

Well-Known Member
no more than 4 grams at first, second time you'll feel more off the same dose, when your body knows what it is looking for... takeing too much gives horrible motionsickness.


Well-Known Member
no more than 4 grams at first, second time you'll feel more off the same dose, when your body knows what it is looking for... takeing too much gives horrible motionsickness.
Cool so does someone taking 15x extract start off with .4 grams? How long do you wait for the second time, a day or two good?


Well-Known Member
If you are just trying it out, or can use it only when in pain or for the odd relaxation, or social stimulation session, I reccommend (for just about any drug) not to take it more than once every 5 days, this prevents tollerance, and habituation.


RIU Bulldog
Haddaway Is this the utra kratom your talking about? It's like $70/10g, but Idk if this site is reliable? anyone ever order kratom from here?


Well-Known Member
will do or i might get a clone of the plant then grow it :)
I bought three clones because I wanted to do the same thing. Later I found out that they need to grow to 20'-30' before it starts producing the active ingredient. I guess I am just growing my Kratom cuttings for the fun of it.:wall:

ETA - I am not an expert on the stuff, but it is my understanding that straining the tea is wasteful. I put 4 grams of superior red vein thai in a tea and drank everything. A second drink to chase the tea helped get all the power down easy. It gave me an opium high with no bad side effects. I am a fan of the stuff and for that reason I will only do it once a month or for special social occasions.


Active Member
Received my Kratom a few days ago and went with the Ultra Thai from Get Kratom. They through in 1.5oz of Maeng Da which was a nice bonus. I have to say that I didn't enjoy the Ultra Thai but really love this Maeng Da. The herb must be a few chain molecules off from opiates as the buzz is there just not as pronounced as say a Vicoden. I was completely amazed how good this stuff is for pain. I have nerve damage in my leg and get hot shooting stabbing pains frequently throughout the day. I found that the Ultra Thai and Maeng Da to be extremely therapeutic for pain. I think my next experiment will be with Bali and Indo. My hat goes off to Haddaway for making these eye opening threads..


Active Member
I'm extremely delighted to have helped a fellow brother :)
Do you think it is a waste to use copious amounts of Kratom in one or two consecutive sittings? I found that in oreder to achieve the desired effect was close to taking an ounce. All I know is I'm in the Zone and will smoke a bowl or two for the double whammy.


Well-Known Member
Weed + kratom is an absolute must every time, really deepens the experience. It is a waste to use such high amounts, if you use so frequently (especially in the same day) kratom tolerance builds fast. You need to layer it out more. You'll ruin your kratom experiences after awhile doing that (a couple months at most)


Active Member
Weed + kratom is an absolute must every time, really deepens the experience. It is a waste to use such high amounts, if you use so frequently (especially in the same day) kratom tolerance builds fast. You need to layer it out more. You'll ruin your kratom experiences after awhile doing that (a couple months at most)
Gotcha,, I can see the abuse potential and probably will only brew tea once on my day off. I think I may need to move up to enhanced versions though. I think I may have found a better source for Kpins if you are interested. Got the original Roche brand 2mg Klonopin from our friends across the pond.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I love me some Kratom... It is a pain in the ass to shovel down but when in pain it really really does help.

Havnt tried ultra thai kratom though, thanks for the info!


Active Member
How would the dosage for tea differ from simply ingesting the leaf? I typically dose 10 grams. Im going to donate some blood after class, then relax with some kratom and a few joints ;)


Active Member
Green Riau Kratom:Highly stimulating. I felt as if I had taken some adderol. Not likely to cause motion sickness.

Sumatra White Kratom: Stimulating, yet somewhat sedating/relaxing... not likely to cause motion sickness

Sumatra Red Kratom: Sedating, slightly stimulating at first, or at lower dosage. More likely to cause motion sickness

Borneo Red Kratom: Very sedating, more than sumatra red. Stimulation is not very noticeable. More likely to cause motion sickness. Might last a little longer than sumatra red.. (I was numb for a few hours after 8 hours of sleep!)


Active Member
Well, after binging with Kratom for a couple weeks on my vacation the verdict is in. I found myself deeply coveting this herb, it really is someting special. I like the edgy stimulating effects and know what to look for now. Smoking Cannabis while on Kratom just makes the blanket that much softer. I give this the proverbial 2 thumbs up or 2 platinum tea spoons.