Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
nah... i think church is a bunch of people trying to make each other feel better about themselves... and they all listen to one persons view on the bible and take it for truth... i just try to keep my eyes open and learn as much as possible... i think most christians don't even understand the true concept of god... they like with most other religions just turn god into what they want god to be... i believe in god but i don't know exactly what the nature of god is... i hope one day i will... i have a lot of life ahead of me so i guess i will just have to see...


Well-Known Member
I like all 3 of these threads we've had goin because they really make me think and I hope we can continue yelling at each other some more. I'm goin to smoke one, be back soon. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol... alright i've got some studying to do for my job... and thinking is what is truly important to me muu... through thought knowledge is gained and knowledge is true power...


New Member
frth', if you've never taken ecstacy you're missing out. I guarantee it'll open doors in your mind. It may even change your whole perception on life... it did for me.


Well-Known Member
i've tried almost everything and i hate it all... weed the natural choice is the only thing for me... i don't do drugs i smoke plants... drugs are useless to me... my perception of life is that this world is a beautiful and great place and i don't need anything that is not natural to change my perception of such... drugs are ways for people to run away or have fun if thats what you want to call it... they are useless to me...


New Member
seriously frth', it's like a perpetual orgasm... only better. Humping all night long... maybe a little rest now and again to smoke a joint, get the ol' breath back.


Well-Known Member
Actually yeah, makes it hard to climax and makes you feel every little thing that much more.:hump: But this is a little off topic. :mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
its true that alot of people attempt to escape reality thu controlled substances , but thats not all they (the chemicals) do. and the bud u smoke does make u escape reality too man, dont think it doesnt. u wouldnt do it unless it changed u some way.

by changing ur perception thru the use of dif chemicals, u can make a less biased view of the universe. the fact that u dont like anything but weed makes sense. u talk about things in a very literal manner.

when somebody hallucinates, where do u think these delusions come from? they are products of their mind. the chemicals change the body so it interprets its surroundings in a different way.

the world u experience on a daily basis is also a product of ur mind. the world u feel isnt THE WORLD, its ur version of it. by "doing drugs" you can understand more about urself, and thus the world around u. so, unless it will cause somebody an extreme amount of mental stress, i recommend every body experiment with mind altering substances. as long as it wont hurt their bodies too much

so have u really thought about the nature of choice, or have u and SKH continued to ignore logic?


Well-Known Member
I luv this allegory as an example of relating this world and the spritual world. copied and pasted from Republic)

Perhaps the most famous allegory in Republic is the Allegory of the Cave at the beginning of Bk. VI:

"Imagine human beings living an underground, cavelike dwelling, with an entrance a long way up, which is both open to the light and as wide as the cave itself. They've been there since childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to see only in front of them, because their bonds prevent them from turning their heads around. Light is provided by a fir burning far above and behind them. Also behind them, but on higher ground, there is a path stretching between them and the fire. Imagine that along this path a low wall has been built, like the screen in front of puppeteers above which they show their puppets.... also imagine that there are people along the wall, carrying all kinds of artifacts that project above it - statues of people and animals, made out of stone, wood, and every material. And, as you'd expect, some of the carriers are talking, some are silent." (p. 436-7)

The point of the allegory is to compare the experience of those who are not philosophers and who have never had exposure to the Forms (i.e. who have never left the Cave), with the experience of the philosophers who have had exposure to the Forms (i.e. who have left the Cave).

Those in the Cave only see shadows (or copies) of the artifacts carried behind them, thrown by the fire. The artifacts are themselves copies of things that exist outside of the Cave (animals, etc.) Since those in the Cave are unable to turn around, they take mere shadows of copies of originals to be what truly exists. Hence they are twice removed from the truth. This is the condition of those who have not been exposed to the Forms as the philosophers have.


Well-Known Member
the bonds can be described as human appetites which rule men...hunger, emotion, etc. Pretty much everything other than reason or ligic.....


Well-Known Member
what makes reason and logic any different?


this god that i worship (a faded reflection)
this demon i blame (a flickering flame)
conspire as one, exactly the same


Well-Known Member
my argument is that (referring to the cave allegory) there are no "Forms". an ignorant person may only see the shadows and take them at face value as existing independently, but its just as unwise to believe that the reason for the shadows existing ends at the people carrying the artifacts.

"Hence they [those who have never left the cave] are twice removed from the truth. This is the condition of those who have not been exposed to the Forms as the philosophers have."

if u believe in an initial perception/existence, u are still removed from the truth. maybe not as much as others, but u still look at life with the bias of a mortal.

the people carrying the artifacts do not do so because they want to. they do so because that is what they have been lead to do. lead by what? everything (yes, including themselves)

control exists only to an extent. the nature of ur control is a product of everything that u have no control over, making it meaningless


Well-Known Member
The appetites distract men from truth where as reason is the ability of the human mind to form and operate upon concepts in abstraction, in accordance with rationality and logic. Reason, like consciousness with which it is also intimately connected, has traditionally been claimed as distinctly human, and not to be found elsewhere in the animal world. Discussion and debate about the nature, limits and causes of reason could almost be said to define the main lines of historical philsophical discussion and debate. Discussion about reason especially concerns:
(a) its relationship to several other related concepts: language, logic, conciousness, etc,
(b) its ability to help people decide what is true, and
(c) its origin. (where it is from: metaphysicaly (study of existence, What's out there?), epistemologicaly (the explanation of how we think, How do I know about it? ), ethicaly ("What do I do?"), politacly (ethics applied to a group of people) and estheticaly (the study of art, What can life be like?.).Branches of Philosophy)


Well-Known Member
I can provide a neutral standpoint here. I dont believe in god because I dont believe in anything that has control over my destiny pre or post mortem. Talking religion is a waste of my and everyone elses time. This is of course my opinion.

If you believe in something you do not need affirmation of others to make it true or real for you and frankly if you do need affirmation you need to rethink your beliefs.

Peace pot and Microdot.


Well-Known Member
I can provide a neutral standpoint here. I dont believe in god because I dont believe in anything that has control over my destiny pre or post mortem. Talking religion is a waste of my and everyone elses time. This is of course my opinion.

If you believe in something you do not need affirmation of others to make it true or real for you and frankly if you do need affirmation you need to rethink your beliefs.

Peace pot and Microdot.
So a neutral stand point or opinion is the fact that you don't believe in god and you don't want to hear about it....That's not neutral that's in fact against a viewpoint.....you know, for and against, like an athiest Vs. a christian.... And nobody is trying to affirm anything.....PLZ don't speak for everyone here....We're in a free country, it was actually based upon free thinkin, free men, free society...don't be a commy and tell everyone what they think....It is infact ur opinion and don't think that it's everybody's....


Well-Known Member
If you would pull your head out of your ass you would see I very clearly stated that IN MY OPINION religious conversation is a waste of everyones time.

I say this with the utmost respect. But please do analyze things further before you post a slanderous and rather offensive post. You have done more to label me and choose my side for me than I did by telling you my position.

I am most certainly NOT an athiest even if its description matches me. I carry no affiliation what so ever. I am Godkas and I would preferr not being labeled as anything else.


Well-Known Member
If you would pull your head out of your ass you would see I very clearly stated that IN MY OPINION religious conversation is a waste of everyones time.

I say this with the utmost respect. But please do analyze things further before you post a slanderous and rather offensive post. You have done more to label me and choose my side for me than I did by telling you my position.

I am most certainly NOT an athiest even if its description matches me. I carry no affiliation what so ever. I am Godkas and I would preferr not being labeled as anything else.
Well that would be a false opinion as opposed to a true opinion....since you still can't think for everyone...some may actually perfer to chat about religion over launch in a bible study...this of course is my opinion so actually not talking about god is a waste of everyone elses time....