SMART Meters!


Well-Known Member
I live in Sacramento, check this out.

Last month I got this letter from SMUD, Sacramento's city owned power co. It's about my power usage.

Please read closely at the line that says "Last month you used 378% More electricity than your neighbors". WTF!?!?!!??!?!!!??!

P.S. Damn I thought there were a lot more indoor growers in my neighborhood. The must have all gone outdoors! lol!




Well-Known Member
Damn! I guess not! I have to look at my bill. I was running CFL's and want to do a T-5 and a 400W this time around.


Yea thats shit is stupid my power bill is huge with 2k in the flowering room and 1200 in the veg not to mention cloning and heater and ac and shit!!!

Robert Paulson

Active Member
These letters do not mean anything. these are just a way to try and promote more responsible use. cali's has got serioous power issues and they just wanna make sure everyone is aware of their own footprint. it would be hilarious to see one of these in a neighborhood filled with growers, they could back fire on the companies and become a source of bragging rights.


Well-Known Member
I've gotten like 5 of these letters, every 2 months. The first one reported I was like 98% higher, and by the 5th one I had it down to just 3% above neighbors, then I moved. Now I am about 400kwh ahead of my neighbors bill, and so far no letters. My total usage is just over 1000kwh/mo, and I can't see any authority wasting their time on that. What makes me nervous is the 12/12 patern of the light, which seems a pretty good indication that something is being grown, but never in a story where power consumption was a factor in getting busted have I seen the 12/12 pattern sighted, it's always about total KWH.


Well-Known Member
tell them you grow bud and want to know if there is some kind of budget plan you can get on or something ,, lol


Well-Known Member
yeah those fuckers suck. I had one installed about 8 months ago and my bill went up almost 60 bucks. Good thing i'm on the care program or it would have gone up by more that 150 bones. i wish i would of pushed hard to not let them install it, on the plus side a friend that works for pge told my there in talks to discontinue them and go back to the anolge style


Active Member
yeah those fuckers suck. I had one installed about 8 months ago and my bill went up almost 60 bucks. Good thing i'm on the care program or it would have gone up by more that 150 bones. i wish i would of pushed hard to not let them install it, on the plus side a friend that works for pge told my there in talks to discontinue them and go back to the anolge style
I work for PG&E and I doubt they are getting rid of the smart meters....they just installed a HUGE smart meter operation center in Concord. Not to mention, they've gotten rid of most of the meter readers.
im about to start, and im worried about the time pattern that will show up... someone at hydro will wanna report me for a possible bonus(ive heard that people at hydro can get a bonus for forwarding potential growOP addresses to the police).... does anyone have a solution for getting around these?


Well-Known Member
shit I got one of those too, fuck them... It's not against the law to use alot of electricity and they can't get a warrant on just consuming alot of electric


Well-Known Member
Mine were like 10x the usage of neighbors lol, don't think the power company cares as long as you pay your bill and their making their money tho
ya i got a smart meter too here in so california. from southern california edison. they can keep better track of you and your consumption. but they have no right doing anything as long as you are paying your bill. they don't care just pay it. don't steal either. only illegal growers do that shit. why risk it.


Well-Known Member
It is because it is a Government Run Elec Company. Edison would not send that to you, make sure you keep your eyes open for choppers & LEO. Those companies work with them. <3 Edison does not.
I live in Sacramento, check this out.

Last month I got this letter from SMUD, Sacramento's city owned power co. It's about my power usage.

Please read closely at the line that says "Last month you used 378% More electricity than your neighbors". WTF!?!?!!??!?!!!??!

P.S. Damn I thought there were a lot more indoor growers in my neighborhood. The must have all gone outdoors! lol!

Edison Sent me a Letter informing me I am using alot of Power that is it. They did not go into specifics on how much or any comparisons with the neighbors.. That letter is creepy & can be used against you.
ya like los angeles's DWP. department of water and power. edison is a private entity and are no affiliated with any government. edison is better than government run power.