Yo yelo good find, if I would ever see that manager guy on the street I think I would kick his ass. Who said anything about changing the whole system, anyways if thats what it takes to keep customers happy then thats what it takes. We make this guy rich and he cant find anything better to do than rag on us for being stupid. I just designed a website, and maybe back in 1990 this would have been a difficult problem,(I doubt it though) but its 2008 and all he has to do is have his web designer take 5 minutes to change 1 thing, it would be similar to posting a new strain on the list (takes 5 minutes to type in the code). I'm glad he realized the importance of his U.S. customers. I bet we account for a good % of his business. He states he has been compensating people for their mistakes, but he was sick of it. I get that, but he handled it the wrong way at first. I'm glad to see he handled that shiit properly at the end!