I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR


Well-Known Member
You are where you are because you choose to be there, every step you have taken in your life brought you to that exact spot at this exact moment.
To be elsewhere you need to make diffirent choices and take diffirent steps.
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting diffirent results.


Active Member
No number plates or cctv?
well the store might be outside the city limits. I think. As long as no one sees a penis or pussy then they wouldn't get in trouble. i have ones that KNOW we don't have a restroom will come in get a paper towel from the box on the wall and go outside and piss.

I am off to bed. i will check back later.


Well-Known Member
I work at a gas station and I have been working there for a year and six months.

I hate!!! the customers that come in there. They can never order all there items at once. they bring their items to the counter I ring them up as soon as I hit the cash button they say "Now I want xx item"

Now I know what you're saying. Mora you went to fast and got ahead of your self blah blah blah. NO! I always ask anything else. They say no. Then as soon as I am done with the current transaction they say oh yeah I need x item. (cigs etc stuff behind the counter )

Thats not the only thing they do that pisses me off. Another thing they do is the come in the store ask to use the restroom. I tell them I don't have one. Sometimes I hear about how its a law that I have to have one etc etc. I tell em call the cops then. So now they go outside and piss on my store!! WTF!!!

The other day these three ladies came in about 2 minutes before beer sales where over for the day. I told them that they needed to hurry up if they wanted beer. So one lady gets a beer places it on the counter. She walks away. (another peeve. if you're not ready don't set things on the counter) the 2nd lady walks up to the counter and places her beer there and walks away. the 3rd lady is trying to get gas. I asked her to wait until the beer is sold cause I can sell gas any time. So since the 2 ladies walked away form the counter they wasted their two minutes so I moved the beer away told them it was to late they waited to long.

So they start bitching at me. I took the money the one lady wanted to pre pay gas. I made the sale and she kept running her mouth about the beer. I canceled the sale and gave her the money back. Told her she could go somewhere else.

Now the other two ladies are made cause I did that. i explained to them why I did it. I don't them that if they didn't like it they could go some where else. That pissed them off. They called me racist etc. I told em "sure that's what it is"

I know that you read that (if you read it ) and you're thinking Mora you're crazy! I know it comes off crazy But if you weren't there it doesn't transfer to a story very well.

Why can't people get all there items buy everything at once.

I really like smoking weed and going to work. makes it so much nicer. Nothing pisses me off then.
fuck yea man!!!!! power to the common folk like us!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be fair to her. i smoke it cause I enjoy it. She smokes cause she enjoys it + it helps with her Psoriasis and her knees.
not trying to be a dick but you dont mind her having psoriasis? i know alot of people would be put off by that


Well-Known Member
umm its not a law. If we have a restroom it has to meet the Americans with Disability Act. The one we have is in the back office since its not public its a small room no hand rails a mop sink and a hand sink thats it.
Ok here's your 'customer service failing' on this issue. I worked the Gas register for 3 years, so I actually do sympathize, but you can not lie to your customers, ever. It IS law that any establishment that does business have a restroom. It is NOT law that it meets ADA regulations and be open to the public.

I know this, you know this, most people do not; but most people do know that building and business licensing require a functioning restroom on premise.

Having worked customer service and taught it professionally I take great offense to employees outright lying to me. If I come in and ask, "Do you have a restroom?" and you say, "No." You're lying. If you present attitude when I tell you, you have to by law, you'll be lucky if I don't shit on your store.

If you say, "I'm sorry store policy doesn't allow customers in the back due to liability and safety codes." I'll say "Well that's a pisser, or I guess it isn't, thank you;" buy a Dr. Pepper and head out to the next place with a crapper.

As far as the beer bitches go, well I'm that guy too. You f'k yourself out of your beer, you're problem not mine.
I don't drink and can't loath those damned addicts. Drunks run red lights, stoners miss exits ... 3 times. Drunks beat their wives. stoners ask their wives for lots of sex, drunks get the shakes and get violently ill when they sober up, I have a bad hair week and have back pain again.

Beer is why I quit the gas stations, about the 5th time the same woman came in the black eyes telling me how her husband beat her because his Nat Light had 'gone bad' I'd decided I'd had enough selling that poison.


Well-Known Member
not trying to be a dick but you dont mind her having psoriasis? i know alot of people would be put off by that
I honestly think girls are more turned off by that kind of thing than guys are.
Shit, I mean I used to have bad acne (cystic) and have some scars to prove it. But there were girls that still liked me regardless.

He's married to this woman though, he obviously thinks she gorgeous. I bet it doesn't bother him in the least.

Plus anyone who would be put off by something as little as psoriasis needs to stop and think about whats really important in life.


Well-Known Member
Cystic acne kicked my ass in H.S., still have some issues with it 17 years later but that's more pain than appearance.

I know a girl with minor psoriasis, I didn't know she had it for 2 years and I found out only after she told my wife. She's a stunning young lady and if any young man turns her down because of some minor splotches he should be shot. I honestly think it effects her own mental image far more than her actual appearance. Not all psoriasis is sever.


Well-Known Member
Cystic acne kicked my ass in H.S., still have some issues with it 17 years later but that's more pain than appearance.

I know a girl with minor psoriasis, I didn't know she had it for 2 years and I found out only after she told my wife. She's a stunning young lady and if any young man turns her down because of some minor splotches he should be shot. I honestly think it effects her own mental image far more than her actual appearance. Not all psoriasis is sever.
ugh i got so lucky... my mom and sister and uncle all have terrible acne. I didnt get acne. no, i got something even better. Seborrheic Dermatitis.. so now I can enjoy my clear face and the redness, itching, semi-flaking on my scalp, ears, and neck, hands, corners of my mouth, along my hairline. Ugh thank god I can make it go away, even if it flares up again. Most of the time, it stays off my face and ears/neck, but I cant make it go away from my hands or scalp. But with a fuck load of lotion, my hands look normal. My super long hair covers my scalp. But, no one has ever said anything about it, never mentioned it. I didnt get it until around my 18th bday, but its not very apparent. but I always have to take care of my skin now... and at times it hurts, like pain on my skin. makes me feel bad. but as long as people dont notice or care, im good. oh and i always have to wear carmex so i dont get it on my mouth... but that has only happened once, i got carmex and bam, went away and stayed away


Well-Known Member
Cystic acne kicked my ass in H.S., still have some issues with it 17 years later but that's more pain than appearance.

I know a girl with minor psoriasis, I didn't know she had it for 2 years and I found out only after she told my wife. She's a stunning young lady and if any young man turns her down because of some minor splotches he should be shot. I honestly think it effects her own mental image far more than her actual appearance. Not all psoriasis is sever.
Even if it was severe it shouldn't matter. I'll be honest though, I'm attracted based on looks first. A girl that I find good looking will get my attention and make me want to meet/talk to her. And personally, I think that's fine. Because if you aren't both physically and mentally attracted to each other, then it probably wont work out. A little acne, psoriasis or rosacea isn't going to change how I feel about her as long as the attraction is there in the first place.

But this is a skin condition we're talking about, its not like she has no skin and is spewing green acid from her mouth lol. Don't push someone away that you like becuase they have a small issue that they can't even control. Because when you end up alone you'll look back at that girl and feel like a huge asshole.

I'm grateful I had and still sometimes get acne. It taught me not to judge people and to accept everyone as they are.
Plus men with skin like a baby's ass look girly.


Well-Known Member
ill admit this skin condition has taught me a few lessons... dont judge people with skin conditions, unless you can tell they just dont take care of themselves. that i need to make sure everything else looks great so that people dont notice my skin. and that honestly, this isnt something I can help, so fuck the people who judge me on it


Well-Known Member
yeah but you're lucky you can mostly hide it and keep it under control.

I had to walk around with that shit on my face and it hurt like a bitch.
I'm happy the worst of it is over..

There was this girl I saw sitting at the mall about a month ago with pretty bad acne
She was so pretty but you could just tell she felt like shit and didn't want to be there..
Long story short I went and bought her a flower and I was going to sit down and flirt with her but she was gone when I got back.

I had my chance but the flower blew it for me.

But this thread is not about mora's wife or skin conditions. Although I'm sure she's a beautiful lady, this is about mora's everyday life at the gas station!


Well-Known Member
haha sorry i tend to get distracted... as for the gas station part, people are stupid everywhere you go. my sister works at mcdonalds and she always has stories to tell... like the person who tried to pay in pesos, the black lady who flipped out and threatened her, the people who try to get free food... people have no respect anymore


Well-Known Member
I'm at my job right now, I work in a call center and get bitched at about cat litter and laundry detergent all day and have to deal with everything from suicidal people to rude people and people who are lonely and just want to talk.


Well-Known Member
I worked for 18 years straight with a total of 8 weeks off in that time. I go to college and play with a baby at home. I dropped out of society the day my baby was born, I didn't need it and it no longer needed me.


New Member
dude, why didn't you just let the 2 women of and sell them the beer? You could have just been nice lol
The receipt would show a beer sale past the cut-off time and he would have lost his job and the owner would have received a hefty fine. Some of the smarter registers won't allow the sale period.


Little phrase I like to use goes like this: dnt worry bwt thaaaat! And when they say 'oh yeh, and ill have Xx' say Nope you've had ya chance.