Need to grow without landlord knowing

My landlord just found my dried leaves and put 2 and 2 together. Any ideas stealth growing? He's gonna be coming over every 2 months for an inspection now.


Active Member
pretty disrespectful growing in somebody's house imo. also are you not worried he isnt just going to call the police on you? personally thats what i would do.

good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
ditto dude, he put you on notice and checking up on you! Time to shop around for new digs. Its tricky but some properties will leave you alone. Just make sure you leave them alone too, stay low and lock that door to that room.
NEVER grow where someone knows you are growing. This is especially the case when the land lord is obviously not cool with it. Even if you put together a stealth grow; I wouldn't advise it.

He can lose his property if you are caught growing. Look up civil forfeiture laws..

Keep it cool until your rental agreement is up, and look for a new place. That will ensure you not going to prison or having to have the hassle of going to a shit load of court. You were lucky he didn't call the cops...


New Member
u must be a dam fine renter not to get the cops called and thrown out ...........maybe one of those dressers


Well-Known Member
Maybe in a speaker or something real small. I would not grow there anymore tho, too risky.


Well-Known Member
ditto dude, he put you on notice and checking up on you! Time to shop around for new digs. Its tricky but some properties will leave you alone. Just make sure you leave them alone too, stay low and lock that door to that room.
i do all the repairs on my landlord's old, falling apart house for him.

when i was new here, i called him for a leaky roof during heavy rains. he showed up 2 minutes later without warning. i had to scramble to conceal the grow.

i have done countless repairs since on my own. just the cost of doing business, i suppose.
That sucks man, but unless you wanted to do a small one plant auto grow in a pc case or something, it is ill

Hope you figure something out that gets you up and running again. Take care!

Oh and btw for the future, take all of your trimmings and keep them in an ice chest in your garage under a bunch of shit until you get a bunch, then take them out back and mulch them with the mower ;)