Growing In Hot Garage


I am setting up my grow area in a Texas garage. Temp might reach 100 degrees at times. A friend told me I would have to move it inside to avoid mildew.
Can anyone respond to this?


Well-Known Member
not really sure about mildew.. but triple digits is way too high for temps... i would recomend a window ac unit...

and is that 100 degress including lights or with lights off??


Active Member
you would have to be pumping cool air into the space for sure i would set up in closet in the house if it were going to be that hot.(if you have a/c?) and just make sure you have a tube going into the room with a/c being blown through. if thats not possible and you would absolutely have to grow in the garage try making a grow box and putting like a bunch of two liters of water in the freezer like 10 of em and keep switching the frozen two liters to try and make it cooler it might work. other than that youd have to do some research...?


Well-Known Member
I also grow in my garage and had a similar problem last summer. With the lights on one day temps were pushing 50 degrees celsius which i think is about 120F. There isnt much you can do apart from move your grow outside. Or what helped me a little was changing the light schedual so they come on during the night and have the dark period during the hottest part of the day. That and llots and lots of fans. Good luck!


Active Member
Do you have central air? Do the ducts run in the attic? If so, couldn't you just tap into one of those ducts and run a line to your box? If you insulate the box well and establish good intake and exhaust, you should be able to overcome those attic temps.


Well-Known Member
You will have to set up a light proof room with ducted air intake/exhaust. Run the intake duct to the house(assuming the house stays 75-80)and the exhaust outside or up in the roof. Use cooltubes(separate intake) if lights are HID. If u try to grow at these temps100 you will get next to nothing for all your risk and effort. Do it properly or forget it.


Well-Known Member
I am setting up my grow area in a Texas garage. Temp might reach 100 degrees at times. A friend told me I would have to move it inside to avoid mildew.
Can anyone respond to this?
Its possible to grow in 100 degree temps. Be real clean, water properly and keep everything in check. If this is your first grow, your chances for failure are way up. An experienced grower should be able to handle these temperatures. Spider mites will take over fast at these temps....humidity will rise if you over water, inviting powdery addition to your 100 degree garage, the light will also increase temperatures. Plants must be checked on and probably watered every day depending on moisture content in soil.