

Active Member
no doubt
maybe your eyes our better then mine
do u see signs?
i been accused of being blindz before so u tell me
In both the poster's and the upstanding Mr Dogg's pics, I see nubs. Nothing definitively male or female. I always suggest that when in doubt, be patient and wait for those white hairs or a banana bunch to pop out.


New Member
whoops i guess DA DOGG got banned so we can take a smoke break while he signz up forz a newz profilez
and get ready forz roundz tooz

Gary Busey

New Member
All his posts are gone. He not only got banned, he was exterminated.

He must of pissed in the wrong persons Cheerios.


Active Member
So, any new pics of the plant in question? It would be nice to finish up this thread with a determination if the plant was in fact a boyz or girlz? :)
I will post some more pictures of the plant once i know the sex for sure. My other plant is showing long white whisps coming from the bulb so it is a lady so stoked, my first one!:eyesmoke: