G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
and heres the temp of my room i keep it at 75 to 85 at its hottest. cheap but works awsome got it in florida couple years ago awsome time. its like this closet was meant for growing lol



Well-Known Member
hey bwinn how are ya

plants are lookin beatiful mine are lookin up too thank god

those little guys are so cute damn i love everything about pot


Well-Known Member
hey bwinn how are ya

plants are lookin beatiful mine are lookin up too thank god

those little guys are so cute damn i love everything about pot
thanks kaya i think the hollands hope is so cute i too love everything about pot to lol. your plants are looking awsome. thanks kaya


Well-Known Member
yes thats my oldest. i wish i grew them all at the same time but o well lol. lets just hope it a girl. its funny how my other g13 has move of a sativa look to its leaves. heres a pic of the two. ill get some new pics up in a little bit.



Well-Known Member
see and im the evil bitch that would kick my hubby right outta bed for the plants:) You are so nice bwinnn

you have some very beautiful plants bwinn you are gooing to love growing knowing what the plant is and how high its gonna get ya. Had a friend that used to grow a g13 strain but i dont know much about the others. They all sound yummy!!! keep up the good work. Back to school this weekend so ill be missing you guys a bit


Well-Known Member
some better pic's. so your going back to school thats awsome i hope things work out for the best you deserve it kaya. we will miss you too:hump:. you will still be checking in right:confused:



Well-Known Member
hey bwinn plants are looking fat and bushy. my last grow looked like some of these. fat round leaves and tight node spacing. good job.


Well-Known Member
i loe how round the leaves of the small plant are is that th red d ? I just has a month off in between semesters i have three more left including this one and im done!!!!! No worries i will probably try to spend way to much time here:) always checkin in


Well-Known Member
i loe how round the leaves of the small plant are is that th red d ? I just has a month off in between semesters i have three more left including this one and im done!!!!! No worries i will probably try to spend way to much time here:) always checkin in
thanks kaya and the plant with the round leaves is hollands hope. here the last pics for today. last pic is for you kaya lol.



New Member
the leaves on the hollands hope is cool...this an old strain...I remember smoking hollands hope...back in the late 1980s I had friend at evergreen state in WA and he grew it outdoors on campus...