Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro, my b-day in Nov. so I hope i have some too! Moving my friend killed me today I'm so tired and lights don't come on for another hour and a half. Going to go munch and maybe nap.

TD looks good, can't wait to see her in 3 weeks.
even though your pheno looks different than mine, did your's grow fairly fast when you made the light switch?

Hahaha do the metal stakes from DT fit the hat well? Or was there some improvisation required?

The tree I have right now is all natural, with only 3 lower branches removed.
After this I plan on doing the canopy thing.
I don't know if I'll use a formal cage or the hat, but I definately would rather have 20 small-medium sized colas over one fatty.

My gal is about two weeks flowering now, so excited.
I used wire zip ties to hold the stakes on. bread ties or even just wire could be used to hold it on, I just happen to have an abundance of zip ties. there is no other hobby that is better than growing, except for smoking the results!!! good luck with your flowering!!!

Niiice Stoney, what are you using to extend the height of the dollar tree hat?
I've used all kinds of things.... lately I have been using chopsticks taped together!!! hahaha the cheap ass that I am!

thats some cool lookin shit there bro!!!!
yea man, Grumpy old dreamer did a great job with it... She is an LSD from barney's. I really want to try that strain out!!!!! i was close to ordering it when i bought the tang dream


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He and his plants are loving that thing!!! his area looks a little bigger than yours but you could get rid of all your other lights in there and only draw 137W (I think that's the number... not 100% on that though) which is more PAR light than a 250W HID
Borrowed my buddies clamp style volt meter and it is 133-135W jumping back and forth... And yes his space looks like the half of mine?? I would think it Would work way better w/ that kinda space!!!

By the way Damn Stoneyluv!! That TD has taken the F*ck off!! Wonder if it's the pheno type or the strain or hell it is prolly just you and your green ass thumb!!??(size of it for 37 days)


Well-Known Member
Borrowed my buddies clamp style volt meter and it is 133-135W jumping back and forth... And yes his space looks like the half of mine?? I would think it Would work way better w/ that kinda space!!!

By the way Damn Stoneyluv!! That TD has taken the F*ck off!! Wonder if it's the pheno type or the strain or hell it is prolly just you and your green ass thumb!!??(size of it for 37 days)
Thanks Smokey!! yea, she grew faster than any plant i ever grew!! and some other good news... two of the three clippings I took last Saturday have roots today!!! that is 3 out of 4 that have sprouted roots in eight days!!!! and the eighth day ain't over yet.... could be 4 of 4 later tonight!!! the one i put in dirt is growing just as well as her twin!!


Well-Known Member
I Saw this post today and I had to share it with all of you.... I feel this is very important to do!!!!!!! cheap, easy, and only 4 hours!!!

A guide to calibrating a digital hygrometer using the salt test method

It’s always a good idea to check the accuracy of your hygrometer. You can use the Salt Test method on both digital and analog hygrometers. Most hygrometers today can either be adjusted or calibrated to an accurate reading. The salt test method won’t fail you, and it’s very easy to do.


- Small sandwich ziplock baggy
- Bottle cap from 2 liter soda bottle (works best)
- Table salt
- Hygrometer (whichever one you want to test, digital or analog)

Now that you have all of your materials handy, follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to effectively checking the accuracy of your hygrometer.


Fill bottle cap with standard table salt; fill about 3/4 of the way up.


Add tap water to the bottle cap to saturate the salt. If you see water floating on top of the salt, you’ve added too much water. Easy fix for this is to grab a paper towel, and soak up all of the excess water. You want more of a slurry consistency of water and salt. Again, if you see water actually floating on top of the salt, soak up the excess with a paper towel.


Place both hygrometer and bottle cap (with salt/water mixture) inside of a small ziplock baggy, as pictured above. Wait 4 hours and come back for a reading check.


If your hygrometer is perfectly accurate, it will read 75%. Most hygrometers will be +/- 3 %. If your hygrometer is digital and has a calibration button, follow the directions that it came with to calibrate to 75%. Digital hygrometers have a calibration button you push, while analog hygrometers have a screw which allows you to adjust the needle accordingly.

If your hygrometer is not adjustable, you’ll just have to make a note and remember how far off it is.

That’s all there is to it!

You’ve just calibrated/tested your hygrometer using the famous Salt Test Method.


Active Member
WOW Stoney the cloning expert!! Wonder if it would take 16 days to root a harvest clone if left in the cloning gel for 20 minutes also???


Well-Known Member
WOW Stoney the cloning expert!! Wonder if it would take 16 days to root a harvest clone if left in the cloning gel for 20 minutes also???
I wish I could take all the credit bro... but i can't. It is just the particular DNA that is rooting so quick. these last three didn't soak in the rooting gel at all. I thought of doing that experiment after i put these clipping in. I was gonna do the side by side cloning next. but I guess it had nothing to do with soaking it that time... this tang dream just roots really fast!!! I am still gonna do that cloning experiment on another strain though. I'll probably start it in a couple days!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice bro. My TD clone rooted :)

I'm going to take some more tonight, can't wait to get some in the flower room.
That is awesome news!!! I read about it on your thread a few minutes ago!!! I have been out and about for a few days and didn't get much RIU time.... I now have withdrawl!!! I'm gonna smoke one and go check out my girls.


Well-Known Member
i have withdrawal too, stoney. i need me a stoney bud porn fix, and pronto! lol. man, wish you could've joined us at the medcancup last weekend, fun times, high times.


Active Member
i have withdrawal too, stoney. i need me a stoney bud porn fix, and pronto! lol. man, wish you could've joined us at the medcancup last weekend, fun times, high times.

That sounds awesome. Smoke some good medicine?

Yeah I going to smoke a few before I can check on the girls lights on in hour and half.

Hope all is well stoney, did ya kill all the bugs?


Well-Known Member
i have withdrawal too, stoney. i need me a stoney bud porn fix, and pronto! lol. man, wish you could've joined us at the medcancup last weekend, fun times, high times.
I sure wish i lived out there to party it up with you guys!!! did ya sample anything better than the chocolate thai?

and ya know I went to check on my girls, watered them, gave them some love and ten i checked RIU and there was your request..... well who am I to refuse good ol bud porn!!!! these are various breads at various ages... and the last one is just to show how much i like my new light!!!

That sounds awesome. Smoke some good medicine?

Yeah I going to smoke a few before I can check on the girls lights on in hour and half.

Hope all is well stoney, did ya kill all the bugs?
hell yea man, I tore thos bugs a new one!!!! not a spec of one around!!!!!

time for some good ol bud porn!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Ask and I shall receive, I guess!!! Awesome shots stoney, some real gems there man. Gorgeous plants.

Oh, and I don't know about samples. I sampled a lot and subsequently forgot a lot, lol, but I don't think I've sampled a strain yet that smells better (fresh) than that chocolate Thai.


Well-Known Member
OMG....I think I just nutted in my pants a little √√√

That last picture......:lol:
Thanks man, That is one hell of a compliment!!! tonights chop down will have pics just as resin coated as these!!!

Ask and I shall receive, I guess!!! Awesome shots stoney, some real gems there man. Gorgeous plants.

Oh, and I don't know about samples. I sampled a lot and subsequently forgot a lot, lol, but I don't think I've sampled a strain yet that smells better (fresh) than that chocolate Thai.
Thanks Homer!!! so It looks like the thai is my next choice so far!!!

Oh my god, that light is doing wonders!!! Absolutely delicious looking buds man!!!
Thanks dude!! it has been working well so far. I have plans at the end of this summer to make new grow room and add two 400W CMH's I plan to at least double the size of the flowering area.

I second that. Very nice Stoney!
Thanks a lot bro!!! no finer compliment than a man losing some bodily fluids over your grow!!! hahahaha

subd and saved
welcome fartman!! pull up a chair and grab a beer and joint and have some fun!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude!! it has been working well so far. I have plans at the end of this summer to make new grow room and add two 400W CMH's I plan to at least double the size of the flowering area.
Wow.....the LED Master is thinking about switching to CMH!?!?!? is it the UVB?