Democrats Started the Ku Klux Klan


Well-Known Member

Hopefully I can place him. He's cute as all get out.

But my dog is not happy.

And the cats are beside themselves with "DO NOT WANT!"
fuck the pets. keep it.

i imagine texas' climate would allow you to leave the dog out for most of the year with a nice doghouse and perhaps a kiddie pool in which it can cool off.

the cats will come around. max might not come around, a little too late it sounds to teach him new tricks.

over here, one of the chickens went broody. stays up in the cage 23.95 hours per day. we got her a little cage and some duck eggs to lay on.

hopefully, she'll hatch some ducks, break her broody stage and go back to laying us some eggs.

and the wife is giddy with anticipation of little baby ducks.


Well-Known Member
fuck the pets. keep it.

i imagine texas' climate would allow you to leave the dog out for most of the year with a nice doghouse and perhaps a kiddie pool in which it can cool off.

the cats will come around. max might not come around, a little too late it sounds to teach him new tricks.

over here, one of the chickens went broody. stays up in the cage 23.95 hours per day. we got her a little cage and some duck eggs to lay on.

hopefully, she'll hatch some ducks, break her broody stage and go back to laying us some eggs.

and the wife is giddy with anticipation of little baby ducks.
Ain't gonna happen.

I will find him a home or he's gone.

That's it.

I cannot take on the responsibility, and I refuse to do it.

I did not cause this problem, some rednecky brother/uncle/grandpa/dad did.

And I will not bear the responsibility any more than I currently am doing.


Well-Known Member
Ain't gonna happen.

I will find him a home or he's gone.

That's it.

I cannot take on the responsibility, and I refuse to do it.

I did not cause this problem, some rednecky brother/uncle/grandpa did.

And I will not bear the responsibility any more than I currently am doing.
at least bring her to a shelter, a stay of execution if you may.

a million problems, but a bitch ain't one of them. but here it is.


edit: it's a him? damn. scratch that second line.


Well-Known Member
at least bring her to a shelter, a stay of execution if you may.

a million problems, but a bitch ain't one of them. but here it is.


edit: it's a him? damn. scratch that second line.
I am against all killing.

I am a vegetarian, after all.

The shelter has always been the only option, but we all know where that will probably lead.

I know a girl who has a duck hunting boyfriend who may be interested.

Please join me in hoping she performs an extra-special stupendous blow job tonight.


Well-Known Member
I am against all killing.

I am a vegetarian, after all.

The shelter has always been the only option, but we all know where that will probably lead.

I know a girl who has a duck hunting boyfriend who may be interested.

Please join me in hoping she performs an extra-special stupendous blow job tonight.
oh, he is going to the pound.

i had something else in mind entirely.

and you're a vegetarian? better not tell jeff f. that'll make you a liberal hippie cocksucker in his eyes.

but really, the vegetarian part surprises me.


Well-Known Member
oh, he is going to the pound.

i had something else in mind entirely.

and you're a vegetarian? better not tell jeff f. that'll make you a liberal hippie cocksucker in his eyes.

but really, the vegetarian part surprises me.
It shouldn't.

I hate killing.

I accept abortion as a matter of public policy, not personally.

The same thing goes for the death penalty.

JohnnyO is not your father's Conservative.

Fiscal, hell YES.

Social, FUCK no.

It amazes me how may people who refuse to accept that.

Screw 'em.


Well-Known Member
You think FDR had great ideals? That's kinda surprising tbh. I completely agree, just didn't think you'd say that.
I think the C.C.C. was one of the greatest ideas, although I see the philosophical problem with the concept.
I really think that the stimulus should have been used to bring back the CCC and programs like it on a big scale-would have been better use of the money, been good for everyones confidence in the nation and our morale and our future and I believe it would eventually lead to true prosprity and wealth creation and stop being a bail out program.
Put people to work building roads and trains and dams and farming and mining and planting trees -


Well-Known Member
I think the C.C.C. was one of the greatest ideas, although I see the philosophical problem with the concept.
I really think that the stimulus should have been used to bring back the CCC and programs like it on a big scale-would have been better use of the money, been good for everyones confidence in the nation and our morale and our future and I believe it would eventually lead to true prosprity and wealth creation and stop being a bail out program.
Put people to work building roads and trains and dams and farming and mining and planting trees -
The only stimulus which would have passed muster with me could have been two pronged:

1) Moon base by the end of decade, and/or
2) A Manhattan Project for alternative energy.

Instead, the stimulus was squandered.

Now all we have to show for it is debt.


Well-Known Member
The only stimulus which would have passed muster with me could have been two pronged:

1) Moon base by the end of decade, and/or
2) A Manhattan Project for alternative energy.

Instead, the stimulus was squandered.

Now all we have to show for it is debt.
We should be up their mining H3

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
It's not the same party. The democratic-republican does not in any way represent the modern democratic party. I know you just like to vomit random words up, but you're way outside reality.
At least I know the correct words to use.
Outside of YOUR reality? Thank you for the compliment.


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't.

I hate killing.

I accept abortion as a matter of public policy, not personally.

The same thing goes for the death penalty.

JohnnyO is not your father's Conservative.

Fiscal, hell YES.

Social, FUCK no.

It amazes me how may people who refuse to accept that.

Screw 'em.
i think this thread just goes to show how silly people like mr. neutron are, and how silly this thread is.

i mean, you're a conservative. according to mr. neutron, you are not allowed to hold the views you do.

and, i'm a liberal, so according to mr. neutron, i am a racist and i started the kkk.

this thread has been a thesis on the simpleton, rube ideas of senor neutron.


Well-Known Member
The only stimulus which would have passed muster with me could have been two pronged:

1) Moon base by the end of decade, and/or
2) A Manhattan Project for alternative energy.

Instead, the stimulus was squandered.

Now all we have to show for it is debt.
there was a lot of money put forth in the stimulus for alternative energy, just not on the scale you wish.

and i invested the thousands of dollars of tax breaks wisely enough that i was able to up and quit my job, my shitty shitty job that i went broke working.

not to mention the infrastructure improvements i have noticed locally and all around this country when i have been afforded the chance to go on the occasional road trip.

i wouldn't say squandered, but like most every bill, it was watered down enough to be barely palatable.


Well-Known Member
I opposed the stimulus.

My suggestions were contingent on the fact that politically there was no other option.

As was the case in 2009.

there was a lot of money put forth in the stimulus for alternative energy, just not on the scale you wish.
As a percentage of the $700 billion package, it came nowhere near close to what I would have done.

and i invested the thousands of dollars of tax breaks wisely enough that i was able to up and quit my job, my shitty shitty job that i went broke working.

not to mention the infrastructure improvements i have noticed locally and all around this country when i have been afforded the chance to go on the occasional road trip.

i wouldn't say squandered, but like most every bill, it was watered down enough to be barely palatable.
There was no focus to the spending, and no concrete goal. That bill was so porky, it sickened me.

And worst of all, it stimulated nothing. It failed to meet the administration's own benchmarks.

The stimulus failed.


Well-Known Member
Only true stimulus: tax breaks. Remember, in order for the government to give something, it must first take it away. Let's just cut the middle man already. Cut spending, and cut taxes.


Active Member
i'm going off topic here but my brother in law was a card carrying kkk member, his daughter from a previous marriage (before my sister) married a black man and has 3 children with him. it's funny to watch him with his grandkids, you would never know what was in his past as proud as he is of his grandbabies.
I've met a few Klan members. They weren't anything like what I'd expected. One actually said that he has black friends he'd rather have lunch with instead of some of his fellow Klan members. So, they're not all just ignorant, hateful, rednecks.


Active Member
Only true stimulus: tax breaks. Remember, in order for the government to give something, it must first take it away. Let's just cut the middle man already. Cut spending, and cut taxes.
I agree. Those who don't seem to think the govt. has some kind of right to spend as much of our money as they can.