Ron Paul, Barney Frank To Introduce Bill Legalizing Marijuana...

Big P

Well-Known Member
Lawmakers to introduce bill to legalize marijuana

By Luis Robayo | AFP – 1 hour 18 minutes ago

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  • A group of US representatives plan to introduce legislation that will legalize marijuana …

A group of US representatives plan to introduce legislation that will legalize marijuana and allow states to legislate its use, pro-marijuana groups said Wednesday.
The legislation would limit the federal government's role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or inter-state smuggling, and allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal.

The bill, which is expected to be introduced on Thursday by Republican Representative Ron Paul and Democratic Representative Barney Frank, would be the first ever legislation designed to end the federal ban on marijuana.

Sixteen of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
But planting, selling or commercially distributing marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

Last year, California citizens voted not to legalize recreational marijuana use, although the debate continues in about half a dozen other states.
Three weeks ago a group of ex-presidents of Latin America as well as former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan denounced the failure of the global war on drugs and called for urgent changes, including the legalization of cannabis.

Between 1998 and 2008, worldwide consumption of opiates increased 35 percent, with cocaine use growing 27 percent and marijuana use growing 8.5 percent, according to the Global Commission on Drug Policy.

June marks the 40th anniversary of the "War on Drugs" launched by President Richard Nixon in 1970, the first major US anti-drug initiative.


Well-Known Member
if it passes, this country will do a complete 360 degree turn to a peaceful nation.
You mean a 180 degree turn, I presume.

Sorry, couldn't resist it.

Unless of course, you mean a 360 degree turn as in it WAS legal.

Then a 180 degree turn made it illegal.

Now another 180 degree turn means re-legalization.

Total = 360. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You mean a 180 degree turn, I presume.

Sorry, couldn't resist it.

Unless of course, you mean a 360 degree turn as in it WAS legal.

Then a 180 degree turn made it illegal.

Now another 180 degree turn means re-legalization.

Total = 360. bongsmilie
haha very true, completely did not think when I wrote that.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya its cool cuz they not saying weed should be legal in the usa they saying it should be up to the states. now that is cool

republicans are for states rights. they better not dissapoint, tea party should be for this too i presume, now add the libs, and seems like we should have a majority on this issue


they better do it!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ya its cool cuz they not saying weed should be legal in the usa they saying it should be up to the states. now that is cool

republicans are for states rights. they better not dissapoint, tea party should be for this too i presume, now add the libs, and seems like we should have a majority on this issue


they better do it!...!
Your mention of the Teabaggers brings up a very good point.

This will be a true, and very effective, litmus test of who are the genuine article and who have been assimilated into the Republican collective.

Write your Congress Critters, people!

And I stress WRITE, as in letter.

Email and phone calls are okay in a pinch; but nowhere near as effective as an actual, heart-felt letter from a constituent.

sorry for stealing your point:D

Not steal.



Well-Known Member
ahh.. well you seemed the needed to make a point of the fact you made a point before I restated your point,. so well thats where I was at;)


Well-Known Member
ahh.. well you seemed the needed to make a point of the fact you made a point before I restated your point,. so well thats where I was at;)
Funny, it did not read like a restatement.

It read like an original statement...

But as it was merely repeating a previously stated point...

It is thus, a reinforcement; which is why I insist that it was not stealing...

Just lazy. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think I read in a history of cannabis someplace that it has been legal more than once. So 540 degrees maybe LOL


Well-Known Member
I'm all for legalization I just believe big business should be kept out call me greedy if you want but the everyday grower myself and tons of friends could get put out of business. The medical format in cali and co have been a win win for us because it allows everyone safe access without losing the potential for growers to make a living.

I just don't want to see it drop down to the price of tobacco and all the growers who have worked so hard get squashed under the foot of a major corporation.