A Little Info Please..(EAST)


Well-Known Member
In need of a little information about outdoor growing RIU. I live in the southeast (US) and receiving roughly 14 hours of sunlight right now. My question is...would it be worthwhile to start an outdoor grow this late in the season? Still having some days in the 80's if that helps at all.

Also, how well will autos do this time of year? In need of this info as soon as possible please and thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
You should have close to a month of veg left. They'll start the transition though in a few weeks. Autos are a good choice for you at this point. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Sounds great. Ok, I'm thinking of more questions as I sit here. I'm pretty much flat broke, $30 to my name. How can I feed these girls?.. because after buying organic soil I'll be down to about $15 bucks or so. Any CHEAP but good tips would be great.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Invest the rest of your money into maybe a bag of compost and a bag of high phos bat guano so you can make teas and keep the ladies fed hopefully throughout budding


New Member
Here's my 2 cents. I think it's a little late to start outside. I have 3 plants out of 17 that are starting to flower already. But it 'aint gonna kill you to try it. As far as nutes goes... If you have a facebook page, look for a company called "Hydroponix" They're giving away free starter packs of nutes. It even comes with cloning gel. They have a full line, including foliar sprays, Bud blasters, all sorts of shit. All you have to do is "Like" them and shoot them a message requesting it. I did it, & they sent me an entire case of their full line up. Check it out. Join my group too. It's called "Seed sharers" here on Roll It Up. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Here's my 2 cents. I think it's a little late to start outside. I have 3 plants out of 17 that are starting to flower already. But it 'aint gonna kill you to try it. As far as nutes goes... If you have a facebook page, look for a company called "Hydroponix" They're giving away free starter packs of nutes. It even comes with cloning gel. They have a full line, including foliar sprays, Bud blasters, all sorts of shit. All you have to do is "Like" them and shoot them a message requesting it. I did it, & they sent me an entire case of their full line up. Check it out. Join my group too. It's called "Seed sharers" here on Roll It Up. Good luck!

Yea, I'm more than a little late. And thanks for the tip on "Hydroponix", but it doesn't sound organic (facebook isn't really my thing either).

Will be starting them indoors this week, I'll veg for about 2 weeks and then bring them outside. If this works out well I'll make a journal on it. Until then comments, bad/good, are welcome.

Still unsure of the spot where I'm going to put them outside, if somebody knows, could you tell me how well they'll grow in a little bit of shade.?


New Member
Didn't know you wanted organic. I thought the main part was FREE. If you want to go organic for cheap here's my advise... Go to a grow shop & buy the trial size package of Botanicare Pro Series. It's about $17. You'll get 3 bottles. They make different combos. It's OMRI certified organic. It's what I use and always have great results. DO NOT USE ORGANICARE PURE if you're growing outside. The first night you put them out an animal will dig them up. Trust me on this, I found out the hard way!


Well-Known Member
Yea, just making the switch to organics actually. And I don't have a close grow shop...we only have 1 in the area and I can't get to it (car issues). I do have a nursery that I can get to though, which is why I'll probably be using the teas. But good looking out on the cheap nutes, will give it a shot when I can. +rep

How big of an issue is heat outdoors? I know it CAN get to around 115 degrees with the heat index around here. Is it just keeping the girls watered or is it much more than that? Will they still grow well hidden in SOME shade?