New Bill to Legalize MJ Federally


Well-Known Member
This would be great.. at least seeing it in the media gives us the knowledge that PEOPLE ARE LISTENING to us finally! Their starting to realize that cannabis ISN'T all that bad.. and its not the 'devil' drug that its been labeled as over the years by ignorant people that know absolutely NOTHING about the plant to begin with.

So just seeing it being possible.. and in the "works" so to say... makes me a little happier and a little more hopeful.

Maybe its finally coming.. the day where a wave of "peace" rolls through the country.. as cannabis finally gets recognized and legalized like it should have been years ago! About time isn't it? I think it is.. ;)



Well-Known Member
there has been several bills introduced in texas the past few years and they were all thrown out... the current one being introduced to be voted on this fall HB 1491 was not created by Ron Paul and was not a co author for it either, so that drew some flags on my part...

he introduced a bill! he didnt just say "hey we should legalize mary jane" lots of politicans say they advocate decriminalization but scince ive been smoking this is the first bill on a federal level i have seen. it can be a big deal if we dont show appathy like carne (no offence)
i voted on bill AB390 to legalize cannabis in cali. the reason it failed was because of medical users. they felt it limited there grow too much and were being greedy so they hoped a new bill would be introduced later with less growing limitations and no personal taxes. in my opinion that was stupid. the grow limits allowed for a 5x5 space (plenty for personal really) and didnt say anything about vertical limit. i would have built a stackable garden and been happy.
the problem was after the bill was rejected, medical cannabis saw a backlash, i guess the feds took it as opinion that we dont want bud legal, cause they cracked down on dispensaries. places were afraid to purchase medicine and some places had to close there doors. high profile clubs like harborside had to operate in extreme caution, and would not purchase fresh medicine for some time. it was really sad actually.
people didnt realize that prop 215 didnt really outline growing limits well either, later they introduced a revised bill AB420 which gave cali the restrictions we see today. hell if we passed AB390 im sure there would be a revision bill going through at this very moment, and the greedy "medical growers"(supposed to be non-profit by the way but they currently are in one of the only profitable industries in a ressession) would be happy.


Active Member
there has been several bills introduced in texas the past few years and they were all thrown out... the current one being introduced to be voted on this fall HB 1491 was not created by Ron Paul and was not a co author for it either, so that drew some flags on my part...
could you give me some info on current bills, i will look online for details but if you have links that would be great


Well-Known Member
could you give me some info on current bills, i will look online for details but if you have links that would be great
The poster to whom you are responding does not understand the difference between state and federal jurisdiction.

Congressman Paul cannot file a bill in the Texas Legislature, much less be a co-author, or sponsor.

The bill referenced, HB 1491, was a medical cannabis bill filed by Rep. Elliott Naishtat. He has filed the same bill every legislative session for quite a while.

It died in committee.


Well-Known Member
Dude, no need to get your panties in a bunch!!!

namtih024, here is a link that can help, that bill i mentioned is not the only one

The poster to whom you are responding does not understand the difference between state and federal jurisdiction.

Congressman Paul cannot file a bill in the Texas Legislature, much less be a co-author, or sponsor.

The bill referenced, HB 1491, was a medical cannabis bill filed by Rep. Elliot Naishtat. He has filed the same bill every legislative session for quite a while.

It died in committee.


Well-Known Member
yeah, ok dude. whatever you say

and nobody said to read my post and it was not for you either, so i dont know why you are all pissy about it

Well, your snarky reply when you were proven WRONG, sure gives it that feel.

Which indicates you are out of your element.


Well-Known Member

Feelings? Jaja, lmao!

Who said it was misinformation? He asked for news on mmj in texas, so I shared what I had and was relevant to his question, even though its outdated, he could still learn from what that bill had to offer... Whats so wrong about trying to help?

Dudes like you are what ruin riu, you all who think you are so smart and better then anyone they dont like cause of what we share

The one getting their feelings hurt is you, so too fucking bad


Well-Known Member

Feelings? Jaja, lmao!

Who said it was misinformation? He asked for news on mmj in texas, so I shared what I had and was relevant to his question, even though its outdated, he could still learn from what that bill had to offer... Whats so wrong about trying to help?

Dudes like you are what ruin riu, you all who think you are so smart and better then anyone they dont like cause of what we share

The one getting their feelings hurt is you, so too fucking bad
You did not know what you were talking about and were called on it.

Shake it off, and move on.


Well-Known Member
I always wonder if it were legal, would quality go down? mass produced? cheap as dirt? a bunch additives? reduced potency?
Once it is legalized, then what? shit? maybe so. These are the things you need to consider.


Well-Known Member
I always wonder if it were legal, would quality go down? mass produced? cheap as dirt? a bunch additives? reduced potency?
Once it is legalized, then what? shit? maybe so. These are the things you need to consider.
Quality would increase because imported brick-weed schwag would be replaced with fields of domestically-grown outdoor cannabis.

Some mass produced, but boutiques growers would thrive, too.

Additives? I don't see how that would be much of a problem. But you never know. There's no way anyone could add chemicals to ALL of it. Nobody sure as hell will be adding anything to my grow.

Potency would depend on the producer. I am sure there would be all types suited to different tastes.


Well-Known Member
I always wonder if it were legal, would quality go down? mass produced? cheap as dirt? a bunch additives? reduced potency?
Once it is legalized, then what? shit? maybe so. These are the things you need to consider.
why would my strains suddenly be less potent if cannabis were re-legalized?

i could see mass producers putting out a cheap, pesticide-ridden, low quality product. but the existence of such would not entail that quality cannabis vanishes.

in fact, quite the opposite. without having to spend all the extra money required to hide the smell, hide the grow, and all the other necessities of growing under federal prohibition, one would be free to invest more into putting out a quality product.

don't ya think?


Well-Known Member
Quality would increase because imported brick-weed schwag would be replaced with fields of domestically-grown outdoor cannabis.

Some mass produced, but boutiques growers would thrive, too.

Additives? I don't see how that would be much of a problem. But you never know. There's no way anyone could add chemicals to ALL of it. Nobody sure as hell will be adding anything to my grow.

Potency would depend on the producer. I am sure there would be all types suited to different tastes.
Yes, but when regulated, it means it will be regulated. You are going off of speculation, which really has no validity, because i too speculate, but you have no idea that they wouldn't add shit to make you addicted, or reduce potency intentionally because of regulations on THC percentiles, of course we could grow our own, but why do that when you can go to your local 7-11 and get a pack of jay's that were mass produced, and processed for better rolling, and additives for storage and shipping it wouldn't be feasible to personally grow at that point, when you can go to the store and get "20 class A joints" IMHO it would turn to shit. This is only speculation.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but when regulated, it means it will be regulated. You are going off of speculation, which really has no validity, because i too speculate, but you have no idea that they wouldn't add shit to make you addicted, or reduce potency intentionally because of regulations on THC percentiles, of course we could grow our own, but why do that when you can go to your local 7-11 and get a pack of jay's that were mass produced, and processed for better rolling, and additives for storage and shipping it wouldn't be feasible to personally grow at that point, when you can go to the store and get "20 class A joints" IMHO it would turn to shit. This is only speculation.
Speculating. LOL.

Who is 'they?' And just how would 'they' manage to infiltrate every company which produced cannabis? How would 'they' get additives into my grow room? How would they manage to sneak additives into a small boutique grow business?

Business don't earn profits by selling shit. It would not be in a company's interest to reduce quality.

Let industry into the game and stand back. There will be fields of cannabis growing domestically. Cured correctly. That pack of jays at the Seven-Eleven might not be boutique quality, but it will be far better than schwag.

If that offends your sensibilities, don't buy it.

Grow it...

As I do now, and will then.


Well-Known Member
Who is 'they?' And just how would 'they' manage to infiltrate every company which produced cannabis? How would 'they' get additives into my grow room? How would they manage to sneak additives into a small boutique grow business?
"they" are very powerful, johnny.

he can tell you about some of the things "they" are up to.