First Time Set-Up - Advice Please! :)


Active Member
Hello Forum - thanks for all of the great info - I have been lurking for past few weeks ever since becoming a qualified Medical marijuana Patient here in AZ. I am allow to grow 12 plants, but bought a smaller set-up to get things underway and "learn the ropes".

I would love the forum's feedback on my set-up and what i might be able to do more efficiently.

My goal was to get this project off the ground for $500. This is what i was able to do:

1. Grow Lab 60 - Grow Tent 2x2x5
2. 1 - 150W HSP on Yo-Yo's
3. 2 - 24" Flouros Zip Tied to corners in the Tent
4. 1 - 4" in-line exhuast fan - venting outside both the tent and room
5. Soil - Fox Farms - Ocean Something??
6. 4 - 3.5 Gallon Pots
7. 1 - 4" Fan zip tied to the top of the tent for air circulation
8.DSCF3085.jpg 1 - 9" Fan postioned outside the tent next to an intake vent, blowing fresh air in
9. Digital Thermo/Humidity Reader
10. 4 Clones - 3 BullriDSCF3082.jpgder and 1 Jack Herer


HPS is positioned about 10" off of the plants
Temperature is averaging about 84
There are some tiny Gnats in theDSCF3084.jpg tent - not a ton, but some for sure (last night i placed a bowl of Apple Cidar Vinigar and captured a few

Here are some pics from my clones thDSCF3083.jpgat were planted on 6/4.

Please provide me any feedback or ways that i can get more production out of my initial grow operation.

Ideally smaller pots would be in order. 3.5 gallons are pretty large to begin, so maybe for your next round start off in a smaller pot, then go bigger.

Everything else seems fine. I personally believe 4 plants is too many under a 150w to get max growth, but it will suffice. Maybe eventually upgrade to a 400 or even a 600 ;)

I also noticed you didn't mention a filter. Once you get in to flowering, your plants will smell. That will be an issue you should address sooner than later if you haven't done so. Go with something around 150cfm give or take for your space. It would hook right into your 4 inch exhaust fan. Temps at 84 aren't the most desirable, but not too bad either.

Overall you are on the right track and everything is looking sound for the most part. You will start to notice little things and adjust as necessary, so you will be your biggest teacher, but if you need anything else or have any more questions, I'd be happy to help. Congrats on your grow and best of luck my friend.


Active Member
thanks Lonley - i appreciate it!

I am thinking about buying a Sun System 400W for $90 off of Craigs List, b/c i agree with you that the 150W is a little light (pun intended).

Smell is not that much of an issue as I am allowed by law to grow 12 plants so if my Mormon neighbors smell them and don't like it - too fucking bad for them.

One of my other issues is Humidity - in AZ i am having a hard time getting it over 20% - so I have been misting them down about 4x's per day.

Would placing some 100W CFLs in there help with the relative low light?

Thanks again!
No problem at all.

I would go 400w eventually, then once you get that light you can set up your 150w for vegging and have a perpetual grow :) But, to answer your question, any additional light couldn't hurt at all. The CFL's may be 100w, but they do not produce an extraordinary amount of lumens. Again, it couldn't hurt if you feel like spending the money.

Smell may not be an issue of getting caught or someone not liking it, but your whole house will smell STRONGLY of pot as will everything inside of your (If you have a wife or kids, or a job, you may consider it lol)

If you need some additional humidity set a bucket of water inside your grow tent and just keep it filled up. During the vegetative growth humidity is not a huge worry (at least I don't worry about it), but more important during flower. Be careful when you mist your plants, because you don't want to leave too much water of the leaves. These water bubbles act like magnifying glasses and can burn your plant. Shake them by the stem after a good misting ;)

Also, add an oscillating fan inside to blow across the canopy of your plants. This will add some additional circulation as well as strengthen your plants stems. Stems are important because they are your plants delivery system so you want them big and strong. :)


Active Member
No problem at all.

I would go 400w eventually, then once you get that light you can set up your 150w for vegging and have a perpetual grow :) But, to answer your question, any additional light couldn't hurt at all. The CFL's may be 100w, but they do not produce an extraordinary amount of lumens. Again, it couldn't hurt if you feel like spending the money.

Smell may not be an issue of getting caught or someone not liking it, but your whole house will smell STRONGLY of pot as will everything inside of your (If you have a wife or kids, or a job, you may consider it lol)

If you need some additional humidity set a bucket of water inside your grow tent and just keep it filled up. During the vegetative growth humidity is not a huge worry (at least I don't worry about it), but more important during flower. Be careful when you mist your plants,meant because you don't want to leave too much water of the leaves. These water bubbles act like magnifying glasses and can burn your plant. Shake them by the stem after a good misting ;)

Also, add an oscillating fan inside to blow across the canopy of your plants. This will add some additional circulation as well as strengthen your plants stems. Stems are important because they are your plants delivery system so you want them big and strong. :)
I think Lonelysmoker meant to say that humidity is a good thing during veg...hang a wet towel in the tent or place the buckets of water want low humidity during flower to prevent fungus/mold/mildew.

Good Luck
Yeah my train of thought doesn't match my words too well does

Thanks for clarifying. I just meant it was important in flower to not have it screw up. Anyways. Take care and best of luck!


Active Member
Just an update - my plants are going real nice, will post pics soon. I upgraded to a 400W HPS and added a few CFLs. I am thinking about flowering in a week, maybe two. I dont want them too tall and would guess in the next two weeks they will be 18-24" tall. Thanks for all of the help.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Just an update - my plants are going real nice, will post pics soon. I upgraded to a 400W HPS and added a few CFLs. I am thinking about flowering in a week, maybe two. I dont want them too tall and would guess in the next two weeks they will be 18-24" tall. Thanks for all of the help.
So far so good man. Can't wait to see what that 400w looks like in that little tent :) If you ever want to trade patient to patient let me know. I currently have Pot of Gold going now but have a grip of other seeds.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Cool little CFL set up in there. My last grow went pretty well with only using CFLs. Depending on how big you want them to get is really when you should start flowering. People say that your plants will double or triple in size during flowering. In my case, my plant grew 6x bigger then it was in VEG. Just something to keep in mind when wanting to switch over from 18/6 to 12/12


Active Member
they seem to LOVE the 400W bulb! i just had a contractor build me a 5X10 room that i am going to use for flowering - put a nice AC in there and did it right! Time shall tell my friends. So much better for me and my back than Vicodin, becoming legal was the right move.


Active Member
Hey Bird, just an FYI there is a 400W HPS in the tent as well. I have two 24" T5's and that lamp with CFLS for Veg.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Sounds efficient to me man. Just make sure that you have proper ventilation. What are your current temps like with that HPS + other lights in that little room? And if I am correct, you are just using 1? 4" vortex?


Active Member
Hey Bird. I have two small fans functioning as active intakes outside the bottom of the tent blowing in. I also have one oscilating fan on the top of the tent and finally my 4" exhaust fan connected directly to my light (with glass).

My temps average ~81 degrees.


Active Member
Alright here is an update. Mature plants have been moved out of the tent into The Sanctuary of Grand Buddage (5x10, 600W HPS, 6" Active Air Exhaust, Phresh Filter, 6,500 BTU wall mounted AC, One Bad Ass $12 Walmart Box Fan).

I moved them in there last evening - they seem to like it. Although the temps outside were 110+, insided remained a cozy 79, although humidity was still way down <25%.

My plan it so put them into Flower later this week. Opinions are welcome.

Secondly, i have 3 smaller plants that are in the old tent now that are about 4 weeks old - should i flower them this week as well or let them veg in the tent for another month and move them into the The Sanctuary of Grand Buddage? I guess it boils down to - does it hurt to have plants at different stages of flowering in the same room?

Here are some photos!


Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Alright here is an update. Mature plants have been moved out of the tent into The Sanctuary of Grand Buddage (5x10, 600W HPS, 6" Active Air Exhaust, Phresh Filter, 6,500 BTU wall mounted AC, One Bad Ass $12 Walmart Box Fan).

I moved them in there last evening - they seem to like it. Although the temps outside were 110+, insided remained a cozy 79, although humidity was still way down <25%.

My plan it so put them into Flower later this week. Opinions are welcome.

Secondly, i have 3 smaller plants that are in the old tent now that are about 4 weeks old - should i flower them this week as well or let them veg in the tent for another month and move them into the The Sanctuary of Grand Buddage? I guess it boils down to - does it hurt to have plants at different stages of flowering in the same room?

Here are some photos!

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Great looking stuff so far man. Wish I had more money to blow to make my room look as nice as yours ha ha. As far as your younger plants go, it wouldn't effect any of the plants in flower already. Basically if you want some type of perpetual you are are the right page. Flowering your plants just really depends on how big you want them to get. Just remember that the plants will triple in size during flower. +rep I love your set up man


Well-Known Member
Yea.. i'd wait till like 7-7.. or a little later.. some people have told me they double in size every week or atleast grow a substantial amount, if you have the room to grow them big you mineaswell do it you know?