The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
if she'd actually sang into and not at the mike she might have gotten away with it. looks like she's put some weight back on. honestly that's not the worse she's been by far. they say you have to hit rock bottom to come back up though.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, no sugar lumps please.

when we were young lay abouts there was a women in our town that use to walk by from time to time, fek me she looked like Shergar, lol. She reported us to the police for making horsey noises at her. We had a local bobby at the time called James Brown (who also use to get a James Brown "Huh", welcome everytime he came up to us - but he was actually really cool with us, one of the few coppers in my life who treated us normally). Poor guy, he couldn't keep a straight face as he was telling us off, still makes me giggle to think of it.

or one that says please do not feed the horse...