Need Help. All plants showing same signs...

Hi all,

I have been reading the forums for a long time. I have had this issue from early seedling stage and has been getting worse.

Grow medium: Peat moss/vermiculite/per-lite, PH is 6.5. In 3 Gal pots.
Plant are 5 weeks old, and on 12/12 for the last 6 days. I Feed twice a week 50% strength (Grow,Micro and Bloom) nutes with plain water watering in between. Watering PH is 6.8 (plain and nute). I tend to water every other day since 12/12 switch. I am using 2x100W CFL evirolites for veg 20/4, and 250W HPS for 12/12 flower. Temps lights on 28 C / 82 F Lights out 22 C / 71 F.

PH seems to be correct so it doesn't look to be a lock out issue. My best guess at this point is a calcium/magnesium deficiency. Looking to get a second opinion or any input would be great.

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Well-Known Member
I have found that a diluted MagiCal (Technaflora) mixture in a foliar spray works rather well if there is an extreme deficiency. 1/8 Strength in the spray bottle (don't want to burn them) and 75% strength mix in the reservoir. For me, this is about 8mL per gallon of water, so you may want to stick with 5mL for soil. Don't let the spray sit on the leaves too long or it may still burn them individually, but that is not a sign of nutrient burn all over, just that leaf because it sat there. I find that watering just before the lights go out works for me, as the Metal Halide is not magnified by the water and making my leaves burn up.

Also, if you are using General Hydroponics Nutrients (and from the Gro-Micro-Bloom you mentioned, I'm guessing you are) a 50% mix is a bit weak for them. I noticed my plants liked the 50% strength mix out of the cloner, and then they really seemed to enjoy the 800 ppm mix I use once they get a bit older. There are things that the girls need during the 12/12 that they don't during the veg stage, and they need more of it all the time. My 12/12 side of the hydro setup is running at almost 1300 sometimes, depending on the strain of plant there. If the strain you have can take the nutrients, I say give it to them.

I don't see any signs of over-watering there, you say you water every 2 days or so? Do you pick up the pots to see if they need it, or just water them? I'm guessing you know what you are doing, so I do not want to seem condescending here. i just notice the water sitting in the pans under your pots there, is that there all the time, and is there any sort of algae problem?

Note: I myself grow hydro, so soil isn't exactly my thing; so take what I say here and see what works for you. Hope some of it helps!


Well-Known Member
It could be over watering~Or under feeding:lol:What is 1/4 strength~ 3rd week in flowering I'm thinking it could use something closer to full dose:clap:I go by ppm's:clap:
Thanks for the great input. I am using hydro nutes; Holland line from Floratonic, here are the specs:

Micro 5-0-1, Grow 2-1-6, Bloom 0-5-4. On my feeding schedule it says to use the following per 100L/25Gal during flower 1000-1400 ppm: 100ml Grow, 150ml Mirco, 250ml Bloom.

=IAN=: I don't believe it to be over watering either. I only water when the pots feel light and keep track of how much water goes in. I use about 2L or 1/2 gal for each plant. When watering I let about 10% runoff and let the pots sit for 15 min and then empty catch pans.

MrGhetto: I have a feeling you and Ian may be right for nute strength. Most recent feed was 75% and no burn was noticed after 2 days.

Plan of Action: So I got some dolomite lime and slightly bigger pots. Going to do a transplant to new pots with a 1 tbps D/lime. Give a good flush with 6.8 PH water, and feed 2 days later with a 75% solution.

Oh if it helps any, I did notice that leaf growth was fast and branch growth slow. Not sure if this is normal for plants at this stage.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the great input. I am using hydro nutes; Holland line from Floratonic, here are the specs:

Micro 5-0-1, Grow 2-1-6, Bloom 0-5-4. On my feeding schedule it says to use the following per 100L/25Gal during flower 1000-1400 ppm: 100ml Grow, 150ml Mirco, 250ml Bloom.

Plan of Action: So I got some dolomite lime and slightly bigger pots. Going to do a transplant to new pots with a 1 tbps D/lime. Give a good flush with 6.8 PH water, and feed 2 days later with a 75% solution.

Oh if it helps any, I did notice that leaf growth was fast and branch growth slow. Not sure if this is normal for plants at this stage.
sounds like you are on the right track then brother! i had a similar issue in my hydro just the other week, and more nutes was all i had to throw at my girls to make them happy again. in the flower stage especially, they can use something up to 1400, as you mention there. the numbers on your nutes are fairly close to mine, so i feel confident going along with your 75% idea :clap:

i find that once i put my girls into 12/12, there is a short burst of growth, followed by just a slight increase in height over the next few weeks. the leaves definitely grow faster than the stems on mine.

all in all, i wish you the best, and happy growing!
I have triple checked soil PH using different tests. 6.5 solid. Confirming a deficiency not due to PH lock out. Thank goodness. I have just confirmed one female and one male. Got clones on the go, they are growing but can't see roots yet. Once the setup is dialed, I will be doing a detailed journal from seed and clone.

Happy Growing thanks for the help.


Active Member
I have triple checked soil PH using different tests. 6.5 solid. Confirming a deficiency not due to PH lock out. Thank goodness. I have just confirmed one female and one male. Got clones on the go, they are growing but can't see roots yet. Once the setup is dialed, I will be doing a detailed journal from seed and clone.

Happy Growing thanks for the help.

Since when is Peat moss/vermiculite/per-lite regarded as soil growing? You are basically in a soiless medium. A PH of 6.5 is a bit high. Have you tried lowering your PH a little?
Hey abberation,

Thank you for your input. This is something I have been wondering my self and was unsure of. When using Pro MIX, like I am. Is it treated as a hydro setup due to peat not acting like a buffer as soil does? If so you may have saved me from adding dolomite lime which would raise PH.

Just want to confirm is Pro Mix, peat moss/vermiculite considered a soil less mix and be treated as a hydro?