
i use human pee... one morning piss to 1 gallon of water distributed over 10 plants. everyday. i also use miracle grow 24-08-16 ... 1 tablespoon (thats the big one) every 3 weeks in addition with the pee. i grow bagseed. im telling you it works. i should also say that i flush with water every 6 weeks so i dont pollute the soil.
everyone seems to really be sooooooooooooo careful about ph and all things related to their babies... man its bunk... superbunk. im here to encourage you. they are PLANTS they want to live... its not so hard as they would have you believe to grow GOOD happy smoke. im not trying to win the cannabis cup here ... i just want quality smoke for free and i want to tell you... YES YES YES you can do it too my friends ...molre later

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
WHY? WHY? WHY? the fuck would you use Human PEE? that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard...yes it has N, but so does a million OTHER natural compounds that arn't pee....God you can cut your balls off too if i wanted to, doesn't mean you should


Well-Known Member
This is why I grow my own stuff. Who knows what people add to their plants. I was at the hydro store with my buddy, the guy said to put egg yoke in the soil. Someone else said they add birth control pills to their water. When we left I told my friend if he ever puts that crap on the plants I gave him I'm gonna punch him in the throat.

Next week I sware someone is going to say adding pig cum to your plants is the best shit ever.


It's not that much piss, plus it will definitively keep the animals away. I piss nearby my plants, but if this works for you buddy, piss on. lol


Active Member
that Tablespoon of 24-8-16 has a ph of 3.6
i would know.. i use the exact fert. WITH A PH KIT.
i can guarantee that your plants are LOCKED OUT.
just wait for the cal/mag problems.....oh wait.. there already there!!!!
if your plants are nice and healthy post a picture! but i doubt it...

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
It's not that much piss, plus it will definitively keep the animals away. I piss nearby my plants, but if this works for you buddy, piss on. lol
Thats different, i have made concoctions with piss before as animal repellants, guy is talking about using piss as a nutrient...stupid shit.