really weird- half male half female? help!

Hi guys
I need your help please:
It's not my first time growing... and still I can't decide either this plant is male of has this pre-flower that looks like a male pollen sack but it ALSO has hairs

(2 pics added)
the little "pre-flowers"(or whatever it is) only grew in 1 Level of the plant (the 6th) now its growing its 7th but no pre-flowers there

help me decide before it's too late
thank you guys so much




Well-Known Member
"I agree, keep it growin get some feminized seeds "

Bad idea - a plant that hermies that young is probably from genetics, and you don't want to grow hermies all of the time, so kill it.


Well-Known Member
"Grow it and keep the seeds, then next spring throw the seeds around town randomly. "

Great idea - pollinate everyones plants with shit genetics.
thanks guys :) I guess i'll kill it
I don't want ANY seeds :D

I just had no idea there are marijuana shemales :D
can they get married? :):)

thanks again!


Active Member
ew transvestite gross! i've planted tranny seeds before and they haven't hermied. I would plant the seed and clone the best female plant you get. but once your done wiped everything down so your next harvest doesn't have seeds.


Active Member
hahaha yes chop it up and get rid of it i would also clean up a bit to make sure no pollen had been released, if you hve other plants(wash your hands before touching other plants). hermies are often caused by stress (but not always) caused to the plant by all of your growing elements(feeding watering pests lighting damge to the plants basicly) and it is possible if you keep an eye on the other plants to catch it growing balls and get rid of that specific portion of the plant and get at least some bud but you would have to research more on that. good luck and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
i read that herms are a result of plant stress durinq the growing phase
They can be, but can also be 100% perfectly normal from growing from seed. Its a natural part of a plants survival mode just in case of no pollination. Female seeds are also produced by force-hermi'n females. So, a hermie isnt bad. I'd harvest the seeds and then plant a dozen and see how they do!


i read that herms are a result of plant stress durinq the growing phase
That is correct kinq; however, environmental stresses are not the only thing that create a hermaphroditic plant! Some strains are genetically predisposed to it. Just think if you were to have kept on growing your shemale, it would have eventually pollinated itself, creating buds bursting with seeds that are hermaphroditic. While you are growing your plants environmental stresses (as you have read) can also cause plants to become hermaphroditic. An example is trying to grow an outdoor strain inside or visa versa. This causes the plant stress. Screwing with your plants light schedule. This causes the plant stress. Etc. That's why you don't want to keep these seeds, bud! Angelsbandit is right, there's a chance the plant's genetics are shit.

Hope you haven't put too much time into growing your shemale & I hope you have some other plants going. If not, don't lose hope! Have fun! :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you want a great example of an outdoor strain grown indoors check out my commercial grow op thread in the signature. We're pulling 1/2 lb for every 1000 watts of flower power. With indoor strains grown indoors we can pull a few grams over 2 lbs in comparison. The veg time takes them 5 weeks for the outdoor based seeds versus the indoor strains grown indoors taking 2-3 weeks to veg to the same height. We have FOURTEEN lights too, so you can imagine the "unrealized" loss from the mistake. Mommies are growing now to resolve it, but I always document and post all the failures and the successes so that I can remember what not to do and others can learn from my fuckups ;)


Active Member
If that's the only ball, pick-it off and wait, never know, might not grow anymore.

To be a true hermi, they have both male and female "flowers" only, coming from the same top.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
grow it, dont kill it, sometimes its a false flag, ive had what appeared to be male parts on a plant once and it didnt hermie.

EDIT: naysayers can suck a stamen.


Active Member
if you can take the risk and have the room and lights to do it bud go for it.. i would imo throw it out it wastes space and energy and if you fuck up your other plants you will be pissed.