Using urine as a free and effective fertilizer.


Active Member
hahaha people are so funny, you'd swear theres some BigNamebrand nutrient company reps here or something....just getting so dam bent out of shape over somebodies little ditty.
look i know people who have grown not just weed but all types of vegies and fruits and flowers and they have used nothing but homemade compost and urine teas, worm castings, seaweed, composted manure, molasses and other organic supplements, like composted fish offal etc.
they have had great results and obviously the OP has had good results as well otherwise he/she wouldnt be posting it!
lol just take a look at DENOFEARTH there, i think pictures speak louder than words.
i think you'd have a pretty hard time getting Dysentry, cholera,or E coli from putting a small amount of urine in your compost tea! lmfao


Active Member
To each there own.
Something to think about you take vitamins? Medications? It is documented that we pass a very large percentage of vitamins etc without absorbing them in our system. So you are also applying them to your plants. And it smells and builds up salts.... not for me thank you very much.


Active Member
To each there own.
Something to think about you take vitamins? Medications? It is documented that we pass a very large percentage of vitamins etc without absorbing them in our system. So you are also applying them to your plants. And it smells and builds up salts.... not for me thank you very much.
lol, well most of us take our vitamins responsibly and don't overdo it, and as far as medications go.... i can't see any kind of antibiotic, analgesic(painkiller), or other prescribed med.s being passed thru the urine to your soil....besides its such a tiny percentage, the thing with growing organically is that those little microbes are kind of purging the soil all the time, theres no need to worry too much about PH or salt build up because you're using NATURAL amendments and ferts. the microbes "eat" and "pass along" the nutrients to the roots, at the same time breaking them down to a simpler form that the roots can use......and at the same time they are expelling the used up, organic matter that has no nutrient value, which then gets washed down and percelates into the earth....(or out the bottom of your pot)
and of course it smells man thats what organics is all about!
..... lol

ya kinda unrelated but i heard they found a shit load of those "centrum" multi vitamins floating around in the sewer system somewhere> could be a rumour i guess,,,,, apparently completely un-digested by ppl.
just too much for the body to absorb i guess??
makes u wonder!


Well-Known Member
I am sure there is more science to this than we think. Dont just mix 10:1 5:1, if your piss is watered down there is less stuff in it, namely urea. You have to dilute based on your pee yellowness, sorry theres no guide for this yet.

Also what you eat strongly influences what your piss is gonna be like. I dunno about beer piss, the alcohol might make toxic components? I dunno but I would say eat healthy and you will have great fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
look i know people who have grown not just weed but all types of vegies and fruits and flowers and they have used nothing but homemade compost and urine teas, worm castings, seaweed, composted manure, molasses and other organic supplements, like composted fish offal etc.

you need to understand that the only reason companies like advanced nutrients, botanicare, and all these other nute companies exist is because of weed growers, and weed is grown indoors, and thus you need practical nutrients to grow indoors. In an indoor environment, all of that organic stuff is usually not all that practical, plus, all those fancy brand name nutrients that you pay out of your ass for actually work, work well at that esp. if used correctly. (and bud is worth a lot of money, hence why people actually pay these kinds of prices for this.)

However organic works great too if everything is dialed in, and just using moms/grannies old fashioned garden techniques work to grow great plants too, but it is just not practical indoors.

If MJ were legal and thus outdoors in people gardens, all these fancy chemical nutes wouldn't even exist.


Well-Known Member
I figured I would post this, reading how the common reply to the subject has been "gross", etc.

My grandmother used to do this, which great results...

Dilute FRESH urine with water, with a ratio of about 10:1 to start out. Feed as if any other fertilizer, gradually increasing the urine to water. I wouldn't exceed 5:1, but it's all based on what your plants like and can handle so there isn't an exact science.

Urine is a rich source of Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphate. Before the flushing toilet, it was VERY common to use human waste as fertilizer. A lot of countries are returning the practice, some using special toilets which divide solid and liquid waste.

Do not store your urine, make sure you use it ASAP. also, you can add a little hydrogen peroxide (2 table spoons per gallon give or take if using 35%, or about 1/2 cup if using 3%). This will aid in the roots getting much needed oxygen, as well as helping kill any harmful bacteria.

Flush for 2 weeks prior to harvest as if using any fertilizer. A lot of store bought ferts contain Urea, so this isn't something i've just made up.

hey this isnt a bad idea if your prepared, remember the plants cant use urea based nitrogen until its broken down for it, so make sure you use like great white or some other mychorizae/ beneficial bacteria. i use miracle grow+ fox farms grow big+fox farms plant food+ great white, in a highly dillute sollution for my waterings, which are every third to fourth day in about 3 gallons of fox farm sea soil. but I specifically use the miracle grow because it has the urea based nitrogen, which will keep a healthy population of beneficial microorganisms, since I bought the hydro three part fox farm nutes, and hydro nutes usually dont have urea since most hydro nutes are immediately available to the plants.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow kills Beneficial bacteria and Myc Prefontaine. so does most hydro nutes...... i think your hypotheses is Majorly flawed... seeing as to HAVE beneficial bacteria and Myc growing you cant be using hydro nutes (except organic) or MG..... oh, and beneficial bacteria and Myc are 2 diff things BTW, ones a fungus...


Active Member
you need to understand that the only reason companies like advanced nutrients, botanicare, and all these other nute companies exist is because of weed growers, and weed is grown indoors, and thus you need practical nutrients to grow indoors. In an indoor environment, all of that organic stuff is usually not all that practical, plus, all those fancy brand name nutrients that you pay out of your ass for actually work, work well at that esp. if used correctly. (and bud is worth a lot of money, hence why people actually pay these kinds of prices for this.)

However organic works great too if everything is dialed in, and just using moms/grannies old fashioned garden techniques work to grow great plants too, but it is just not practical indoors.

If MJ were legal and thus outdoors in people gardens, all these fancy chemical nutes wouldn't even exist.

hey fair ball, however i did read an article about a fully organic soil recycling indoor grow. it was quite an awesome setup.
+REP to you - good point sir.


Active Member
Miracle Grow kills Beneficial bacteria and Myc Prefontaine. so does most hydro nutes...... i think your hypotheses is Majorly flawed... seeing as to HAVE beneficial bacteria and Myc growing you cant be using hydro nutes (except organic) or MG..... oh, and beneficial bacteria and Myc are 2 diff things BTW, ones a fungus...
listen to corbat,


Active Member
Urine is fine, it's a great source of Urea and ammonia based N. You need soil micro-life to mineralize it to make it available to plants, ie: eat it and poop it, or eat it and be eaten and pooped. Soil microlife everywhere constantly depletes N. If you are growing organic, you are probably already aware of toxic chemicals all around us and probably avoiding them, your pee is probably cleaner than 90% of your neighbors, and their livestock. The only reason we can't use our excrement, or any other omnivorous/carnivorous animal as composted fertilizer are the higher risks of contamination and infection.

If you want to pee on your shrubs, just don't pee at the same spot all the time. You WILL exceed the salinity threshold just as if you were pouring concentrate of your favorite nutrient on the ground. If you take a step right or left every time though, the soil food web will process your urine, extract and mineralize the nutrients and make them available for your plants. If you want to be a little more "hands on" you can always make dilutions or teas and apply as a fertilizer.

Supplying Nitrogen is what organic gardening is all about. But for the perticular plants we're talking about, I'd rather grab a baggie of pellitized chicken manure and take a hike and pee on the surrounding shrubs instead. ;)

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
To each their own but for me, I would rather invest a very small amount of money and purchase a fertilzer with a known analysis. If I have taken the time to buy top notch genetics and then go to the trouble (and risk) of putting out a crop and carefully tending it through out the season, it seem reasonable to assume that I wouldn't want to take chances on a unknown analysis. Fertilizers are not expensive, unless you are determined to pay the inflated markup that hydro shops demand for their "organic" solutions, complete with neato-trippy-packaging that I'm fairly certain your plants can't discern from a generic package of 5-10-5 available at a garden center for 6 bucks. At any rate, those packages have a label that should contain a guaranteed analysis that tells you exactly what your plants will get if you follow the directions to the letter, a bottle of piss?? uuuummmm. Not so much.


Well-Known Member
Just take a shot of grow big, big bloom, and nitrozime every night before you go to bed. Then pee on them in the morning, should be great.