The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
I was kinda glad cuz i wasnt looking forward to the extractions lol. Well wen it comes to medication i like to up front. Didnt say i grew or owt, she was a polish imigrent so prolly dunt know the laws anyway and i only admitted to smoking it lol.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like bullshit to me. I went for an operation on my knee and told the doc I smoked weed (well I filled the form in that I did since it asked) But they never said anything. My doc just tells me I should try and smoke less, leave it to the weekends he said. Fuk of doc ya dick splash! So what in the hell is 24 hours going to do anyway. It's still in your system the dopey cow.
I am terrified of dentits, evil people
In used to be, severely. then my dentist told me i had a gum disorder which lead to a trip to the hospital for surgery, when i came round the surgeon asked why i had all my teeth out so i told her. apparently i didn't. so no teeth for no real reason. but on the up side i don't have the phobia any more :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
well we know what the "exodus cheese" from ghs is like, I dont supose these will be much different tbh. Its handy they have it in regs, what do u think EM?