How many leaves.....


Active Member
Are seedlings supposed to have???? I have 5 seedlings that are all two to three days old and one of them has three, instead of two, fan leaves starting and three of the little round leaves. WTF?!?! Is this ok, crap luck, or some sort of amazing wonderful mutation that could produce a higher yeild? I'll get a pic up here as soon as my girl gets back with the camera and I figure out how to put one up here.


Well-Known Member
How many lines are in a fingerprint?
What direction do they go?

Just let it grow...

Your plants are only 2-3 days old and you're already expecting a yield? you got a whiles to go man


Active Member
Lol. My first grow and I'm just wondering if this happens alot or if it's happened to anyone else. It's really cool looking and healthy. I'm not complainin, just curious.


They get more leaves as they get bigger and healthier, up to nine i believe. Mine had 5, 7 or 9 in the second month, first time though just read it really lol


Well-Known Member
3 leafs is uncommon. it's a mutation, but a good one. having more leafs can't be bad right?
ehh some say the leaves with less fingers are the ones that will grow closest to the buds o_O
but then again some people say jesus is from another planet and we're all going to die next year around christmas.


Well-Known Member
ehh some say the leaves with less fingers are the ones that will grow closest to the buds o_O
but then again some people say jesus is from another planet and we're all going to die next year around christmas.
I think the people who say that less fingers means you'll have more compact bud is because indica's tend to have less fingers than sativa's. there are some indica's that will produce 13 leaf fingers, but generally they produce 7-9 fingers on the leafs. Sativa's tend to have more airy buds than indica.

I don't think he was talking about the leafs having 3 fingers on them. I think he was saying that one of this plants has 3 leafs instead of your run of the mill 2 leafs. I know there is a name for the mutation but I can't remember it at the moment. Just do a quick google search, you'll it happens to lots of people (less than having regular 2 leaf sets) and the plants turn out fine. Sometimes after about 4-6 nodes the plant only produces 2 leafs instead of the 3 it had been producing.