The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
It's not just this thread it's everywhere. The Admins and all his cronies and all the scum bag trouble makers floating around here. I just don't understand why I can't cancel my account.
Just do me that favor and ask FDD to ban me again please.


Well-Known Member
It's not just this thread it's everywhere. The Admins and all his cronies and all the scum bag trouble makers floating around here. I just don't understand why I can't cancel my account.
Just do me that favor and ask FDD to ban me again please.
that's impossible, considering i never made that request in the first place.

did you know that i like turtles?


Well-Known Member
I say it too but just as a fact..I hope everyone goes and vote!!!!!! but Ron Paul will does not stand a snowball chance in hell getting the nod for the 2012 general..Blame that on the Republican party who feels its Mitts turn or Bachmanns to grab, but Ron Paul is completely being ignored...are you not a realist ????
I agree with you, he is marginalized and ignored by a vast network of MSM and Repubs/Democrats alike.


Well-Known Member
It's not just this thread it's everywhere. The Admins and all his cronies and all the scum bag trouble makers floating around here. I just don't understand why I can't cancel my account.
Just do me that favor and ask FDD to ban me again please.
If your skin gets thick enough you will have multiple people with Quotes of yours as their Signature. Gotta be able to do some epic shit talking though and of course at least 1 ban is the minimum requirement to make it into the league of RIU heroes, you already got that award. Go for the Gold!!!


Well-Known Member
It's funny I keep getting requests from different people in different threads to leave UB alone because they don't want threads shut down. there seems to be a pattern and people are aware of it.


Well-Known Member
It's funny I keep getting requests from different people in different threads to leave UB alone because they don't want threads shut down. there seems to be a pattern and people are aware of it.
If you make a good argument UB will relent. Just remember that a lot of his posts are tongue in cheek, he doesn't necessarily believe everything he posts, sometimes he likes to smack the wasp nest with a big stick.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
OK, so why the debate over voting for someone who isn't going to win?
The more votes they get, the more the issues represent get taken seriously.

Why do you keep harping on that fact if it is not an important fact at all?
Someone asked a question, I answered it. Got accused of treason for my answer lol, so I replied. Am I not allowed to reply to posts?

Why do you keep saying "RP doesn't have a chance in hell of winning" if not for any other reason than to try and disuade people from voting for a losing candidate?
It's probably some sort of treasonous conspiracy I'm guessing....

I was just hoping to talk some sense into you and the rest of the cult members. Obviously that's impossible though. Don't know what I was thinking there.


Well-Known Member
If your skin gets thick enough you will have multiple people with Quotes of yours as their Signature. Gotta be able to do some epic shit talking though and of course at least 1 ban is the minimum requirement to make it into the league of RIU heroes, you already got that award. Go for the Gold!!!
I got a quote, no banning yet though. What do I have to do to get a banning?


Well-Known Member
Isn't having issues you consider important the entire point of politics? So, whether Ron Paul wins or loses, he is still increasing in popularity and having an impact on the Republican's. Win or Lose he is still effecting change. Arguably, people who hold no political office at all are more influential than the POTUS.