I'm sub'd. You better not have given up on this thread yet, I just found it and read the whole damn thing. I'll talk your ear off too. I just moved out of the socal desert, I too know the trouble/expense (what a fucking expense!) of having to insulate and seal a room. Pain in my ass. I loved the winters when I could let the fresh air in all the damn time.
I picked up masterbubba recently too. Haven't flowered it out yet, just got the clones, but I got to smell the flowers at the dispensary, really strong bubba smell. I'm excited! I have a experimental 4x4 on the side right now that I'm trying my first scrog in with some Blue Dream my friend gave me. Lol, remember when Blue Dream was hot shit? Anyways, that is actually going pretty well for my first attempt, if you consider I let the plants get 4ft tall before I lolipopped and scrogged them... You'd fall out of your chair laughing if I posted pictures. You can see 2-3 months worth of growth picked clean, nothing to show for my efforts. Lol. But hopefully in the end they will at least pay for the electricity bill. I've been meaning to SCROG since I started to grow 3 years ago, but I just now got around to it.
Anyways, post up some pictures, and I'll gladly post up some of my own. Your thread is starting to get quite, we need some action!
Too bad I didn't get here sooner though, I could have told you that the master bubba won't stretch much at all, she has to much master in her. I've grown Bubba, and have a few friends that have grown Master, so I'm pretty familiar with both. I also just picked up a Master clone from a bitching sweet dispensary out in Santa Ana (SASC), 47 days to harvest with co2 enrichment. I'm stoked.
But seriously, let's see those pictures. I read through your whole thread, you owe me bud porn!