Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal


Well-Known Member
im already breaking my rule of mid week updates but I am just showing you sambo that I do listen to you lol, look at the psychosis sat taller than the rest!



Well-Known Member
will be worth it m8 you got a nice mix up of flavours but would bet whatever you get from ya little pyscho it will be 1 of our favoured smokes, its real nice WoW strong,smelly n tastey do you ever get it sold around ur area? that northan lights youve posted looked nice so must be some good green about n the pyschos pretty old.


Well-Known Member
yeh im looking forward to smoking the OG, psychosis and trainwreck more. when I sparked up a joint of psychosis people were strolling over saying it smelt really fruity lol. the weed round here is pretty shit to be honest mate, mostly that sprayed wet shit but that NL i got was beautiful, rock hard, bone dry and blew up in the grinder. got me so stoned as well lol. people dont even know what livers/ psychosis are round here haha. theres a lot of "blue cheese" which im not sure if it has been for a while. used to be quality but recently it just hasnt had the knockout stone it should, just smells nice is all.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
something that sambo might be able 2 confirm for me is that the psyco and lemon grow about the same? same veg growth and same strech? just grow bud in slightly different shapes the top buds are typicly cheesy on the psyco with little hats like the blue cheese i posted earlier. the lemon has the more together but slightly thiner buds from about 1/3 of the way up complete colas.

what u say sam of boshire?


Well-Known Member
Don't have any more coco lads! I think it might have something to do with the fact that when I knocked her out the pot she lost a lot of roots so I practically drowned her in rhizo to de stress and get the roots back lol. shes going to be veryyyyyy rootbound come chop time :(
thats not bloody root bound you say you left water so it tried to drink.................i just grew a haze all the way in a 1-1/2 litre pot and that was still happy in its little pot....


Well-Known Member
thats not bloody root bound you say you left water so it tried to drink.................i just grew a haze all the way in a 1-1/2 litre pot and that was still happy in its little pot....
lol there was a sprinkling of coco in there as well so youre probably right. theyll die off after a while so its all gravy


Well-Known Member
lol you did mate, we got a few pages done in las' thread haha. hows it going mate? you snipped a blue cheese taster yet??


Well-Known Member
Lol i no mate ive seen earlier,......right puff sambo sorber lol he only gives it large when he's had a few lol.............yeh mate tried a little the other night of the girl at the back dried it to much tho, taste wasnt bad smelt crap just hayey, did the business tho, gunna get a little more tonight of both and compare!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hI wowseph! your girls are getting really really big! awesome gardening!
i can bearly see the trellis anymore under all that massive foliage.


Well-Known Member

sorry guys, gotta do a really shite update, in a mjor rush but didnt wanna leave you hanging. I'll get some in focus pics tomorrow!

trainwreck still not shown sex, psychosis and mysteryryder are flowering nicely, OG is female but pistil development is slow. ENJOY :D

have a good saturday guys an girls!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
your technique is :fire:BLINDING :fire:ME WITH
dude, your plants are amazing! how many colas you got on that scrog plant of yours?????? i cant keep count there are so many.. check this song out wowzer.. its funny !


Well-Known Member
Lol i no mate ive seen earlier,......right puff sambo sorber lol he only gives it large when he's had a few lol.............yeh mate tried a little the other night of the girl at the back dried it to much tho, taste wasnt bad smelt crap just hayey, did the business tho, gunna get a little more tonight of both and compare!!
ur so right im a quiet peaceful bloke but once the vodka kicks in then maybe i change a little lol

anyway no more drinking for me was spewing up blood the other day lol not good. dunno tho if it was blood cause it wasnt a dark red? could av been bile i suppose either way that enough for me to stop for a while.

hope alls good in pukka world?


Well-Known Member
hahah that reminded me of this...


kelly lebrock was so smokin' hot


Well-Known Member
your technique is :fire:BLINDING :fire:ME WITH
dude, your plants are amazing! how many colas you got on that scrog plant of yours??????

nice to see you're back to your old colorful ways of posting doc! thanks for the kind words, not sure how many colas on there, I will give it a count up when I go out there tonight! I've literally got rid of EVERYTHING under the screen and any weak little chutes so those should be some nice colas :D

anyway no more drinking for me was spewing up blood the other day lol not good. dunno tho if it was blood cause it wasnt a dark red? could av been bile i suppose either way that enough for me to stop for a while.

hope alls good in pukka world?
man thats not cool, glad to hear youre gonna take a breather for a while, your body is a temple lol.

could be my tent at the back :) good stuff mate
haha got a long way to go before it gets to that stage mate! I thought it looked a lot like ttt's cheesey scrog at week 2 (or 3?). cheers though man

hahah that reminded me of this...
kelly lebrock was so smokin' hot
lol you can tell by the music how old school it is. kelly was bangin man!


Well-Known Member
cheers kev! so here's a better update for you all. didnt realise how huge the mysteryryder was until I got her out of the tent for a clean up, shes a bit of a monster. had a little count and theres 25 viable colas doc! theres a few other tops that wont be colas but little golfballs hopefully.



Trainwreck: (lol)


a few double serations on the psychosis, she got a tad burnt on the last watering, where as the trainwreck looks hungry. Gonna have to start feeding those two seperately :fire:

