Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
no weeed???? what?
What? Where?? Highlander to the rescue haha. Nah me man, shit I must have 3 or 4 qtrs kicking around the house. And another couple after next weeks chop hehe ; !)

You alright HC? Nit popped in for a while but I see everything going well for you. Stay up bro
I'm doing great Will, enjoying an easy week. Yourself? Worst thing happened today is my bubbler tipped over lol, and now I'm dryng my bowl of DOG in the toaster oven!! Stay up too bro shoot me a pm if you would like some beans.



Well-Known Member
Hey hey. I'm in, I'm out. Off to a whirlwind day at the rat races-- catch ya on the flip HC! Have a good one brother. . . :peace:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey. I'm in, I'm out. Off to a whirlwind day at the rat races-- catch ya on the flip HC! Have a good one brother. . . :peace:
Have a good one bro, the weekend is almost here! You head off the the rat race, my girl is on her way over for some lovin hehe

I'll catch up with you later. Rom seeds are ready too man!


Well-Known Member
Oooh trust me, I have turned quick drying into an art lol
On the real if you could figure out how to raise your RH inside of the toaster over you could dry and cure in 5 days......could probably fit about an ounce in there comfortable huh? 70-85 *F with about 70% RH(Probably need a fan in there somewhere too ><). Riddlem3 made a fermentation chamber to do this. It was amazing if you didn't see it.

Those weren't his exact numbers, but I do remember him throwing out numbers that he was going to try. Pretty sure the ones he stuck with were around that range.


Well-Known Member
On the real if you could figure out how to raise your RH inside of the toaster over you could dry and cure in 5 days......could probably fit about an ounce in there comfortable huh? 70-85 *F with about 70% RH(Probably need a fan in there somewhere too ><). Riddlem3 made a fermentation chamber to do this. It was amazing if you didn't see it.

Those weren't his exact numbers, but I do remember him throwing out numbers that he was going to try. Pretty sure the ones he stuck with were around that range.
Riddleme is a myth. everything he does is out of his own head, and holds no nutts with real growers. weed aint wine, dont make something so simple, complicated! srry


Well-Known Member
Riddleme is a myth. everything he does is out of his own head, and holds no nutts with real growers. weed aint wine, dont make something so simple, complicated! srry
I'll agree with you that Riddlem3 has some off the wall ideas, that shouldn't be possible. But pretty much everything, except his theory on partially pollinated bud being more potent(BTW, thanks to Highlander we will have yet one more person to try this experiment and tell us the outcome.), he has provided full research to his hypothesis'. Most come from very well known companies and scientists who have been studying these things for quite some time. Fermentation chambers weren't created by Riddlem3....they've been around for a while with tobacco, as well as home brewing beer. Riddle is however one of the first (I don't say first cuz I've never really searched for anyone else) in the weed community that uses, or even has used, a fermentation chamber to cure. Now I've never personally smoked any of Riddlem3's weed, but there are several well known users on this board that have, and say it's amazing. Even if I can't trust them, I've seen the pictures of his fermented bud after a few days, and it looks delicious.

You know what's funny about RIU? If I would have said I have a great idea for curing and gave some people some good, reputable research, I bet you most people on this forum would more than likely give it a try. (Assuming it didn't cost a lot and it was fairly easy to make.) However if Riddlem3 says the same thing, he's just an idiot who blows smoke up peoples ass.

I'm not trying to offend you in anyway, just trying to help you keep an open mind. Weather you agree with something or not, you should be open(listen) to what everyone believes works, then decide yourself what's usable and what's ridiculous. Closed Mindedness is bound to fail, or at least not succeed to it's fullest!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
"he's just an idiot who blows smoke up peoples ass".

Haha what did you do copy and paste that quote from me? I'm sure that I have said that at least once ; !)


Well-Known Member
a few years ago, i was into riddleme. until i really started growing. i agree with seeded buds taste/smoke better, mainly because i have smoked my own seeded bud several times. but this can nor be something riddleme thought of or was"tested" by other companies as it is federally illegal to "test" marijuana.

Fermentation chambers weren't created by Riddlem3....they've been around for a while with tobacco, as well as home brewing beer. Riddle is however one of the first (I don't say first cuz I've never really searched for anyone else) in the weed community that uses, or even has used, a fermentation chamber to cure. Now I've never personally smoked any of Riddlem3's weed, but there are several well known users on this board that have, and say it's amazing. Even if I can't trust them, I've seen the pictures of his fermented bud after a few days, and it looks delicious.
i understand about fermenting and such. but MJ is not tobacco, and is not even close to be honest other than it is a plant. the drying and curing of weed will be different because of A chemical makeup B physical properties so i dont buy riddle me's crap. he came onto riu to gather some followers thinking his crap works, mainly noobies and post his post saying he will be using them in his book so he can start a site that tracks your ip. im not close minded a bit, i listen and follow what my fellow growers have to say, but when u start treating cannabis like fermented grapes i tend to think your "blowing smoke up peoples ass" iof any of these things he does worked for the better, the MJ industry would have been capitalized and we would all be doin them.

His research is from wine websites and other shit that is not MJ, no two humans are th same and it goes the same for the plant world. i dont doubt he can grow, but when u come into RIU claiming to be a genius with all the secrets and your grow at the time was a small ass cfl grow(not that it matters) u should have more proof tha some wine mags articles.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just to play devils advocate :D i should add i have no vested interests whatsoeverl, riddlem3 is just another person like the many billions.

What leads you to believe that weed can't be used with a fermenting unit, other than that it's meant to be for grapes or tobacco? If someone can explain the science of why it won't work, that's great, but without it i can really only sit and think one mans word over another. I mean we use animals to test human medicines etc, lots of shit is possible in this world. Guess i gotta go read up on how they work and what they do and such. First i've heard of this but i'd like to know why it is or is not feasible.

I'm now sat trying to see if there are any known origins for the curing of cannabis, for al we know it oculd have been a thousand years ago someone said oi, we make our tobacco good like this yeah, let's try with cannabis. Who knows. A lot of working of materials and such for a final product is from trial and error over generations etc, but an equally large proportion is from taking ideas from other areas and tweaking them. Just thinking is all :)


Well-Known Member
What? Where?? Highlander to the rescue haha. Nah me man, shit I must have 3 or 4 qtrs kicking around the house. And another couple after next weeks chop hehe ; !)

I'm doing great Will, enjoying an easy week. Yourself? Worst thing happened today is my bubbler tipped over lol, and now I'm dryng my bowl of DOG in the toaster oven!! Stay up too bro shoot me a pm if you would like some beans.

I'm good man. Shame about knockin the bubbler over mate there is nothing worse than cleaning wasted smokables. Yeah same goes man if you want any beans from me...


Well-Known Member
Just to play devils advocate :D i should add i have no vested interests whatsoeverl, riddlem3 is just another person like the many billions.

What leads you to believe that weed can't be used with a fermenting unit, other than that it's meant to be for grapes or tobacco? If someone can explain the science of why it won't work, that's great, but without it i can really only sit and think one mans word over another. I mean we use animals to test human medicines etc, lots of shit is possible in this world. Guess i gotta go read up on how they work and what they do and such. First i've heard of this but i'd like to know why it is or is not feasible.

I'm now sat trying to see if there are any known origins for the curing of cannabis, for al we know it oculd have been a thousand years ago someone said oi, we make our tobacco good like this yeah, let's try with cannabis. Who knows. A lot of working of materials and such for a final product is from trial and error over generations etc, but an equally large proportion is from taking ideas from other areas and tweaking them. Just thinking is all :)
i feel you, but what i'm saying is or was. if it can be done it wouldve been done long ago as both tobacco and MJ farming have been around for a while, not like these are new jobs/hobbies. im sure people have tried and obviously it wasn't a hit. cuz if it was, we'd be doing it too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i feel you, but what i'm saying is or was. if it can be done it wouldve been done long ago as both tobacco and MJ farming have been around for a while, not like these are new jobs/hobbies. im sure people have tried and obviously it wasn't a hit. cuz if it was, we'd be doing it too.
I hear the thinking, just, well i'm just me haha, i like to read the science behind things before i follow or repeat them to others. I just like learning things i guess :) Took long enough for wine makers to ditch corks for what had been around for donkeys years, so i always try and work on the basis of why not, maybe it could happen, except with religion, then no, it didn't happen you fucking nutjob! :p

So last weekend you were doing as much of fuck all as you could, what's the game plan this time HC? anything fun lined up or do you like to make weekends you lazy time :D

My method is reverse-violence, that is to say i entice them into beating me to a pulp and then demolishing them with simple psychology, it always works best when the other person is a bit slow in the head though :D Normally works although to date i ended up with someones birthday present being trashed on the pavement and the other time my phone broken from a quantity of blood clogging everything to shit when i phoned my mate afterwards laughing, looks like i didn't get the last laugh.

I'll use an ambush as an excuse to go visit HC :) all aboard the steam train woooooo woooooooo

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey tip top whats going on man. I try and make weekends as quite as I can these days lol. My Scandie baby is back in town so I'm sitting out on the porch getting an order ready for her. Guess she chickened out as far as meeting D in the Dam a couple of weeks ago. Took a couple pics of the Lemon Qleaner before she comes down, I'll post them when I'm done filling this ;)