Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?


Well-Known Member
I got my nails done last night in my best friends birth mom's garage. my friend went first and her nails were done around 2, started at 10. mine went from 2 to 4, and my friend christal had her done from 4 to 7. anyway, her mom has only been doing nails for a month and ended up cutting the shit out of my finger on four different fingers. however, the finished product is nice, just my hands hurt today. is all that worth bring able to get your nails done for 15 dollars, unlimited designs and etc? not really sure if i regret my choice, though they do look nice.


Well-Known Member
lol we kept asking her if she wanted to quit, and that we could wait for another day, but she didnt want to. but im complaining cause she cut me really bad, made me bleed


bud bootlegger
lol.. im not sure on this one urca.. if they hurt that much, i'd say it's not worth it no matter what you're paying to get it done... but on a side note, i'm sure she'll be getting better at it if she finds some more suckers, i mean customers to practice on, lol..


Well-Known Member
haha true. i showed my mom my hands and the first thing she said was holy shit she shredded your cuticles, go put alcohol on it. like you know the part where the bottom of your nail is? she filed my nail so hard that the skin got worn off and started bleeding. but like as far as techinically speaking, she did a good job and the thickness and constistancy of the acrylic, and the designs are nice. id post a picture but idk how


Well-Known Member
Better be glad she wasn't cutting your hair..
oh i dont trust anybody with my hair, unless its a good salon. ive had my hair mutilated. when i was 12 i got the worst hair cut ever, so ever since then i keep my hair at a legnth at anywhere between my shoulder blades and ass. its at my lower back now


Active Member
So i have a few opinions, Yes i would get them done in a garage the person doing them is doing it for practice so they can get better, No i wouldnt allow them to cut me! are the tools clean do they have someone elses blood on it? you can get infections or worse. soak in hydrogen peroxide and put neosporin on it. :)


Well-Known Member
oh definintely. im keeping it clean and hoping the redness and slight inflammation goes away


Well-Known Member
no way, I wouldn't. I am crazy scared of MRSA and fungal infections. i don't know why, i am just a hypochondriac. that sounsd like an infection waiting to happen. i hope she was steralizing the tools or using fresh tools on each person. you could seriously get an illness. sorry to be overdramatic, i don't get my nails done at all because i don't like people touching me unnecessarily. i do my own nails and they look great but they break a lot so usually i have no polish on.

oh also, i am pretty sure you can get a manicure for $15 here at a reputable salon.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really into fancy treatments but I appreciate the intricacy of nail art, especially Japanese Decora styles.

Though I've never had my nails proffessionally done, I know people pay 2-4 times the amount you did. However, she did butcher you, and as a woman she should know basic nailcare. My mother taught me to tidy my own cuticles and even my dad takes care of my little brother's nails.

I think you did good for the money, and she'll never improve if she has no one to practise on, right?


Well-Known Member
yeah.. normally i get mine done nice, but not as outrageous as this, in a shop for about 25-30 dollars, plus my five dollar tip. i love getting my nails done, just not sure if id go back to her


Well-Known Member
wow i wouldn't even if it was free.. its like getting a haircut from a friend whos trying a new career


Pickle Queen
Honestly u can get horrible fungal infections from bad nail jobs,I truly hope u have ur own tool kit and the garage was a clean place it u were injured. (poor fingers) It's sooo much cheaper to just grow ur own natural ones out, if they tend to chip alot try clipping them every day with a nail clipper until they grow out strong and even, nail files are a ladies best friend lol.
My nail kit supplies are endless, i even use modeling paint, (for the cars and shit lol) works fantastics and no chips, just a bitch to remove unless u use a basecoat of clear.
Anyways hope ur fingers are ok, just keep them clean a few days and u will be just fine.