Nirvana is 100%!!


Well-Known Member
white widow arrived today. i put nirvana to the test and they came through! i dont reeally know to much about any other sites but this 1 works! 1 seed was indented but i'll all i gotta do is wait on these jock horrors to come! package was very discreet and i reccomend very highly to anybody lookin 4 seeds> nirvana kicks ass!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man after I read your post I went right over to Nirvana and ordered up some AK48, and Bubblicious. I have til April to start mine so this gives me plenty of time to get them and get all set up! GL with everything. U got a journal? If so I will be watching you as you will be right ahead of me. Keep me posted on everything and thanks for the input on Nirvana!!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man after I read your post I went right over to Nirvana and ordered up some AK48, and Bubblicious.
me too. been thinking about it for awhile. read your post and bought them. super skunk and Bubblicious. what state? how long did it take?


Well-Known Member
i was a little put off after i read this.
Nirvana's cannabis seeds Forum -> Attention U.s Customers !

dude is kind of a asshole. sounds like he has a moron running his site. then blamming costumers for screw up, or maybe the manager needs a few more tokes in the company break room. could you imagine working there. you find pot plants along my trail, everywhere i went.

ordered yesterday a 3am. step 5 of 7. how long does it take for them to leave nirvana shop?


Well-Known Member
Yo yelo good find, if I would ever see that manager guy on the street I think I would kick his ass. Who said anything about changing the whole system, anyways if thats what it takes to keep customers happy then thats what it takes. We make this guy rich and he cant find anything better to do than rag on us for being stupid. I just designed a website, and maybe back in 1990 this would have been a difficult problem,(I doubt it though) but its 2008 and all he has to do is have his web designer take 5 minutes to change 1 thing, it would be similar to posting a new strain on the list (takes 5 minutes to type in the code). I'm glad he realized the importance of his U.S. customers. I bet we account for a good % of his business. He states he has been compensating people for their mistakes, but he was sick of it. I get that, but he handled it the wrong way at first. I'm glad to see he handled that shiit properly at the end!


Well-Known Member
piff, don't worry yet! I have seen plenty of posts where they took 28+ days. Their is a chance that the post office impounded them but lets not go their yet. Give it another week and a half or so, out of 100 stories I may have heard one where the guy claimed not to get his seeds and I don't think it was from Nirvana. Let us know when they get there!