Envirolite Gone Bust!!!


Well-Known Member
I called my local hydro shop today to order a new 250watt envirolite but they said they were out of stock and that envirolite had gone bust! I went to the envirolite website and low and behold it was closed! I asked if PLUG n GROW would still be going as i believe they use the same bulbs and they said doubtfull!

What the hell am i meant to do? ENvirogrow, maxibrite (laughable) and the rest were absolutly rubbish compared to envirolite. Seriously i would not use a cfl if it wasnt envirolite as they pump out twice the light as any competitors.

Thanks envirolite for nothing!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
HAHA suckers, I got a solution for you mate get a HPS/MH
Especially when you get up in the 100 watt series of CFL, if your going to spend the money on electricity wouldn't you want it paying for the widest or most usuable specturm the plant can take?


Active Member
ah that sucks man....i use a 250hps i never used those bulbs but i can put myself into your perspective that would blow.... maybe try out l.e.ds if you can afford them , personally i think u should hit up a hps :)


Well-Known Member
I cant use hps for my small space dudes, i dont wana start a fire. I do have at the moment 1x250w mg envirolite in blue and 1x250w mg envirolite in red, so that 500w of mixed spectrum over an area of 76cmx76cm, yeild is good off a these.

Even the envirolite website says closed! I wish i could order a few before the stocks in the shops runout as well but plug n grow seems to still be trading and they are the same as envirolite so fingers crossed. I dont like leds personally but seen they can grow, light penetration still sucks even at 1000w but just my opinion. Small cfls suck too.

Envirolites are good man, not hps or mH but not bad watt for watt on a small grow, heat of a 400w hps is too much for my grow. Peace and R.I.P. ENVIROLITE!!!