Do You Sit or Stand While Toking?


Well-Known Member
for me its 50 50 when by myself I sit and take bong rips, elsewise its standing passing a pipe in a circle so riu sit or stand?


Well-Known Member
i stand up, most of the time,if i sit down ill get super high so ill stand up. I dont know what it is from sittin down n smoking i just cant do.


Well-Known Member
Always sit. At home I blaze on the computer chair, couch, and/or toilet :weed: And always a bong. I stand all day at work, and take smoke breaks by sitting in my car and enjoying a nice fat bowl in my pipe throughout the day.:-P


Well-Known Member
My bong is 20" tall and always sitting on my table, so i have to stand up to be able to hit it. Although if i'm using a different(somebody else's) bong then i usually am sitting on my ass.

So i guess its a 50/50 mix for me.


Active Member
75% of the time im sitting on my deck or on my side porch that screened in (bugs are pretty bad here) and ill take rips from my bowls or bubbler or my personal favorite blunt lol, but if im with a group of people then im usually standing. bongs im almost always siting down for though
Depends who I'm smoking with.. If it is my girl I'll roll a blunt or we smoke a bong or pipes. If its my dudes I got a chill room only used for smoking, if we don't smoke in that room we either go outside for a walk. so im 5050 on this! I like to sit though over standing lol.


Well-Known Member
I have to toke up outdoors but for some reason find it great to stand up straight when I toke up. Not just straight, but I mean the whole thing like deep breathing (good for the toke :D), pelvic muscles, weight distribution etc.. Might say its crazy but I find it really gives an element of peace to my smoke and helps me keep straight and comfortable when I go sit down :) Kinda make it "stick" :)

But when things are intense I`m leaning on the wall or sitting cross legged outside :D


Well-Known Member
I have to toke up outdoors but for some reason find it great to stand up straight when I toke up. Not just straight, but I mean the whole thing like deep breathing (good for the toke :D), pelvic muscles, weight distribution etc.. Might say its crazy but I find it really gives an element of peace to my smoke and helps me keep straight and comfortable when I go sit down :) Kinda make it "stick" :)

But when things are intense I`m leaning on the wall or sitting cross legged outside :D
its nice to look at the stars when ya toke

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I prefer to vape when i am in front of a video game console, or watching movies/tv. i prefer to stand and smoke outdoors unless i am already high in which i sit.