Will the appraiser coming BUST ME


Active Member
So, ya my rents want to get the house appraised. Now I have a semi stealth grow its just 2 rubbermaid containers on top of each other. Its in a closet that is only 4 1/2 ft tall and the inside is shaped like a triangle do to the roof. The person coming wont cheack out a shitty storage closet on the 3rd floor will they? Or should i move everything out to make it look normal. In the pic is the area without all the shit i have in there. Mayb i could just put extra junk to block the way.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I had some people come and look at my apartment to rent it...my grow is going in the closet. I just stacked some stuff in front of the grow area and you couldn't see it....they just poked their head in, saw the room and left so it wasn't a big deal

Now your situation may be different with an appraisal...but yeah if you just put stuff in the way I'm sure they'll see the general size of the room and be happy with it


Well-Known Member
Appraisers typically take perimeter measurements, and view the home for upgrades that would increase the value of the home. I cant think of why they would go into a storage closet. You can always walk through with them. I couldnt enlarge your pic to see what it looked like but I think will be okay....i just really hope you arent growing in the same house that your parents live in and they dont know you are growing.....


Active Member
when we got our current house appraised, my shit's growing in a GREENHOUSE. Like, permanent 2000sqft greenhouse meant for breeding and selling African Violets. My plants are right in plain sight, probably the most obvious because the tray they're on is lifted closer to the light. Whenever he went in there, he didn't even seem to notice.

I guess I'm saying throw some clothes in front of the containers so he can't get to them and you'll be fine


Active Member
Well, ya its my parents house and they dont know. Its a double block thats huge I got the other side with my girly and my rents use it for some stuff. There in the process of fixin the whole thing up and I just got hardwood floors. So I imagined that there gonna come into the room with the closet. I just live here why they increase the value pretty much so different people are always coming over. I make sure i stay on top of things tho.


Well-Known Member
Do Your Freakin Parents Live In The House Too.....if So I Wont Help You Anymore I Am Totally Against Placing Others In Situations That They Are Unaware Of!!


Active Member
You might try telling them... you'd be surprised. :mrgreen:

After I got them to sprout, I felt guilty and told my dad. He was actually pleased... but then again he has a natural love of all living creatures, especially plants, so for him it was a kind of himself coming out in me... I guess? Haha too poetic for me to describe, but if you think they'll freak, you might be surprised.


Well-Known Member
You might try telling them... you'd be surprised. :mrgreen:

After I got them to sprout, I felt guilty and told my dad. He was actually pleased... but then again he has a natural love of all living creatures, especially plants, so for him it was a kind of himself coming out in me... I guess? Haha too poetic for me to describe, but if you think they'll freak, you might be surprised.
Im glad you told your dad, it just isnt fair for your parents to think life is going grand they have all they want then one of your friends snitches on you and in the middle of the night the DTF uses a batting ram to bust down your parents doors, throw in a smoke bomb then drag you and your parents into the living room and use giant twist ties for handcuffs.....your parents charges may get dropped later but they will be charged initially with manufacturing a controlled substance...then it hits the papers the next morning and your parents are fired from their jobs..........dont be fucker like that


Well-Known Member
If he told his parents and they're cool with it, I say power to them all. They've accepted the risk, he understands what he'll be doing to his family if he fucks up, and they damn sure better be smoking the choicest buds at the end of the process.

But if they have no idea, and you run an op under their nose, doom on you man.. Just telling you, if those plants stay in that house, start planning what you'll tell your parents every week at visitation after they lose their house, life savings, and freedom. Better yet, start sling those nugs heavy, cause when you're forty, and your penniless, homeless parents are sleeping in your basement because McDonalds and Walmart are the only companies who hire convicts, you'll be glad some careless kid didn't force you to lose your life's work all in the name of getting high after school..

Good luck whatever you do, just remember how much your parents have given and done for you, and understand that there are people who would absolutely LOVE to take advantage of the situation you've created to destroy their lives, relationships, and everything they've ever cared about, in order to gain public share by parading around the latest "drug kingpins" brought down by the system.

After all, it is an election year...


Active Member
i dont understand why everyone is hatin on me. I mean really whats the difference between renting from a landlord or from parents. Im 22 I grew in a dorm in a apartment and in the other side of my parents house I really dont see the difference. At least these landlords wont evict me and only slap me on the wrist.


Well-Known Member
i dont understand why everyone is hatin on me. I mean really whats the difference between renting from a landlord or from parents. Im 22 I grew in a dorm in a apartment and in the other side of my parents house I really dont see the difference. At least these landlords wont evict me and only slap me on the wrist.
not everyone was hating on you - just a few and they probably assumed you were another teen growing in their closet hoping their parents don't bust them not realizing (or caring) the danger they are putting their folks in (a near daily occurrence here on RIU).

another words - a misunderstanding.