LETS TALK LED LED light's, what's your thought's on them ?

been doing some reading, on ''LIGHTS'' MH / HPS/ ETC ETC,. but want has really opened my eyes are LED lights, as use so much less energy + last 50 x longer then the rest, and whats most inportnat, the light they amit, a 50 LED is ment to give better PAR than, say a 1000W HPS

seen a good thread on another fourm, '' am still reading it'' and seem to be good, ''very expensive'' but im a big beliver in buying once.

has any got any good info, or using LED lights ?

im thinking of mabe buying a small UFO LED light to add around the grow rooom, with my air cooled HPS ,

any info , on what sites are good to buy from , etc etc would be good,

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
using a LED light along side an HPS kind of defeats the purpose of using LED. Low electrical usage, and low temps being the major reasons people go to LED. Sounds like you are just adding LED's to get more light spectrum. I don't think your plants miss those colors enough to justify having both in the room....
using a LED light along side an HPS kind of defeats the purpose of using LED. Low electrical usage, and low temps being the major reasons people go to LED. Sounds like you are just adding LED's to get more light spectrum. I don't think your plants miss those colors enough to justify having both in the room....

i agree mate:), it is completely deifying the whole object of adding LED's , if i was to be using a 1000w HPS,

but I'm trying to keep costs down in many way's,

a 1000w HPS uses a lot of energy, so wanting to only use say 400w/600w max along side a LED light, but buying LED lights can be very very expensive, or so i read,

if i could buy enough LED lighting to grow 6 lovely ladies, i would be a happy Northerner :) but as said, from what i have read, to have enough LED lighting, that would be £4k plus ???

is the reason I'm asking/writing this post, trying to gain as much info as possible ;)

any link's etc etc etc would be very grateful indeed ;):)

kind regards

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
6 plants? no you dont want to invest in LED for that, it would require a grow room with it's wall's and roof made from LED panels to get the light penetration you need.
6 plants? no you dont want to invest in LED for that, it would require a grow room with it's wall's and roof made from LED panels to get the light penetration you need.

in the near future yes , i would like to grow 6 plants, but at this moment in time 1 or 2 would be great, to learn/read the plants, as im only learning what is what, i have not done a sigle grow as of yet, and dont intend to do so for at least another few month's, to gain as much info as possible :);)

so are saying to grow 6 plants in a 2.1m W/ 2.1m L/ 2M h GROW TENT , i would need a wall of LED lights ?

here is a link to some LED lighting , could you say/advivse

i would have to be usinmg for so many plants, e,g to grow 4 plants i would need this light or would i need to buy 3 or 4 or 5 of these lights ? http://www.ledhydroponics.co.uk/OnlineShop/tabid/60/ProductID/8/Default.aspx

very greatful for any helpful info.

kind regard's

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
So, the problem with LED's is the light penetration, hence the reason i said walls of LED's. if you look at growing SCROG style, you could probably use LEDS effectively. because you create a nice even canopy that you could trim down to the size of the pattern. but i dont think you can grow vertical plants, in numerous quantities, under an LED, because the light just does not saturate the whole environment the way a HPS does.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
also, i would note that someone might say, sure you can do it, 6 plants under LED fixture, but is it efficient? Are you getting what you need? that's all that matters.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
yea, he actually linked the 3w model, but personally, i wouldnt start to look at LED models unless they were 5w leds.
also, i would note that someone might say, sure you can do it, 6 plants under LED fixture, but is it efficient? Are you getting what you need? that's all that matters.
agree, it would need to be what i am after that matter's mate, ;)

I'm not after massive yield, even though it would be nice, I'm after less work, as heat needs to be looked after/water etc etc , but still get 1 once of a plant, at first, to i learn the ropes so to speak,

so if i grow my 1 plant using a MH/HPS light, and then every thing that comes with it fans/humidity controller, etc etc but then later , want to go bigger, its going to cost a small fortune every month in bills, buying new lights etc etc

like said, I'm a big believer in buying once ;):)

kind regards

having LED lights would help me in the matter ?

seamore green

Active Member
idk what i was thinking, 6w is what I meant. Yes, they are expensive but think about electrical cost over the course of your grow(s). Let alone the low heat emition, way closer to photosythesis light spectrum. Imo, worth the money.


Well-Known Member
use led to get popcorn buds, use HID to get massive colas... done it side by side. hands DOWN hid just blows led out of the water with potency, weight, density and smell. if you are growing to sell, hid will make your job alot better because you will be making 10-20x more $ cause you will get so much more bud! electric bills arent shit when your bringing in $10-15k amonth

seamore green

Active Member
Perhaps a little better info would be better in your debate. What panel you used, vs hps you used. Watts, distance from plants, reflecter, all that jazz makes a difference. I've seen side by side with some solid state 6w leds and the results were actually better with the 180w (31-6w) than a 600w hps.
LEDs have come a long way. You can get ones that use (edit) 6w LEDs which is huge for the penetration debate.

so a 3w LED is not what I'm after ? 6w ? which penetration debate would this be mate ?

thanks for the reply ;):)

kind regards

yea, he actually linked the 3w model, but personally, i wouldn't start to look at LED models unless they were 5w LEDs.

so as i first thought, having to buy a 5w LED would be costly, hmmmm but it would save alot in the long run ?

as I'm trying to buy a set up that lasts, less worry/stress of things breaking/replacing, and what i have read, these LED lights are the way forward ;) ''I HOPE''

I'll read up on 5w/6w LED lights,

just for a head start, what sort of spec/size/etc etc would i need to be looking at to grow 6 plants ?

any helpful info would be great .

kind regards


Well-Known Member
once you get up to the 6w area, you can start taking LED technology seriously, for sure.
with that being said you need to take into consideration the amount of $$$ your spending on fixtures.. light penetration was the worst part of using leds in my experience.. to grow decent plants that produce more than 2 oz is almost pointless unless you wanna be spending atleast 1k per led fixture.. and side lighting is just annoying. unless your growing 1 or 2 plants. 10 years from now led will be the future

seamore green

Active Member
with that being said you need to take into consideration the amount of $$$ your spending on fixtures.. light penetration was the worst part of using leds in my experience.. to grow decent plants that produce more than 2 oz is almost pointless unless you wanna be spending atleast 1k per led fixture.. and side lighting is just annoying. unless your growing 1 or 2 plants. 10 years from now led will be the future
6w led panel from haight 180w is $475, far cry from 1k. Your 1k hps is gonna be $500+ with ballast, reflecter, cooling etc
use led to get popcorn buds, use HID to get massive colas... done it side by side. hands DOWN hid just blows led out of the water with potency, weight, density and smell. if you are growing to sell, hid will make your job alot better because you will be making 10-20x more $ cause you will get so much more bud! electric bills arent shit when your bringing in $10-15k amonth

it is not to sell, more for my self, but if i was to have to much, and was asked by a friend if i would pass some his way, helping towards my bills would harm, iv only a small tent 1.2m L /1.2M W / 2M H, so to grow such amount of skunk to make 10-15k a month is way out to what i want/need lol but does sound nice ;):)

i will look up HID lighting , i know the high you go with hids 600k/8000k the more blue it gets as have 3ook hids in my car, and its a nice bright white light ;)

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
6w led panel from haight 180w is $475, far cry from 1k. Your 1k hps is gonna be $500+ with ballast, reflecter, cooling etc
Yes, we are getting closer to being cost effective, but that same LED panel will not cover the same amount of floor space the HPS will. it would require atleast 2 of them.

with that being said you need to take into consideration the amount of $$$ your spending on fixtures.. light penetration was the worst part of using leds in my experience.. to grow decent plants that produce more than 2 oz is almost pointless unless you wanna be spending atleast 1k per led fixture.. and side lighting is just annoying. unless your growing 1 or 2 plants. 10 years from now led will be the future
yea, we are just now pioneering this field, in the last few years. IMO, for the best bang for my buck, I am waiting a few years for this to go mainstream, and for asian companys to dilute the market with knock off so the price will drop dramatically across the board.