Chevy repairs (bullshit! rant!)


New Member
government backed car???


first thing:

the US would be a lot better off if we would just lay off the WW2 anti-jap they're the enemy. it's been more than 60 fucking years. GET OVER IT. we can also learn a LOT of japanese culture.

a wall of water hits japan?? people wait 9 hours in line for groceries. a wall of water hits new orleans??? the police need to call up all their reserves because the looting is out of control....


if you buy an american car, and buy a 4 cyl, you are just asking for trouble.

anybody who somehow understands american cars knows that there's only about 4 engines the US manufactures that are worth it. that's the ford V-8 which is the base for all of their sports cars. their V-8 that goes into the F-150s. the other two are pretty much the same engine, the chevy 8 cyl which goes into chevy work vans and the large silverado type trucks....

american made 4 and 6 cylinder engines have NEVER worked right. that's why the japanese and now koreans are starting to DOMINATE that market. simple.

if you want to buy american, go with a large SUV or truck. other than that, go foreign. Kia, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, all of them assemble a few cars in the US. it's a foreign company but a DOMESTIC subsidiary and therefore buying a foreign car doesn't really mean you aren't 'buying american'.

anyways, pray to god it's not an ECM/security issue...... that's bout 3grand right there....
Damnn right government backed car! Companies that hook up with banks to screw the people for the people is no good. I dont give a fuck where you buy your car as long as it is private sale or a title takeover and thats cash. Big business is a scam, you can only become so big until people start fucking people. I bet if a car company showed up using 100% recycled material running off piss and shit they would be shut down in a instant. Even if you had a Lifetime warranty on parts (unless intentional or stupidity occurs) and you pay for labor. This world is based on fucking the little guy, not fully.. just enough to say I didnt do it. America the beautiful with are government that sprays us with chemicals, businesses that fuck us, and the law to make sure you dont retaliate. If you dont agree than your a fucking moron and your response is moot.

If you do agree than strike your post starting with my comment.


New Member
As for the anti foreign rants.. damn right fuck everybody and lets focus on ourselves. That way we can infiltrate the system and rewrite the future. On a totaly differen situation.. these history books need to be sued to death. I get angry when children learn lies because either the educator or the school system is such a piece of shit honesty is not their best policy.


Well-Known Member
For the poster who said America does not make a great V6. We have been making great V6 engines for decades. Its the feds that have put restrictions on them to the point where they dont produce horsepower.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
To hell what it is or where it's from, isn't driving things just fun :D

I feel the pain, things these days just don't seem to last. For the money i pay for things, they should last a decade+ Profit margins eh :lol:


Active Member
My 2003 Silverado is a v6 5 speed
i delivered pizzas on it for about 5 years
the cluster went out but warrantey covered it

everything else is holding together pretty well

and my v6 is pushing alil over 200 stock hp

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Don't forget the CEO of GM said that there should be a $1 tax added to the price of gas. So we will buy those shitty little cars.

He said it at the shareholders meeting just a few weeks ago. Honest Abe. Well, he didn't say shitty, but he did say small cars.


Well-Known Member
you can invent all the excuses you want.

truth is the very same environmental restrictions apply to all new cars sold in the US and for some reason american 4cyl and V6 engines were the most that came into the shop i worked at. GM and Izuzu led the way by far.....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All these newer cars suck ass ...wish i had my 1970 chevelle back...
I blame computers and damned politics!

My car runs just dandy. Yet i've a cat converter warning light on, when that eventually fails (i ent replacing it for £300!) the onboard computer will automatically cut the engine power back from the shit it already is to around 30mph top speed. I'll belch black clouds of smoke to get home if i have to but not if emissions laws and carbon footprints have anything to do with it. Damned machines.


bud bootlegger
i'd never buy an american car, minus maybe a vette or a nice model mustang or an ss / rs camaro, but the rest of them are giant turds ime.. it's been years and years since owning a us car has amounted to a pile of beans.. pretty much before the mid seventies when all of the smog laws came into effect.. i do however miss my 67 camaro, when cars were cars and bumbers were made out of metal and not some pos plastic that falls off at a 5 mph hit..
i now try and drive only foreign.. right now i'm driving german, vw to be exact.. but you can't go wrong with honda, acura, toyota, nissan, or any other german brand like audi or bmw.. yah, you might spend a lil more up front on these cars, but then you're not going to get raped every other 20k miles when this or that falls apart on you..


Well-Known Member
I have 4 cars...

I have a Porsche Cabriolet - 1984 with a Cup Motor :fire:

2008 Tahoe 4X4- runs great :bigjoint:

2006 Chrysler 300 - best car on the road bongsmilie

2003 Jeep Wrangler 4.0 liter Off road beast kiss-ass

I like my cars, they are so much better than when I was young. Plus I paid cash for all of them.

I've had lot's, if you are buying bad cars, it's you own fault. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
my wife bought a toyota yaris a couple of years ago and i love the little thing, 40 mpg and i can park it damn near anywhere i want. my cadillac does a lot of sitting because of the fuel economy, no more big cars for me.
I'm going to post these pictures from a thrown timing chain rapair I had to do on my 1999 S-10 last summer.

The one on the left is the repair part that I ordered. It looks like your standard issue, garden variety, v-engine timing chain. On the right, is the one that was put in the truck at the factory. It snapped at 60,000 miles on an engine that saw only moderate use and synthetic oil at every 3000 mile servicing.


Look at that tiny little thing! It's smaller than what's on your bicycle! See that penny for size reference? Yeah, this puny thing is what's responsible for turning your entire valve train, your distributor, and your oil pump.

Side by side cross sectional comparison. Anybody who's ever torn down an engine knows one of these. They took a tried and true design with a durability record of over 50 years, and replaced it with the piece of junk shown on the right. If I had known that was installed in the truck when I was looking at it on the showroom floor, I would have walked.

The worst thing of all is that somebody at GM probably got a bonus for implementing a cost saving measure like this. Some executive gets a new summer house in the Hamptons, and I get stuck dealing with bent valves! This is a a problem central to why the US car industry is on the rocks. You see fit not to give me a reliable product at a competetive price, but to try and wring every penny you can from me. I have 2 GM vehicles in my household and I will do what I can to make them last as long as possible. After that, I will be taking my business elsewhere.


Active Member
i say chevys are a dream...everyone knows how to work on them they dont need special tools the parts arent rediculouse and honestly the volkswagen dealer wont even work on my car at the dealership because it has an audi trans in it but that is the way i bought it from the dealership...i think it really sucks what happened to you and that they should definately back up their cars in a situation like this..!! sorry man hope you get it all figured out and it doesnt cost 420 no matter how awesome the number is!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i say chevys are a dream...everyone knows how to work on them they dont need special tools the parts arent rediculouse and honestly the volkswagen dealer wont even work on my car at the dealership because it has an audi trans in it but that is the way i bought it from the dealership...i think it really sucks what happened to you and that they should definately back up their cars in a situation like this..!! sorry man hope you get it all figured out and it doesnt cost 420 no matter how awesome the number is!
Even if I get the parts and have a third party put them in the dealership is the only one who can link my keys to the lock, so I have to go to them.

As soon as I got the car back I noticed a couple of problems. The right turn signal sticks about 25% of the time now and doesn't turn off after I make a right turn (it never did that a single time I can remember in the first 37,000 miles before I brought it in) and there is a weird squeaking sound somewhere under the dash, I can't identify exactly what it is. But it didn't squeak before I brought it in, and it squeaked immediately after I got it out.

I called the guy up and explained it to him and he said they would check it out. When I got there he drew up a drop off form for me to sign, and never mentioned any charge for the service. I asked what this "$48.50 labor fee" hidden in the paper was for and he said to check the suspension.

Me: Uh you never mentioned a fee. And this is simply to look at it? YOU are the one that fucked it up, I shouldn't have to pay to have it fixed let alone just looked at.
him: We only replaced the lock cylinder. It is possible we accidentally did something to the turn signal, but not the suspension.
Me: Yea but it was fine the day I brought it in, and squeaked the day you gave it back.
him: Sir it's not possible we had anything to do with that. Perhaps it was damaged by the towing company.
Me: So how do I get them to fix? call them and tell them?
him: You can but they will tell you that you have to get it looked at first.
Me: For $48.50 of course. I'm not paying you anything to look at or fix it, I just had it in less than two weeks ago. These problems happened on your watch.
him: Ok i'll cross off the service and we will not check the suspension.

Fucking ridiculous. I called another mechanic who is willing to look at it for free to see what the problem is. Amazing considering I didn't even buy a $15,000 car from him in 2008, and didn't just have my car in to him for a $420 repair 3 weeks ago, and the problems didn't happen on his watch.

Am I being unreasonable expecting them to at least look at and determine the problem without paying a $48.50 fee? I'm going to talk to a service manager tomorrow when I pick up the car.

I think it's bullshit they wouldn't cover an obvious manufacturing defect at 37,000 miles.
I also think it's bullshit the guy never mentioned a fee to look at the car over the phone, or in person. He just printed up the paper and told me to sign at the bottom. He was not planning on mentioning it at all. Luckily I know how to read before I sign something, but still that bothers me that they even attempted to do that.
I also think it's bullshit they are refusing to accept responsibility (or even acknowledge the possibility) for whatever is causing the squeaking, and immediately blame it on the towing company. I wasn't quick enough on my feet to ask, but I wonder how they got the car from the parking lot into their shop to fix it. The original problem was that the key wouldn't turn, so the car couldn't be driven or even placed in gear. So they had to get it from the lot to the shop in order to fix that.

Fuck this dealership.


Well-Known Member
chevys are coffins on wheels, they were deemed the most unsafe cars this year in a range of categories, and have deaths per 1000 several times more than the second worst....