Ron Paul, Barney Frank To Introduce Bill Legalizing Marijuana...


Well-Known Member
You are a sad angry child :(
And you are a typical internet tough guy.

First you complain about being attacked when no attack took place, then you started hurling insults (post #33).

At that point, the discussion was over.

And that strategy didn't work because a cupcake like you can't insult me. I sent them right back.

So then you fall back on the old stand-by: Troll (post #36). Mind you, by now I am about to bust a gut laughing.

What's next? You gonna report me? Fine. Report yourself as well.

I bet you were the little punk in the schoolyard who started fights then ran to teacher after you got your ass handed to you.


Active Member
Roll a fat one and chill!

And legalise, cus where I am from we seem to be about 5-10 years behind the states, so the sooner it happens there the sooner it happens here...


Well-Known Member
Where are you? I'm really excited this got introduced prohibition is such a failed policy. And I love your name Lucy is a good friend of mine :D


New Member
Man you two bickering is ridiculous... both of you grow up. This is a topic about the new bill not how someone might or might not have got attacked.


Well-Known Member
It's soooooo easy to get information on this forum.
All you have to do is read thru all the "I'm smarter than you" crap....


Well-Known Member
I would love to work on a cannabis farm. I would really love going to work everyday. My teachers always told me "Find something you love". Now I could be legit!

Not that I'm doing anything illegal...:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Active Member
Call your REP. This bill means nothing if you don't call them to tell them this is what you want. go to this website and find YOUR STATE REP. Call them send them letters. Find your Reps on twitter. send them @ messages all day long. This die if we don't do anything about it!!


Well-Known Member
Call your REP. This bill means nothing if you don't call them to tell them this is what you want. go to this website and find YOUR STATE REP. Call them send them letters. Find your Reps on twitter. send them @ messages all day long. This die if we don't do anything about it!!
Phone calls, faxes, and emails do not have the same impact as a letter from a constituent.

Phone calls, faxes, and emails are okay in a pinch when time is a factor. But letters are the way to go; not form letters, genuine letters.

Lets say lamar smith approves the bill what will be the next step the bill would go through?
As chairman, Smith's main leverage is whether the bill is heard and put up for a vote to be reported out of committee.

Most bills die in committee.

If the Committee reports the bill, it goes to the floor of the House.

If it passes the House it goes to the Senate.


New Member
Phone calls, faxes, and emails do not have the same impact as a letter from a constituent.

Phone calls, faxes, and emails are okay in a pinch when time is a factor. But letters are the way to go; not form letters, genuine letters.

As chairman, Smith's main leverage is whether the bill is heard and put up for a vote to be reported out of committee.

Most bills die in committee.

If the Committee reports the bill, it goes to the floor of the House.

If it passes the House it goes to the Senate.
Damn it has to go through that much:(


Well-Known Member
Here's my letter:

June 25, 2011

The Honorable XXXXX
United States House of Representatives
XXX Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, D.C. 20515

Subject: HR 2306

Dear Representative XX,

I am writing to urge you to support HR 2306.

This is primarily a question of liberty. There is nothing inherently wrong or immoral with enjoying a marijuana cigarette. Cannabis is illegal only because politicians decided it should be less than a century ago. In fact, in my opinion, what is truly immoral is forcing one’s morality on an otherwise law-abiding adult.

Our country faces a massive deficit which will cripple any future economic recovery. The spending must be curtailed. I cannot think of a bigger waste of taxpayer dollars than cannabis prohibition. Simply put: We can no longer afford to wage war on the American people.

The time has come for the federal government to let the individual states decide on the question of cannabis prohibition.

In addition to your support of HR 2306, please consider becoming a co-sponsor.

Thank you for your service.


If you write to Washington, be advised that the mail will delayed for several weeks due to security screening. You may wish to consider sending it to the member's office in your home district.

For the most impact, write to your own Congress Critter. Staffers will ignore correspondence from non-constituents. Another reason why email and phone calls are not as effective as letters. Plus, phone calls tend to annoy busy staffers trying to get work done.