first ever grow, Pc Grow


Hey folks i'm pretty new to this community, so first off, I'd like to say hey everyone and thanks or stopping by.
OK so i have a gutted out PC case 2 fans and 2 30w (150 equivalent) full spectrum cfls)
i have 2 cutting (1 of which i think i may have crushed but i don't think i will have room for 2 anyway, just kinda giving it a chance)
here is my setup, i need advice on how to mount my bulbs as tape just isnt cutting it, p.s. im in the uk so pls dont tell me to go to American stores lolDSCI0007.jpgDSCI0004.jpgDSCI0008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey :)
For the bulbs , i have used "pig tails" , dont know if they are called like this in your place :)
What pot are u using, i just see a plant on the 3rd picture but no pot ?
And what strain do u grow ? :)

And welcome to the RIU PC gang :)


Thanks buddy, i'lll google pig tails now
they are clones rooting in a jar of water, no sign of roots yet but the plant that didn't get crushed by the light seems to be healthy, no droop or anything
so i'm hoping that given time (its been 7 days) that it will still happen. i used some rooting powder that we use to take cutting off plants, those we just set in the window and leave them until they root,
works most times. those light bulb boxes are there to try and keep light off the roots as i read that direct light can be harmfull to them?
i took the cuttings from a friends bagseed plant so strain unknown unfortunatly
I am concerned about temprature, i havent got access to a thermometer yet but the cfls dont seem to give off much if any heat, so i guess its sitting around room temp, if this is too low any suggestions
as to how to introduce some more heat?
I have put pieces off of a new ford oder filter i found in our shed, i figure it must be from the air con, so that has slowed the airflow can see clearly where the bulb fell on the second on, however i havent given up hope as i can see new growth. No roots though. Also some of the leaves on what i'm im gonna lable the healthier plant are going yellow. i just misted them for the first time, but those yellow leaves and lack of anything resembling the start of roots have me worried...


Well-Known Member
Pig tails? I'm assuming you mean regular twisty style CFL bulbs?

Welcome to RIU, thanks for contributing.
Let me be honest; I think that clone is dying, and it's probably going to be more trouble than it's worth.
Also the bulbs should be 2" away from the top of the plant.
Full Spectrum doesn't really mean much, what you want is the Kelvin ratings.
For Vegetative growth, you want 6500k. And for Flowering growth, you'll want 2700k bulbs.
Any more questions just ask, good luck.

Oh and if you really want to save it, do this;
Find a medium size flowerpot, about 6" wide, and 8" or so tall.
Take the plant out of that bottle, and put it in the flowerpot.
Completely bury the plant up to the green growth, removing all lower leaves/branches.

Fill the sides with soil.
After a couple weeks, the underground trunk will become root mass, and the extra roots may save your clone.
Unless you over/underwater.
Seems like you don't even garden I'm assuming?
Grow some tomatoes or peppers or something too.
Good luck!


Thanks the bulbs i,m using are 6500k,
Ive started some bagseed as well just to be safe but i'm going to stick with this for now just out of interest really
i moved the bulb closer and am crossing my fingers
To be honest i do Garden, i have tomatoes spuds, peas beans cabbage lettuce leeks and onions in my veg patch, this is just they way i would take cuttings from plants in my garden
and it seems to work fine, however i fear you may be right about this wee girl, fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, didn't want to push your hopes down, but clones need to be rigid, not weak and bendy like that :/
I vote ditch the clone and put all your efforts on the seedlings.

If you're doing a small setup it would be in your best interest to grow just one, and shift full attention to it.

In your garden I'm assuming you know what to cut and what not to cut.
It's all the same. Treat your garden like your cannabis, and treat your cannabis like your garden.
Good luck!


That's the thing, it isn't flopPy, that's the shape it is, I have a couple of seeds germinating just to be safe. Still no roots, the small shoots I can see change in daily, will up some more pica tomorrow.
Oh no worries about downing my hopes, so far this has cost me nothing and I have alot to learn, so even if it's a failure...Its not a failure! Man sometimes I sound like a complete idiot! Lol (7)


Active Member
That's the thing, it isn't flopPy, that's the shape it is, I have a couple of seeds germinating just to be safe. Still no roots, the small shoots I can see change in daily, will up some more pica tomorrow.
Oh no worries about downing my hopes, so far this has cost me nothing and I have alot to learn, so even if it's a failure...Its not a failure! Man sometimes I sound like a complete idiot! Lol (7)
C.Indica is really experienced, personally I would follow his word like the bible.


Well-Known Member
pc boxes are neat, it just seems like alot of trouble. good luck with everything, and id just keep to the seedlings. that clone is a lost cause


So i looked this morning, the attempted cone is starting to flower, am thinking the mother must have been just about to flower - another lesson learned.
Do you think this is why i havent got an roots? - the plant putting all its energy into the flower?

Still going to keep trying, but you guys are right, seedling will be the way i will go. Thanks for the comments guys. Sorry C.Indica if i seemed abit stroppy wasnt ment to come across that way