The Big Bang

so i was watching the history channel and they were talking about Einsteins "twin theory". how if one twin traveled into space at light speed for 2 years then came back the twin on earth would have aged 20. i was high, it was late so it kinda went over my head. any clarification on this? thanks.
so i was watching the history channel and they were talking about Einsteins "twin theory". how if one twin traveled into space at light speed for 2 years then came back the twin on earth would have aged 20. i was high, it was late so it kinda went over my head. any clarification on this? thanks.

Time ticks slower the faster you travel. This has been PROVEN using synchronized atomic clocks both on Earth and in orbit. The faster traveling clock in space has been measured to be clicking slower than the one on Earth.

When you reach the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. Time stops. This brings up the whole time travel stuff where they say if you move faster than light does time move backwards? But there is a large amount of evidence that suggests NOTHING can reach the speed of light. It's pretty

Anyway, if you traveled at near light speed for a given amount of time say, in a space craft... Time would tick faster for people left on Earth. Although time would appear to be completely normal for both you and those on Earth.
Time does not stop but as you approach the speed of light it slows to an ifinitely small number, and it can never go backwar it is called time dilation. The problem with traveling that fast is that the closer you get to the speed of light the more mass an object has. So a rocket would weigh an infinite amount of weight in turn it would need an infinite amount of force to make it go and this is impossible. So why does light travel at light speed. because light is pure energy and has no mass.
anyone interested in the "big bang" or our universe in general should check out the latest (April 2008 ) edition of Astronomy magazine.

The headline is: "Is this the shape of the Universe? Cosmic inflation may be key to proving the cosmos has 6 extra dimensions"
-- looks like the few predictions string theory has made is starting to become testable.. yippee!!!

Some other interesting reading in there also:
"How molecules in space seed life in the galaxy" -- seems intriguing - not panspermia but something altogether different.

anyway - saw the closest thing to cosmology interest for this forum on this thread and thought i'd share...

if anyone is interested and doesn't want to go out and buy a copy (or subscribe) i'll do a brief synopsis by request - otherwise i won't bore you.
anyone interested in the "big bang" or our universe in general should check out the latest (April 2008 ) edition of Astronomy magazine.

The headline is: "Is this the shape of the Universe? Cosmic inflation may be key to proving the cosmos has 6 extra dimensions"
-- looks like the few predictions string theory has made is starting to become testable.. yippee!!!

Some other interesting reading in there also:
"How molecules in space seed life in the galaxy" -- seems intriguing - not panspermia but something altogether different.

anyway - saw the closest thing to cosmology interest for this forum on this thread and thought i'd share...

if anyone is interested and doesn't want to go out and buy a copy (or subscribe) i'll do a brief synopsis by request - otherwise i won't bore you.

Hay email, I read a similar article about cosmic inflation on New Scientist magazine. Very interesting. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the process that went on after the Big Bang, people don't seem to understand that it is not the galaxies themselves that are moving away from each other, but space itself. Imagine if you will, the dough of a blueberry muffin; The dough representing space, and the blueberries galaxies. As the dough is baked it expands and so does the space between the blueberries, therefore the blueberries are drawn away from each other, but ultimately are not 'moving' themselves. In the very instance of the Big Bang, there was so much energy that hydrogen and helium could be formed; the resulting gas cooled and formed stars, where heavier elements are created such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen ect. When the massive stars explode, they fling there material out into space where it accumulates and forms solar systems and new stars. We, are therefore the radioactive waste from dead stars, or more romantically, star dust. The evidence for this is the microwave background radiation, Which is the energy that was formed at the Big Bang in the form of gamma, but has now been reduced to microwaves. Much like the light from are grow rooms, as it quickly becomes reduced to heat (infrared). Also the fact that everything in the Universe is moving away from a single point, and moving away evenly throughout. In my mind, it also is a beautiful theory that makes complete sense, especially when one includes the Big Crunch into the mix. You only have to look at nature to see how things revolve around a cycle, birth and death. Thanks for the thread skunk.:mrgreen:
Hay email, I read a similar article about cosmic inflation on New Scientist magazine. Very interesting. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the process that went on after the Big Bang, people don't seem to understand that it is not the galaxies themselves that are moving away from each other, but space itself. Imagine if you will, the dough of a blueberry muffin; The dough representing space, and the blueberries galaxies. As the dough is baked it expands and so does the space between the blueberries, therefore the blueberries are drawn away from each other, but ultimately are not 'moving' themselves. In the very instance of the Big Bang, there was so much energy that hydrogen and helium could be formed; the resulting gas cooled and formed stars, where heavier elements are created such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen ect. When the massive stars explode, they fling there material out into space where it accumulates and forms solar systems and new stars. We, are therefore the radioactive waste from dead stars, or more romantically, star dust. The evidence for this is the microwave background radiation, Which is the energy that was formed at the Big Bang in the form of gamma, but has now been reduced to microwaves. Much like the light from are grow rooms, as it quickly becomes reduced to heat (infrared). Also the fact that everything in the Universe is moving away from a single point, and moving away evenly throughout. In my mind, it also is a beautiful theory that makes complete sense, especially when one includes the Big Crunch into the mix. You only have to look at nature to see how things revolve around a cycle, birth and death. Thanks for the thread skunk.:mrgreen:

bless you :joint:
thanks buddy!:mrgreen: Was that astronomy mag you were talking about in the U.S? because I am subscribed to one that's called Astronomy now, but It's a U.K one.:blsmoke:

It is the US mag. Do you get Sky and Telescope? I've noticed their articles seem nearly interchangeable any given month so i'm assuming that is S&T's cover story too - but I haven't received it yet.
Yer i do... I think that people take the bible etc at face value when i think that the process of creation as it is explained in religious texts it a 'dumbed down' version of what happened. I mean, imagine trying to impart the wisdom and kn0wledge of creating an entire universe into a book...would probably never end!! Lol. Maybe god did create the universe by creating the big bang? Who knows? No 1. Besides the top physisits in the world beleive that the chance of god existing is higher than the probability of the universe coming into existnece without the help of a deity of some kind......
Personally im gonna keep praying, keep growing and keep smoking till 1 day when im sitting in the heavens with god on my right hand side, jesus on the left hand side and a fat blunt in my mouth!!

no one knows anything about the universe or our existence and know one ever will. the only truth you will find is your own. thats part of the system which is life.
Every religion has its own God, they all can’t be correct. Take a look at Christianity, is the youngest of all the religion, they think they are the oldest. Christianity began as a sect among Judaism but they hate Jews. The US State Department added the Vatican list of money-laundering centers. They have investments in real estate, steel, and other industry, they are worth about $422 Billion, but they still would take the last nickel from a poor manin the collection box. Not picking on Christianity but I was raised a Christian so I have the right, I just using it as an example. All religion are in the survival game at any cost. How many wars were fought in the name of some ones god ?, how many people were put death in the name of some ones god? I see people lookingat Muslim women walking down street because she decides to wear a scarf, I remember when women were not allowed in a Catholic church without one, but yet we ridicule her. Who say god in not a women, how do you know ? You can’t say it’s neither, we all see the depictions of Gods finger sticking through the clouds creating life, if it has a finger it has be one or the other, and we were created in HIS image. When I was growing up it was a Vengeful God now it a Forgiving God, just shows you how religion change to survive.

I do not believe in creation. We are all animals, just like cats, dogs, pigs, whatever. When you die you rot and vanish and get recycled.No one being stuck out it finger and created the Universe. I believe in Science. Just my two cents worth.
They did say it's slowing down so it will either stay at the slow speed and keep expanding forever, stop and stay there forever (which I would love to see the 'end of space' lol, or like people have said retract like a big rubber band, only time will tell I guess.
So the scientists decided that because they had not seen sign of any slowing down that we're just gonna speed up forever..? What if the universe is still only in its infancy and won't start slowing for another 14 billion years..?

And the whole vengeful vs forgiving god is an OT vs NT thing...

Pretty much, Judaism vs Christianity...
...just yesterday scientists at Caltech (Pasadena, CA) found proof of the Higgs Boson Particle; aka GOD particle...

big bang theory may not be a theory anymore...