Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

I would be so pissed at your dog if I were you.

I cannot believe your dog stole all your shit and just dipped.
mans best friend my ass...
That's exactly what I was told by multiple officers.
And I think its fucking retarded, their shouldn't be an issue but their is.
The cops even called this guy a chickenshit

I wouldn`t listen to police officers, they don`t give a damn about your situation. All of them want this to end quietly as possible and maybe thats why multiple officers are telling you the same thing. I`m not sure if I understand this thing %100, but your more right than ever by the sounds of it. Take whatever legal action you can, the guys obviously an asshole.
I'm not advising you do this, but if you could (if you have access to hard drugs) buy something that carries a heavy felony offense, find a way to plant it on his car, vehicle, or person then turn the tables on him, call the police saying he's a dealer. That or you could roll up on his place around 3 a.m. and pour a couple milk jugs full of concrete into his a/c unit. Get devious man!
haha i fucking love it!
I'm pretty sure I'm the first person in the thread to say this, which surprises me considering this is RIU, and I could be wrong because of that whole automatic immediate lights and sirens thing, but...


like "okay this dumb old bitch believes everything she hears from a guy in the least likely position to tell the truth, we didn't ask this lady who told her that her daughter or neice was kidnapped by her own fiancee or why, we just got a phone call and went into your house, and we didn't see you guys there so we looked through every drawer and cabinet because you both could be really small"
" They then tell me that whoever I spoke to the previous day, probably NEVER FILED THE REPORTS YET."

yeah man.. generally, police reports take up to 48 hours before they're actually entered into the system.

you would think it would be instant with today's technology, but its not.

the hell part of it all was my bud got life in prison with no chance of parole and his ex ol lady is fucking a deformed face looking fucker and his kids are calling him dad.

He emptied a mag into someone's face for fucking his wife, he may not deserve life, but a long hefty sentence.. you can't just do that shit, by all means kick the shit out of the guy, or fuck him over some other way but jesus.

Funny though, if that was the u.k he woulda been out in 5 years most likely if that.
hey i would get a lawyer, you said they cops took your weed and shit but they should of had no reason to enter your household so i think you can fight the pot charges .
I'm confussed, it says "raided by the cops"...did the cops raid you, or did that guy break in?...just wondering, either way I feel for ya, thats gatta suck...took your dog too, those fuckers!
ok so I didnt realise there was a page two when i asked about the dog...but ppl need to know, WHAT HAPPEND TO THE DOG!!
When a house got raided next to my cousins place, the fuckin cops just let the dogs out 1st...right out the front door!!
Here's a little update... I'll answer a couple questions
No I'm not medical, I smoke marijuana "illegally" so I was blatantly robbed by the police and didn't get talked to about it.
I was told that my dog was taken because her kennel was open, so the cops thought we abandoned our apartment and nobody lived here cuz otherwise my dog woulda been in her kennel? Some stupid shit like that.
I went to the police station and asked for the warrant as per my civil rights and I was declined. I was declined badge numbers, even declined to be told why the cops illegally broke and entered my house...

Anyway, I talked to a lawyer. He's 100% confident we have a criminal case against the department, and said that we could probably get the officer(s) reprimanded. All it would take he says is one fingerprint from a police officer in my apartment, and no warrant on file.. Presto case closed. "officer, why were you in my clients house without a warrant?"

Tomorrow is Monday, and my lawyer and I are going to make a visit to the police station. He told me not to contact or speak with the police period... Cuz I told him I got a little lippy and was demanding a warrant. He said tomorrow we'll go down there and tell them what's up.. PS. He's not cheap
Did you get your dog back??...Good Luck, I hope they all lose their jobs and become homeless alcoholics!('t spell today for some reason, lack of sleep I think...or just real good smoke)
good luck with this situation.....i hope u sue the shit out of the police and that guy and become rich. Then move far away from all of these people.