The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Evening EM, thai beer is what is happening :) that and many youtube drag race video's, things are a tad quiet this eve. Have some dub mafia! It's getting me moving! Wooop


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
I havent had any pure psycho for ages as i lost the clone. A mate has it tho i think im sure i could get it again.
indeed, myself is keeping it alive for a while then its being kept in mine and a bros personal keeper colletion ;) (just gotta re-veg the banging blue cheese lol)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Well I guess since this is a cheese surprise nug I can post this pic in here, oh and it's also got one of Westy and Don's other favourite things in it, lol.

Peace and pyramids,

Now that is a wonderful looking bud D! So what?? Everyone around here getting impervious to magazine quality nug shots? I'll say it for everyone..." NICE LOOKING BUDS DST!!!" Lol

My chick is out on the porch on the phone,,,,she got shit canned today from her job as a dental assistant. I have a feeling Highlanders blissful summer is about to end


Well-Known Member
so it said on the box £1.29 but the price was €3.40, so over double the cost with the current exchange. The British stores are a rip off here. I got a flake, a boost, a mint Aero and the tea bags and it as over 7 euro! fekkin Dick Turpins, lol.

free the taste by putting in a pipe and or infusing. So did u pay under the British price? or more cuz its an import?


Well-Known Member
My mates from home always complain when they visit so for once in my life my visitors will get tea they like...instead of the flowery shite I drink. Bloody liberty, come to visit me, smoke all my weed and complain about my tea bags....what else are friends for eh!! lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
not even got there yet and ya complaining lol. I should really try and drink less caffeen. So rain days can be fun with the right company, least we wont be in the middle of a muddy field like most every other summer :D


Well-Known Member
hehe, I am not complaining at all, just trying to change me ways for me visitors instead of being a stuborn cunt and making people drink Earl Grey, lol....better go and sort out the rooms shortly for the impending visit. Get the cholocate down on the pillow case and all that malarky. lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you put the slice of lemon in it too D? mind if the bog roll isn't folded into a point i'm going to request a room change at reception. :lol:

aye man you should have just let us bring a bag man, i bulk buy at the cash n carry i've literally got thousands. buy in bulk then realise you've ne where to put it all. the tumble dryer has about 60 bog rolls in it currently...

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
well i have whats left of my casey, very relaxing
Sounds nice : ) I'm watching my casey ripen...she's got about a week or so left. Not sure if you caught it the other day when I mentioned it to D but mine is a headband dom girl. The buds look and smells almost identical to my keeper DOGs buds but the woofers are a little chunkier and a bit less leaves in the buds. D had mentioned way back that some stray headband pollen could of been what impregnated his Casey Jones, which is where that bud came from originaly

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Just came down from giving the Casey and the DOG the closed eye smell test. Very very close with the Dog cut having a bit of a sweeter smell if you can get through the diesely burnt rubber smell lol