will end up with greater results because of it!!