Small Stash Container?

I am trying to figure out a good way to hide my weed in my backpack. I was looking at the soda/barbasol cans that open and have a secret compartment. I ordered a D battery that opens and had a secret compartment, perfect for a few bowls worth of weed. What do you guys/gals use to hide your weed in your backpack?


Well-Known Member
Ahh your just over reacting mate... Stick it up your ass thats the best!! ;)

(how about a lighter with a stash in it?)


Try finding a pipe with sealed bowl red-eye makes some nice ones all contained just need a lighter.....or that proto-jobie
That has lighter too.


Active Member
yea I dunno man I dont ever really need to hide my shit its always in glass jars or under my lights lol, but you just got to get MacGyver with it find something hollow if your handy with a needle and thread sew your own hidden sleeve in the bottom


Active Member
the d-battery stash cans suck, sorry to say they dont really look much like batteries, but from a distance they will work.
in highschool i used a pipe that i bought from a local head shop designed to fit into a marksalot marker. it fit in any marksalot so i got a bigger one and could stash a nick or so and my pipe. i had teachers take a good look at it (i thought i was screwed) and never had a problem
soda can stash jars are easy enough to make but you need a few things
a fine tooth hacksaw
a soda can
a small jar with a screw on lid
some liquid nails
simply take a full soda and cut the top off just below the bevel with the fine hacksaw ( make the first cut slowly as soda will shoot out) be careful not to work too fast or you can scratch the can and it wont look right.
now that you have to peices clean them with soapy water and dry them. ten glue the lid of the jar to the underside of the can lid using liquid nails. let it dry
next screw the jar to your lid assembly
fill the hollowed out soda can 1/3 or so with liquid nails (try to get the weight similar to if it were full of soda)
place the jar and lid assembly into the hollow can and make sure the lid and can fit flush, so you cant see any gaps.
tape it off and let it sit overnight.
now your done all you have to do to get to your stash is unscrew the top of the soda can


Active Member
these work great, basically a pill bottle in a can, with lead around it.
i use an Arizona one and it holds an OZ of high quality.


New Member
I am trying to figure out a good way to hide my weed in my backpack. I was looking at the soda/barbasol cans that open and have a secret compartment. I ordered a D battery that opens and had a secret compartment, perfect for a few bowls worth of weed. What do you guys/gals use to hide your weed in your backpack?
essential vape with a vial full of honey.. worst comes to worst ditch the vial and you have a chunk of metal on your person.


Active Member
How much scrutiny is the backpack likely to receive? If you just need to protect against casual observation a hollowed out book could work. In a campus setting it would not be all that odd to see a student with a copy of Plato's Republic (holy crap that would be a terrible republic to live in). Granted getting the weed out of the book could look suspicious.

Whatever you do make sure it makes sense to a casual observer. What I mean is having a stash can that looks like a large jar of mayonnaise in you backpack is going to draw attention no matter how real it looks.
How much scrutiny is the backpack likely to receive? If you just need to protect against casual observation a hollowed out book could work. In a campus setting it would not be all that odd to see a student with a copy of Plato's Republic (holy crap that would be a terrible republic to live in). Granted getting the weed out of the book could look suspicious.

Whatever you do make sure it makes sense to a casual observer. What I mean is having a stash can that looks like a large jar of mayonnaise in you backpack is going to draw attention no matter how real it looks.
Since I have the D battery stash I was thinking about getting the package from an actual D battery and put my stash battery in and make it look as if I openned it and left the battery in.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
on the serious note...

get a small mason jar

most of the time people wont look unless they smell... and mason jar is your best defense....