The Truth About Flushing

Ok, don't want to come off as an ass here but it is true that I have spent a lot of time here either proving or disproving myths, by either actual experiments or research (the drowning thing is just one of many) all the experiments and research I have done (over 2000 hours, for free) is detailed in my threads (sig links) I explain lights, how to dial in your garden, truth about shade leaves, hermies hell the list goes on and on and every single person that has taken the time (I'm told it takes about 2 weeks if you follow all the links) to read ALL of them to the end is growin and not only growin but helpin others as well, And on top of this there is a who needs help thread started by StreetLegal that I answered like 1000 questions in, just reading that will make you wiser, I actually stopped cause I felt like I had answered every question there was :)

to break it down for everyone, my first grow here was the Goin Loco link I grew one plant with only 97 watts of light pulled an oz and a half off her, just to prove it could be done (lights being one of the most abused and least understood elements) while this was happening I started the Noob Advice thread and in that thread played a kinda scanvenger hunt game that was actually a class on proper growing techniques, after that the thread is full of questions asked & answered. Next came the Calling all Noob growers thread which was advanced info for those that "played the game" there have actually been a few new growers that have taken the class by proxy via PM since it was done like a year ago, they would get to question and go look for the answer then PM it to me before moving forward in the thread where obviously the answers appear and in this way we re-lived the game together (I had fun doing this) if you read it all you will meet them as they post the story in the threads (I have read all my threads several times cause it entertains me) the nuggets link goes to my journal when RIU added it I used it to highlight "some" of the ditties I've written to make it easier to find them and the Max Yield link is a collection of articles published in Maximum Yield magazine that back up/verify some of the stuff I tell folks.
The Balls to wall link was my second grow here (and has 2 actual grows in it) and the current grow is SMOKENGROW VERSUS JACK'S (no link in sig for this one)
Ok so knowing this now that Ive explained it the original explanation of making it rain appears in the first post of the calling all noob growers thread and a more detailed explanation appears in the balls to the wall thread. I have done it this way to kinda force folks to read the threads if they want the info. What I have seen is that some are hungry to learn and read till thier eyes are sore, some are lazy and want the answers spoon fed to em and some can't let go of the myths and bad info for some reason that to be honest I have never understood???

So to all you new growers reading this, it is quite simple to remove the noob from your grower classification simply read my threads, 100's of people have and they are all growin now and have either left the site or are here helpin others. NOTE: people don't follow my threads cause I'm cute, they follow em cause they are full of the truth, good info that will get you over the hump so to speak and while I like soil, there have been hydro growers benefit from the info as well. So if ya find that your liken this drownin thing and want more simply take the time to read my threads :hump:

oh yeah and have fun!

Tiz true. Although I have spent a few hours a day over the past week and am only about half way through all Riddle's threads I cannot believe the amount of greatly detailed info I have learned so far.

I have 5 tabs open and each has a post and yes alot of information is rehashed and linked to one another they all tie in and are a part of a larger methodology and thinking. Its a type of philosophy and way of being, religious like.

Come one stoners, spend some time and read these posts, you will learn something. I promise.
Ok damn. Took a lil over a week but This thread has been read in completion....

So the onl question I have is...Can I leave my air circulation fan on in the flower tent while lights are off and I am drowning my plants?
Ok damn. Took a lil over a week but This thread has been read in completion....

So the onl question I have is...Can I leave my air circulation fan on in the flower tent while lights are off and I am drowning my plants?

Definitely. I don't ever turn circulation fans off except for the time during the process of foliar spraying. Otherwise they are on 24/7.
Definitely. I don't ever turn circulation fans off except for the time during the process of foliar spraying. Otherwise they are on 24/7.

Thanks for the response. I never turn my fans off either, my one box fan ha been in operation for nearly 3 months now unplugged.
+rep for the reply
Thanks for the response. I never turn my fans off either, my one box fan ha been in operation for nearly 3 months now unplugged.
+rep for the reply

Rep is stupid and inconsequential, thanks is just fine. Again, the "Rep+" system is meaningless and stupid.
I'm so disappointed! I've been reading Uncle Ben's topping thread and someone said he was banned, so I can't ask him anything. Now, I spent all this time reading a few of riddleme's threads and find out he's not here anymore either. Bummer!
I really wanted to ask him about this whole not flushing thing, ya know? And his whole calling all noob growers thread taught me a lot of things I didn't know.
drowning a plant is meant to be done pre-harvest as a way to start the curing process before the plant is chopped down...not meant to be done to seedlings...that will suffocate the roots and kill most cases...if done too some research on here about "making it rain" which is really what happened with your plants.

although you can somewhat drown the plant as riddleme does in his "make it rain" technique.
although you can somewhat drown the plant as riddleme does in his "make it rain" technique.
drowning and "mir" is 2 different things..."mir" is leeching (flush) the soil every 1-3 feedings....drowning is completely submerging the plants roots underwater before harvest.
Just remember what riddle would do. nothing, ignore them. Besides, riddle aint gonna come here to read this anyhow!
Flush once with final flush 7 to ten days before harvest to dissolve excess fertilizer salts. I hear 5 days is the least amount of time. This will bring out the flavor of the plant.also making it burn better.