3 Week In 2 Flower.. Can I Smoke The Trimmed Leaves??


Well-Known Member
i highly doubt it due to the fact that it doesn't have any thc or what is it? cbn or something like that


Active Member
im not trimming them at all it was just a ?.... the dodgy leaves that should i take them away. the lower plant 1s are very limp yellow 3 weeks 4 days in 2 flower... or just leave the whole thing alone and just feed as required?


Well-Known Member
Why not make a collage with the leaves? Or do something fun with them, like paste them on a wall or an art board and paint over them. Or use them as Christmas ornaments for the tree.

Pat Man

Active Member
think about it this way, the resin that coats the bud that gets you high is covered with trichomes. This is the same resin that drips onto the trim leaves making them sticky and smokeable. If it takes 9 weeks for the bud to mature for the best quality smoke, then it will take just as long for the trichomes covering the trim leaves to mature into a good smoke.

I don;t know if you knew but to tell when your bud is fully matured you need to look at the trichomes under a microscope. you do this by cutting a trim leave off and examining it under a 60x-100x microscope. the maturity goes as follows......clear to creamy to amber. the bud is not worth much if the trichs are all clear i.e. until the last few weeks of flowering they start to turn a creamy color. then as the window for harvest closes they start to change amber


Active Member
think about it this way, the resin that coats the bud that gets you high is covered with trichomes. This is the same resin that drips onto the trim leaves making them sticky and smokeable. If it takes 9 weeks for the bud to mature for the best quality smoke, then it will take just as long for the trichomes covering the trim leaves to mature into a good smoke.

I don;t know if you knew but to tell when your bud is fully matured you need to look at the trichomes under a microscope. you do this by cutting a trim leave off and examining it under a 60x-100x microscope. the maturity goes as follows......clear to creamy to amber. the bud is not worth much if the trichs are all clear i.e. until the last few weeks of flowering they start to turn a creamy color. then as the window for harvest closes they start to change amber
since when does thc drip off a plant lol


Active Member
lol don't listen to them they are afraid if people found out leaf got you high, it would under cut their profits.

Mort Fink

New Member
Leaves do contain THC, not nearly as much as the buds and probably barely anything two weeks in. Some leaves can get frosty though, the ones near bud sites and get you high. In the end they do taste like shit and most people only turn to leaves in times of desperation if at all.


Active Member
Trim leaves do contain a good amount of thc, but it doesn't get there by "dripping" off the buds lol. Wonder if this guy has ever really grown himself, cuz anyone who has would laugh. a lot. like me lol lol lol. lol


Well-Known Member
Why do you need to ask? Smoke them and find out for yourself. I tell you from experience you might get a headspin at most and some sore lungs. But give it a go. I dare ya
leafs go yellow as the (n) gets used up by the plant but dont get it mixed up with (n) burn dude.
thc does live in the leafs but not at a great amount, keep the leafs on as this keeps the bud safe when curing as the thc falls of ever time u move it but dont smoke ur bud intill it has change to red dude.


Active Member
Why do you need to ask? Smoke them and find out for yourself. I tell you from experience you might get a headspin at most and some sore lungs. But give it a go. I dare ya
It must suck having a high tolerance. I quit for almost 10 years, the leaf has sustained me over the last month or so "it gets me pretty high even if it tastes like crap", I have uncured bud now, hopefully it's enough to last until next.


Active Member
leafs go yellow as the (n) gets used up by the plant but dont get it mixed up with (n) burn dude.
thc does live in the leafs but not at a great amount, keep the leafs on as this keeps the bud safe when curing as the thc falls of ever time u move it but dont smoke ur bud intill it has change to red dude.
One thing I've noticed not only do the yellow leaves taste more like crap, but they don't get you as high. I think the plant in it's attempt to strip the leaf of nutes has taken away some of the good stuff. It does get me thinking though, if your buds will be ever so slightly more potent if you allow the leaves to fall off as opposed to trimming them.

As mentioned, stick with the small green leaves, the rest is crap. well they are too, but not near as much of crap.