Milwaukee Ph600


Active Member
It sucks. I had it for less than 5 days, and already it broke, and I cant calibrate it.

Also, you cant find calibration instructions anywhere online.


Well-Known Member
I had it for 3 weeks bearly got it wet and it broke. Pretty shitty ph meter. went out spend 110$ on one and works awesome for the last 7 months. :) Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
i have been using one for a year, no problems. it calibrates real easy. it gets off by a .1 +- every couple of weeks. just put it in some calibration solution and ajust accordingly. with a small screw driver in the hole on the back, turn it slow while in solution. hope this helps.:peace:


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks.....i got a red plain ph meter off ebay it cost me 10 bucks the balls.......


Well-Known Member
i swear by the PH 600, i broke mine by accident 1yr in service and holds a calibration for a while, your best bet with any digi meter is to have ph drops to double check, calibration for the meter is ultra easy, put in the 7.01 solution and use screwdriver on back to adjust to can even use the 7.0 solution, i have a ph53 meter that broke in a week so sometimes more expensive isnt always the best


Well-Known Member
It sucks. I had it for less than 5 days, and already it broke, and I cant calibrate it. Also, you cant find calibration instructions anywhere online.
the Milwaukee ph600 comes with a factory warranty of 2 years if it breaks they will give you a new one.. when you first get it before you use it you have to calibrate it, if you dont use it for awhile you have to calibrate it, if you dont know how to calibrate it, read above, or buy a liquid test kit for 7 bux, and anybody who says i get confused when i look at the colors thats the dumbest thing i ever heard... i understand if u don't wanna use it cause you'll be off by .2 but if you cant color coordinate you shouldn't grow hydro....
or just spend the money and get a good tester $80-$100 bux auto therm adjustment 3 point calibration .o1 res etc....


Well-Known Member
I went with a Hanna 9186 or something like that and have never looked back
really how long have you had it, ive always heard that the Hanna testers were low quality chinatown merch??
but hey if they work i might just have to get one...