911 my plants are stretching


0618083100.jpgthis guy right here is frank sinatra.. hes 18'' but very stretchy.. what i was wondering is can i cut him in the middle and re plant his bottem half? im using bubbleplonics in a rubber maid with hydroton

0618083113.jpgthis is my gf lil one. she planted like 30 seeds in one hole outside .. all of them sprouted lol and eventualy a few died off and left her with 3 outside and 3 that died while transplanting so now she has 4 all togather

0618083152.jpgthis girl here is the one me and my gf share lol dnt ask why[she wanted it to be our plant] ... honeslty i like this one more then frank

0618083134.jpgthis guy right here grew up kinda re-re if ya get my drift... the first sign of leaf they were 50 percent gone on both sides so he kinda look like findin nemo with both fins fucked up.. stay in there lil guy

0618082801.jpgnow here is my other problem.. wtf does this look like????? is it lighting?? or my nutes??



the growing part is great.. but frank sinatra has 18 inches and has 7 canopys.. is that good... bad... or ugly??? ppl have been saying its too strectchy.. i was wondering if i can chop em halfway and plant him from the middle up so he will be shorter??


to keep from stretching, put the light closer, if you can put your hand under it comfortably,that is where you want the light.
to fix your current problem,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vacg2FZWtrk
wow that did help alot.. only problem is if i super crop my one branch wont that yield my buds that will be above that branch?
also i was wondering if i could just cut sinatra about 9 inches from the bottem and use the top half as a clone?


Active Member
Looks like you are using CFL's. Try adding an addition lamp with a CFL, and put them closer ... real close. As long as it doesn't burn your hand when held there for a minute. Stretch is the plant trying hard to get to more light.


Looks like you are using CFL's. Try adding an addition lamp with a CFL, and put them closer ... real close. As long as it doesn't burn your hand when held there for a minute. Stretch is the plant trying hard to get to more light.
appreciate it.. i got 6 26w cfls. i had 2 daylight 27 wats but i heard those are good for veg state... i had a major question no one seems to anwser.. can i cut my 18 inch and clone it at the stage it is now..?


Active Member
appreciate it.. i got 6 26w cfls. i had 2 daylight 27 wats but i heard those are good for veg state... i had a major question no one seems to anwser.. can i cut my 18 inch and clone it at the stage it is now..?
Absolutely not! lol with your last comment it leads me to believe she is stretching in flowering? If she is in flowering then NO do not top her! this is unwanted stress and would likely hermie her. your also using cfl's. throwing those daylght bulbs in will only HELP! most of us gardeners use dual spectrum's in our flower chambers anyway for better results. 2 to 1 ratio is the best. 2 hps to 1 mh/mv... hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
u can clone that sucker but ur gon have the same problem if dont lower the lights.... i would put those bulbs about 6 to 8 inches away from plant....


Well-Known Member
wow that did help alot.. only problem is if i super crop my one branch wont that yield my buds that will be above that branch?
also i was wondering if i could just cut sinatra about 9 inches from the bottem and use the top half as a clone?
chances are that the top you cut off will never root and you will end up with a dead plant. is the plant in flower?? if so the stretch is normal just leave her alone, also how many nodes/leaf sets do you have on her as of now?? if she is still in veg with like 4 or 5 nodes you could just cut her back down to the lower to and those 4 branches would become your new plant in essence.


Active Member
u can clone that sucker but ur gon have the same problem if dont lower the lights.... i would put those bulbs about 6 to 8 inches away from plant....

Take some cutting for clones and plant the clone stems deep and put the lights real close to the plant. Just chopping an 18" plant seems pretty drastic to me, but I could be wrong. I don't equate an intentional chopping in half as a "topping" to the 2nd or 3rd node.

Good luck!


Active Member

Take some cutting for clones and plant the clone stems deep and put the lights real close to the plant. Just chopping an 18" plant seems pretty drastic to me, but I could be wrong. I don't equate an intentional chopping in half as a "topping" to the 2nd or 3rd node.

Good luck!

Please dont give advice like that. Please? 1st never bombard a fresh cutting with to much light! Second never take your main top in flower as a clone. odds number 1 are near certain death for the clone anyway and number 2 if your going to take the main cola of a budding plant you might aswell cut some of the roots off while your at it!.


Absolutely not! lol with your last comment it leads me to believe she is stretching in flowering? If she is in flowering then NO do not top her! this is unwanted stress and would likely hermie her. your also using cfl's. throwing those daylght bulbs in will only HELP! most of us gardeners use dual spectrum's in our flower chambers anyway for better results. 2 to 1 ratio is the best. 2 hps to 1 mh/mv... hope this helped.
well heres the thing.. i count from the day i put her inside the mediam till current dat.. soo im not to sure when flowering was. the lady at the hydro shop said when 12 inches throw her into flowering so around june 21 i counted 3 weeks then switched the lights to 12/12.. i didnt know they stretch in flowering.. well let me rephrase that.. i didnt know excatly when flowering took place . soo the lights i have so far are ok.. i just need to add more ?


Absolutely not! lol with your last comment it leads me to believe she is stretching in flowering? If she is in flowering then NO do not top her! this is unwanted stress and would likely hermie her. your also using cfl's. throwing those daylght bulbs in will only HELP! most of us gardeners use dual spectrum's in our flower chambers anyway for better results. 2 to 1 ratio is the best. 2 hps to 1 mh/mv... hope this helped.
ok soo the more light and the diffrent spectrums = better yield


chances are that the top you cut off will never root and you will end up with a dead plant. is the plant in flower?? if so the stretch is normal just leave her alone, also how many nodes/leaf sets do you have on her as of now?? if she is still in veg with like 4 or 5 nodes you could just cut her back down to the lower to and those 4 branches would become your new plant in essence.
well does it count if i put her into flowering as her being in flower? ppl say flowering is when buds start to show .. or is it when i start 12/12? i have 7 nods they seem to come outa no where some times.... so from everybodys info so far.. i def shouldt cut her , lightin could be closer and a lil more spectrum variety... and she is supposed to be streching if i put her in flower


here is all the pics i have.. maybe it would help ..:eyesmoke:



Active Member
well heres the thing.. i count from the day i put her inside the mediam till current dat.. soo im not to sure when flowering was. the lady at the hydro shop said when 12 inches throw her into flowering so around june 21 i counted 21 days i switched the lights to 12/12.. i didnt know they stretch in flowering.. well let me rephrase that.. i didnt know excatly when flowering took place . soo the lights i have so far are ok.. i just need to add more ?
flowering occures whhen you actually switch from 18-24 hrs of light down to 12 hourse of light 12 hours of darkness.! and yes you can keep the other bulbs too i have 2X 13W 3500k's 2X 40W 5000k's and 4X 26W 2700k's in my room currently for 3 plants. i will hopefully be adding 4-6 more 26W 2700k's very soon as i switched over to sex and flower my babies yesterday.i beleive they were 53 days into veggin and i was going to wait another week as to keep them in veg for 8 weeks but i broke down and switched over when they just kept getting bigger and bigger due to space and i dont want to change rooms...! so good luck and as far as the leaf issue goes here is a great link to follow that might help you diagnose the problem.. and i keep my lights about 4-5 inches away from my plants to stop stretching.


flowering occures whhen you actually switch from 18-24 hrs of light down to 12 hourse of light 12 hours of darkness.! and yes you can keep the other bulbs too i have 2X 13W 3500k's 2X 40W 5000k's and 4X 26W 2700k's in my room currently for 3 plants. i will hopefully be adding 4-6 more 26W 2700k's very soon as i switched over to sex and flower my babies yesterday.i beleive they were 53 days into veggin and i was going to wait another week as to keep them in veg for 8 weeks but i broke down and switched over when they just kept getting bigger and bigger due to space and i dont want to change rooms...! so good luck and as far as the leaf issue goes here is a great link to follow that might help you diagnose the problem.. and i keep my lights about 4-5 inches away from my plants to stop stretching.
i dont see the link.what is the price range you spent on your lighting?