The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
so the princes has hit the hey ready to spring up at 8am sharp lol. Im piking my flat sitter up at 12 and we leaving for the airport bout half one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: deep purple x psychosis x deep purple x qurkle lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
morning peeps, we are up at the crack of sparrow fart and getting ready to go to the amsteldam. Ill be think of you as i puff on some hash>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Nice birthday cake just take a small slice for you and bump and leave me the rest, hehe.


Well-Known Member
I know, I WANT SOME!!!!

EDIT: or as I was always scoulded when I was young...NO! I WOULD LIKE SOME

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tsk Tsk, i want wont get. that shit used to PISS me off when i was a small kid, nowadays i can't thank my parents enough, now it is i pissing of everyone with silly parental phrases :D Have a good weekend westy and lgp


Well-Known Member
Dude, I was planing on heading to Amsterdam this weekend since my wife went to see her parents, but noone would go with me and going alone is not fun.
Instead I am working tomorow morning :(

mr west

Well-Known Member
Dude, I was planing on heading to Amsterdam this weekend since my wife went to see her parents, but noone would go with me and going alone is not fun.
Instead I am working tomorow morning :(
aww man, that sux. Im just about to leave for the airport now after a few more joints lol.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I was planing on heading to Amsterdam this weekend since my wife went to see her parents, but noone would go with me and going alone is not fun.
Instead I am working tomorow morning :(
you know what isnt fun either......Netherlands to ban tourists from marijuana 'coffee shops,' by the end of 2011

Sorry, stoners.

The Dutch government said Friday, May 27, 2011, that it will ban tourists from buying marijuana from the Netherlands' famed "coffee shops."

Under the new rules spearheaded by far-right political leaders, only Dutch citizens will be able to enter the stores, and they too will face tougher restrictions.

Resident patrons will be required to sign up for a one-year membership, and each shop will have a maximum of 1,500 members, according to a justice ministry spokesman.

Critics argue the move, which should be enacted by the end of the year, could pulverize tourism.

The Netherlands – particularly Amsterdam, which is home to 220 coffee shops -- is known for having one of Europe's most lenient soft drug policies. The country's cannabis cafes have become popular attractions.

There are also fears that the move will result in a black market for the drugs.

The coalition government, which came into power last year, announced the initiative to curb drug tourism as part of an effort to fight crime and promote health.

"In order to tackle the nuisance and criminality associated with coffee shops and drug trafficking, the open-door policy of coffee shops will end," Dutch health and justice ministers wrote in a letter to the country's parliament



Well-Known Member
Now I guess when we go to the museums we'll have to go sober. Err, waitaminute. We'll just have to invite DST everywhere, all the time lol ;) There we go.