Motivation....How Does It Work?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I need some new motivation to get into better shape and to stop procrastinating with everything. I find it something I have trouble creating out of thin air. I've tried finding someone to run or work out with...all my friends suck. So I need to be self motivated.

Anything you motivated people do to keep that going? Any secrets to getting your self motivation up?

Please trolls this has nothing to do with "being weak" or "just doing it". Don't waste your time.


Well-Known Member
I set rules and goals for myself when I was working out. One was not smoking until I completed at least an hour of exercise.

When and what you eat during the day can really influence the way you feel also so you might want to keep that in mind.


Active Member
positive influence,
motivation for me comes from positive thinking, the right frame of mind,
running working out alone sucks i know i have tried and the push isnt the same.
the right music can also help but has to be lively and upbeat.
hope you find the right frame of mind that gives the boost you need.


Well-Known Member
Use to have the same problem man, I was lazy and put off everything always said I would do it later, whats one more day. Eventually just came to the realization that my body wasnt gonna get itself in shape or do things on its own, you get out what you put in. A friend use to tell me the hardest part of going to run or to work out is walking out the door.. which I found true, once your actually at the gym or running or doing whatever its no big deal, just actually getting there was the problem. Sorry I dont have any special tricks just some simple advice but it helped me so maybe itll help you. Just gotta realize nothings gonna happen if you do nothing. nothing like getting baked after a hard workout tho haha


Active Member
you guys prolly indica lovers then

when i had a sativa that shet would make me want to work out hard to music


Well-Known Member
if its just motivation to get fit i wouldn't bother with the gym too much hard work, get yourself a push bike cycle instead of driving, you'll save some money on gas, get out in the garden pull some weeds cut the grass, go swimming a couple of times a week, get yourself into a routine, soon as you feel fitter motivation will follow


Well-Known Member
you might have a testoerone imbalance. i'm serious. i've been taking some optimale RX herbal supplement to readjust my testosterone and i'm feeling a lot more energetic lately. my wife hasn't been complaining either ;) :peace:


Active Member
Here are some quotes I've found helpful:

Your emotion is affected by your physiology. Even if you don't feel like going to the gym but you force yourself to go, your body will soon create the chemical signals required to do your workout. In other words if you "just do it," you will start to feel like doing it. And the internal motivation you crave will arrive in spades.

...4th Law of Wealth. Successful people will execute whether they feel like it or not. They will execute whether it's logical or rational or not. They will execute whether they are motivated to do so or not. They couldn't care less about how they feel. If they need to, they will force themselves to do what needs to be done. They have gained such personal control that mood, feelings, logic, or motivation are irrelevant to action. They simply adhere to a higher personal standard of operation than the average person, and act based on decision.

In fact, the world is more and more aligned in favor of those who find motivation inside, who would do what they do even if it wasn't their job. As jobs turn into projects, the leaders we need are those that relish the project, that jump at the chance to push themselves harder than any coach ever could


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member



get out and run! NOW!

take a lap around the block! go!


Well-Known Member
Well one thing that kind of works for me is to get a friend on Facebook that works out so much that it makes you sick. Someone that rides their bike 15 miles to their court date. Or someone that just runs 20 miles because it was REFRESHING. . .then i like to listen to some music that pumps me up. Some kind of song about an ex that gets her face kicked in because she always ran her mouth too much, the rocky theme, maybe some 80's montage songs, whatever floats your boat. And finally just concentrate on what you want to do. Don't try to work out everything at the same time, youll drive yourself nuts trying to get to every muscle and body part. Start with legs on mondays, arms tuesdays, chest and stomach wednesdays and so forth. Maybe put aside a "you day", a day where you do whatever you want, just for you. A day to look forward to in the week, because lets face it, youre not always going to be excited about working out. Those are things that help me


Well-Known Member
Having a pet is my motivation. that and my size 0/2 pants that i need to get into and the body that fit in the size 0/2. i fit in some of them but i duunno, need more tone... tmi sorry. yeess so close but so far.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Thanks friends. I guess I need to suck it up. I need to force myself to do it. No matter what. Ok I know a person that works out waaay to much. I'll see what she does. I actually have a few workout aholics. I played baseball, football, track, and used to be in dank shape. Not so much haha.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Over analyze what you eat and think long and hard about the actual consequences of eating eat, like how much it takes to work it off. And every time you eat think about what that food means for your goal.

As for working out, just do it. It really is that simple. You just have to keep telling yourself that nothing good will happen sitting on the couch. Get in a routine and it will get easier as time goes on.

And don't drink anything other than water. Sodas are EVIL.


Well-Known Member
Over analyze what you eat and think long and hard about the actual consequences of eating eat, like how much it takes to work it off. And every time you eat think about what that food means for your goal.

As for working out, just do it. It really is that simple. You just have to keep telling yourself that nothing good will happen sitting on the couch. Get in a routine and it will get easier as time goes on.

And don't drink anything other than water. Sodas are EVIL.
Yeah i'm having the exact problem you are kodank. I'm really wanting to get into a nice healthy and active routine, but its proven itself to be difficult so many times in the past that its kind of discouraging haha. This is mainly due to the fact that I don't have any friends that want to just go run, work out, and do shit like that with me so there is no support or motivation coming from that direction. So i totally get what you mean with the whole "pulling the motivation out of thin air" thing. I haven't been able to decide on how i wanna go about creating and committing to some kind of weekly workout/running routine, so if you come up with some ideas that you find effective do share haha.

I just started back up on this whole "health kick" if you will again 7 days ago, but it's been all mainly about what eat/drink so far. Which brings me to why i quoted this guy ^. It's been exactly a week since i've had any soda(well along with anything that has caffeine or a crazy amount of sugar). That combined with the fact I've been keeping a steady supply of good fruits/vegetables and have been eating that whenever i get baked and want to munch, and i gotta say I've already notice an insane difference in the sheer amount of energy and motivation i have to go out an do shit.

So i guess what i'm saying is. if you aren't doing it already, maybe you should try changing your eating habits slowly and kinda ease your way into getting healthier. Starting off this way has seemed to be less of a shock on my daily life/routine, making the whole "me trying to get into shape" thing seem like less of a chore.


Well-Known Member
You just have to start thinking it's fun. After that you can't wait for your next workout to see how you improved .


Well-Known Member
The same way you come home and tend to your plant. I some times day drea
about how they are doing. You will start day dreaming about working out. Like what type of lifts you want to do and such


Well-Known Member
It might sound strange but I get baked like a cake before I go on run. Seems like it's easier to control my breathing and pace. Also, when you run, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, I was told a long time ago this helps avoid side aches, my motherfucking worst enemy during runs. Also avoid drinking a lot of liquid before. But the motivation thing, that's the issue, so I'll tell you what works for me. Music is great to have with you when you run, I'd think it would be pretty boring without some headphones in. I keep mentioning running because if you're looking to drop some weight, cardio is key. You can ride a bike, swim, jump rope, tons of shit, just keep your heart rate up for an extended amount of time. Learning about muscles, how they work, how the circulatory system works, that also seems to motivate me. Take a picture of yourself now, and as you progress, as the weeks go by, look at them side by side and the noticable difference will be a huge motivator, trust me! Working out/running will also most likely improve your eating habits, if I eat something like a piece of cake or drink a few too many soft drinks the night before, I feel like shit on the run the next day, it makes me want to eat healthy foods and drink water, so I can run farther and have more energy the next day. Man I'm sorry about this wall of text! Just stoned, fuck proper format.. lol.. Having a goal to work towards is also pretty helpful. I started out at around 190lbs and started running every day or every other day, usually like 4 times a week, under an hour a day, run to this little park a few blocks away, do some pull ups, push ups, sit ups, that kind of shit, and run back, takes 30-35 minutes, did that 4 times a week and in 3 months I was down to 165lbs, solid muscle, a little bit underweight actually for my height! But dude, CRAZY difference in the way I feel throughout the day! I can't eat much unhealthy shit without feeling it an hour later, so it makes me WANT to avoid eating that stuff. You look better, feel better, feel more confident, your clothes fit better, lots of reasons to help motivate me if I sit down and think about it, also, fuck! you're HEALTHIER! lol that's probably the most important one! Your risk of shit like a heart attack or stroke or cancer, all that terrible stuff you might catch later in life goes down dramatically! N shit, I'm really pretty bored a lot of the time, not much of a social life, people tend to annoy the shit out of me so I go run..