Found a Baby Deer

Man I live in NZ and i have to say this is one of the nicest things i have seen done for a wild animal in my life. If you ever come here to NZ particularly the south island u can stay with me for nothing cause i think your a top bloke for what your doing and you have a massive heart.................I dedicate this blunt which I'm bout to lite up to 420God your the man.


Well-Known Member
have you tried giving her some alfalfa? i know cows love it. :)
The area around the barn I have fenced off for her is part of a cow pasture and has a mix of different kinds of vegetation for her to pick through.

She's just now starting to come out of the barn and eat on her own when I'm not around so hopefully she start putting on some more weight.

The sweet feed I picked up is a mix of crushed grains coated with molasses and has vitamins and minerals added so that should help a bit also.


Well-Known Member
Luckily it's a doe..... It would really suck putting all that energy and making friends with a pet, then later, having to deal with a rutting Buck. I have shot my pets before (RIP Otto) and that is no fun.

I have always wanted a pet Deer. Good Job 420god


Well-Known Member
Man I live in NZ and i have to say this is one of the nicest things i have seen done for a wild animal in my life. If you ever come here to NZ particularly the south island u can stay with me for nothing cause i think your a top bloke for what your doing and you have a massive heart.................I dedicate this blunt which I'm bout to lite up to 420God your the man.
Thank you and welcome to RIU!:bigjoint:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For People in the position & interested in maybe raising a baby Deer, the local Game Warden runs upon them from time to time, being ate up by ants & shit. He don't know what to do with the things. From what I understand, if He finds one, He may contact you, you raise it until it's grown enough to be let loose in a game reserve.
When I had Joey, I did learn that they do not like to be picked up or held.. it's unnatural for them. Other than that, all is really cool.


Well-Known Member
yeah someone said alfalfa grass thats a good idea thats one of the high protein grasses i mentioned a few pages ago... i would go get some seeds and plant all kinds of grass everywhere you can throw seeds for the little animal. also it might be a good idea to get a little salt block even though i dont know if deer will lick on them


Well-Known Member
I've been providing her with everything she needs. She's had a chunk of mineral block sitting next to her mixed sweet grain for a few weeks now and she's been doing really good grazing on her own more and more with every passing day. She's still doing great and is healthier and happier than ever. I'll try and get some picks up later.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You have to be careful when it comes to deer nutrition. Grasses are high in fiber and difficult for deer to digest. Exept for cereal grains such as wheat, oats, rye, and ryegrass.

In their natural habitat, deer normally choose the following for forage:

Browse: oak leaves and acorns, yaupon, greenbriar, hackberry, mulberry, sumac, hawthorns, poison oak, American beautyberry, wild cherry and plum, wild grape, honeysuckle, dogwood, elm, blackberry and dewberry, acacias, walnut, and chinaberry. The will utilize additional plants species depending upon the area you are located.

Forbs (weeds): Illinois bundle flower, euphorbias, bayflower, tickclovers, clover, verbena, wild lettuce, wild onions, old man’s beard, wildbean, snoutbean, lespedezas, spiderwort, vetches, lamb’s quarters, plantain, groundcherry, pigweed, carelessweed, and partridge pea.

Grasses: rescue grass, wintergrass, witchgrass, panic grasses, sedges, and rushes, as well as wild and cultivated rye, oats, and wheat.

I love deer. We also have herds of pronghorn and about 70 miles north of us there are huge herds of elk. Fuck city living. :)


Well-Known Member
lol, she's so cute. reminds me of my little dog. i would love to pet her and cuddle next to her.

This is my baby! she's got flash in her eyes and doesn't usually wear a sweater but you get the idea :)