Smoking Weed Makes Me 'Sick'? Help


Active Member
Once in a while when i smoke weed it kinda feels like i have a cold or something.... my nose gets all stuffed, my throat kinda hurts and is maybe dry? and i sneeze every little bit.... i dont want it to be like this because obv i love smoking weed! any help would be appreciated!! thanks


Well-Known Member
it may be the quality of weed your smoking. 'old' weed (schwag) tends to do that to you. my advice would be to only smoke 'high grade' herb.


Active Member
Better weed should help with that, when I first started smoking I was going through alot of terrible weed ("chinese grow" as it's known here) and it fucks you up, wouldn't even touch the stuff nowadays


Active Member
My sinuses always feel like they're gonna explode when I smoke, after a while I just got used to it. For the throat, I'd say moisten up your weed in a humidor or put some orange peels in the bag with it and if that doesn't help, use a bong.



Active Member
My sinuses always feel like they're gonna explode when I smoke, after a while I just got used to it. For the throat, I'd say moisten up your weed in a humidor or put some orange peels in the bag with it and if that doesn't help, use a bong.

thats also weird cause i am using a bong, hopefully i'll just get used to this feeling... but thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
some people are actually allergic to any kind of smoke. don't know if this is you or not, just throwing it out there


Active Member
It has mold in it trust me same thing happened to me a while back :bigjoint: just buy a new sack fuck that one


New Member
lol.. here is what you do.

1. Make sure your testicles are still attached.
2. Make sure your dic* is still attached.
3. Make sure you don't have a vagina.


Well-Known Member
ah my fwb gets the worst experience when he smokes... gets crazy paranoid, everything hurts, gagging, retching... which sucks cause id love to smoke with him. honestly if weed makes you sick, then dont use it. simple


Well-Known Member
some people are actually allergic to any kind of smoke. don't know if this is you or not, just throwing it out there
I agree, I've smoked some weed I was allergic too. Could have been something on the weed, mold, I don't know but now that I'm growing it's not a problem.


Active Member
I have sinus problems anyway, and I usually exhale through my nose to catch any remaining goodies on the way out, so it really never surprised me that it made my sinuses swell. Actually, when I have a really bad sinus infection my eyes look like I've been smoking weed (just without the redness) even if I haven't.



Well-Known Member
I have sinus problems anyway, and I usually exhale through my nose to catch any remaining goodies on the way out, so it really never surprised me that it made my sinuses swell. Actually, when I have a really bad sinus infection my eyes look like I've been smoking weed (just without the redness) even if I haven't.

Even though weed is nothing like tobacco when it comes to irritation of the mucous membranes, it may still be irritating your sinuses. I never exhale smoke through my nose anymore. I used to do it with weed and tobacco. Gave up the tobacco in 97.